NC sucks hard????

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Ximaster, Jul 5, 2015.

  1. Ximaster

    I cant talk much because i need to improve my skills yet,but last game a base was captured by Terran in question of minutes,all my teammates only die (in NC side) there are HAs too and they was killed by infiltrators. Seriously,and one NC guy last night while im playing in Vanu side said that NC its the worst faction because they win less alerts,and the explanation that obtained was that NC have lack of teamwork,so i starting to think that NC sucks. Im happy with my NC infiltrator but my NC teammates sucks,they dont cover,they dont heal,they dont kill. Really sucks.

    TR is the worst faction, you got nothing to worry about.
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  3. Iridar51

    Yes, unfortunately all unskilled players flock to NC for some reason, and only after learning the game they switch to TR, which basically consists only of MLG-ready BR100s right now. The situation is the same on every server, and gets worse every day.

    Nobody knows why this happens, or why developers aren't doing anything to stop this.

    NC is literally the worst faction to play, since every NC character has 50% less HP and shields, and all their weapons suck too.

    Yes, NC suck hard. Your only option right now is to switch to TR, where you'll instantly receive an all-unlocked BR100 character with 50% boost to FPS and reaction time. And more importantly you'll be playing along other skilled players like you.
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  4. Jubikus

    oh damn almost drowned in that pool of sarcasm.

    The NC are fine they are generally the home of the new player and this is probably where your experience stems form the music the NC has is generally liked a bit more than the other factions its advertised more and the lore behind it screams 'Murica so they get more new players however some key parts like their starting LMG isnt very friendly to new players and this can lead to another layer of under preforming on top of being new.

    Every faction has its downsides all you have to do is choose your poison.
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  5. Whatupwidat

    I'd say that standard pubbies are equal across all factions on all servers. Outfits are where the skill-biases (for lack of a better term) and that come from - and if an expert outfit is playing for say TR on your server, that's gonna attract people to want to join it.

    Way to defeat that phenomenon? Create a kickass NC outfit - or join an existing one and work up to command level.

    Creating a thread on PS2 forums isn't going to do anything but create an empire "who sucks more" dick measuring contest interspersed with "reasons NC sucks and it's true!" posts that reach 1000s of characters in length that no-one will ever ******* read.
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  6. ThreePi

    Yeah, despite apparently have the best tank, best MAX, best weapons, the NC consistently win the least alerts across all servers. Came in last during the World Domination Series across all servers. Have a lower K/D compared to the other factions across all servers. Naturally, It just makes sense that NC are more likely to be bad players.

    That was sarcasm by the way. The Vanguard has been the worst performing tank since release. The VS use AI MAXes about 50% more often than the NC (because NC MAXes are kind of useless at most bases), and of the big three starter weapons (Carbine, LMG, and Assault Rifle) the NC's perform the worst. Now, before people say "oh, well NC weapons are the best in the hands of GOOD players," well, for the Auraxium variants which would be used by veteran players, the VS still outperform with carbines and LMGs.
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  7. DorianOmega

    NC has always had an excess of bad players, faction wise they have an extremely useful arsenal that's offset with a high skill ceiling.

    The bigger problem really is that noobies seem to flock to the NC en masse (doesnt help the websites home screen and in game splash screen has been set to NC for as long as its been), all factions have their fare share of noobs but NC definitely have the most.
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  8. Ximaster

    Yep u have reason,NC have the best MAXes,shotguns and infiltrators,either tanks,dunno why all players join to TR or Vanu. Terrans are shet,Vanu can save,either Vanu beats TR all the time. So TR sucks versus Vanu too.
  9. AxiomInsanity87

    Human just told humans to F themselves...

    Supports terrorist faction because fweedumb.
  10. IberianHusky

    How many times are you gonna edit that post? First you fall for the sarcasm, then you get mad and go full internet tough guy, and now this... Bruh, just stop. No amount of damage control is going to make you look any better. You've already made a fool of yourself.
  11. Dgross

    I'm losing brain cells just reading this thread.
  12. Pointyguide2

    I joined NC because of that awesome blue and yellow color scheme also because those yellow patches helped us be safe .So we wouldn't get run over at night.
    the other two choices I had were aliens and tyrants
  13. SefuhFR

    On Cobalt , NC population is always more than 32% but we lose most of the alerts...
    Why ?
    Because :
    - TR don't attack vanus , they prefer fight against NC.
    - When we finally take A point from vanu territory , Vanus send a galaxy drop and recap it 10 seconds before we take the base.
    - Vanus have a lot of effective outfits compared to NC and our few outfit prefer to attack TR ( while VS still have 40% of the map ).

    This is what happen for 50% of alerts... I just have the feeling the best outfits are vanus and they have best strategies.

    *Sorry for my bad english*
  14. UberNoob1337101

    I do have to say that yes, NC has the most trigger-happy teammates and most new players, which really sucks because some guns like the Phoenix reap massive benefits from teamplay.

    My issue about NC is not that, though, it's the fact that the arsenal has some weapons that are fairly imbalanced
    (*cough cough* Ravens *cough* AF-4 Cyclone *cough cough* Mustang Air-Hammer *cough* having a better starter sniper rifle than other factions and having a 1000-cert LMG for free *cough cough*)

    Ignoring those things that are completely ignored by everyone in the forum/game, the faction is pretty OK. It feels much different than the other two and plays differently in comparison to those two. (Unlike VS 2.0 AKA Nanite Systems).

    The factional bias is strong within this one!
  15. customer548

    Cobalt NCs need zergs. Without any zerg, they'll just camp in their spawn room. "Outside is such a dangerous world, you know" :eek: . They don't even try to do anything...

    Whatever you'll do (giving them radar, rushing by yourself or trying to wake them up)...they'll just keep on running like mouses in their spawn room. (Especially during night or during the morning). When they'll go outside, you'll be sure that they'll be so freaked out that several of them will forget what blue color is...and you'll be TKed in the dumbest situations.

    Seriously, don't even hope for any support or any heal or amnos...Just play solo until the next NC zerg. Soloing can be fun. Or move to another faction, which would be sad.

    I always loved to play as a NC, but nowdays it is a real pain to play with those guys. (For most of them. Or you'll have to make friends with skilled players in order to have good teammates).
  16. \m/SLAYER\m/

    main problem with NC:

    each time you will try to do anything - you will be TK'ed.
    so yes, NC sucks hard. but who cares, play for yourself.
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  17. AlterEgo

    That was one of the most glorious documentaries I have ever witnessed. GG to you, good sir.
  18. customer548

    Omg, this is so accurate. Ahah :D:D:D
  19. AlterEgo

  20. Ximaster

    Who is the NC in that video???