Most satisfying kill?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by JohnGalt36, Jun 25, 2015.

  1. 0fly0

    I'm going to say that too, that's what i love playing cqc sniper every kill feel nice, i don't have hackusation since i'm br 100 for some reason, salty responses yes but in general it's more thing like "damn that shot was nice".
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  2. orangejedi829

    Well I don't want to brag, but I did manage to get a kill with the mag-scatter today.
    For real, I swear.
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  3. Nintyuk

    Most Satisfying Kills?
    Placing C4 on a Landed ESF and waiting for the pilot to get in and take off, Then getting his attention having him try for a easy kill on me and detonating the C4.
    Plus any time I tag a enemy (especially a MAX) with a sticky grenade and having them run back to a crowd of their allies.
    And Finally Killing someone who keep's on getting revived and trapping their corpse with a Bouncing Betty to gib the medic when they revive them.
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  4. asmodraxus

    Shooting a mossie down with a lightning
  5. Sovereign533

    My favorite kills were Daddy kills without him being able to get rezzed so it counts as a real kill.
    The guy was a beast, almost impossible to kill. If he was in the air he always knew how to pick his fights, when to get out. Dead accurate. If he was on the ground he was always a MAX and followed by a group of his followers with engineer repair guns and medics just to revive him. And he would redeploy if the battle wasn't going his way so you wouldn't get to kill him.

    So bloody difficult to kill. It's not strange he's the only guy in game (as far as I know) who has the 'Raid Boss' title. He's also the only guy who got a patch to fix him (if you suicide after your vehicle blows up the kill goes to the person who last damaged you).
  6. FieldMarshall

    Casually sniping someone at max range with a headshot, while they zig zag thinking there is no way they will get hit.

    Edit: I want to change my answer. Or atleast add more stuff.

    Its really satisfying to try and get TKd only to turn around and totally rek whoever tried it.
    Then sending them a tell explaining to them how much they failed before ignoring them before they can reply.

    Or killing someone who just gloated about how awesome they are.
  7. JonboyX

    Killing any player I know is better than me.
    There are quite a few I'd name as nemeses; getting one back is satisfying.
  8. Danath

    Shooting a bit in the direction of a HA with Jackhammer with the auraxium carbine, take cover.
    Switch fire mode to underbarrel shotgun. Wait for it. He's coming.
    OHK in the face.

    Place AV mines for the incoming armor zerg. Get a sunderer with 12 guys, including MAXes and high threaths. Dingdingdingdingding... In moments like these I'm IRL like :D

    Fight is in one of the bases next to a Tech Plant. Decide to pull tank from the TP. Find a enemy Magrider with driver and gunner out, placing mines. Shoot them a bit, they rush back to the tank. Shoot underbarrel grenade launcher, killed with their own mines.
  9. Eternaloptimist

    First time I got the Phoenix I lobbed a shot blind over a hill and hit a smoking Magrider in the butt - high tech scrap and two crew kills. Lobbed another one and.....same thing (I'd seen him running away while tracking after the first one). Other than that, it's the "I really didn't expect that to work" kills that always brighten up my day: super long range snipes, firing into a doorway to suppress fire wihtout actually seeing the enemy, two rounds into an enemy who must have been almost dead already, chucking a grenade blindly over an obstruction or better still, watching it land on the ground nowhere near anyone and then an enemy pops out of nowhere and runs over it as it goes off........that style of thing.
  10. BetaGamma

    1) Headshot with a Commissioner on a cloaked flashdriver who tried to run over me

    2) Back in the old days from the stones @ Crossroads, headshot on flashdriver who was on the bridge driving fullspeed from TI Alloys to the Crown
  11. y3ivan

    1. Pushing a vanguard of the cliff at indar stronghold with my stealth prowler
    2. Headon collision with a AP vanguard on to see it immediately blow up (vanguard turret glitch). Was on a blockade sunderer
    3. Shooting lighting/vanguard just to see its wreckage flew up and crush the allied tank next to it.
    4. shot a repair sundy, and let the wreckage on rolling rampage on the 2 vanguards behind it as well as the engis repairing.
    5. Play wrecking ball with the skywhale (galaxy). Best record was 6esf, 2 sundies, 8 vanguards, 4 skyguards, 2 libs only ended when enemy ram me with another skywhale
  12. Kcalehc

    LA80, suppressor, 650m headshot kill on an engie using an AV turret. (before some of the sniper rifle changes) Probably my best shot ever, he was so far away he didn't even show in my (8x) sights when I fired.

    Killed 5x BR100's in their Valkyrie, with a Phoenix at broken arch. Hit them once, and the pilot took them down on top of one of the cliffs, just out of sight. Pretty sure they were surprised when my second rocket came streaking round the corner and finished them off (they may have eaten a little flak too).
  13. Angrylad

    1. Shooting down a fleeing Reaver with a phalanx turret, then turning around and shooting down another Reaver trying to farm infantry.
    2. Casually waltzing up to a Vanguard, placing tank mines on the front, and then shooting it with my pistol.
  14. blackboemmel

    if you like satisfying kills and you don't get salty by watching other people doing them, you need to watch this:
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  15. Jad

    Sniper rifle head shot kill on a Heavy Assault.

    Who was riding in the rumble seat of a Valk…

    Watching the body fall aaalllllllllllllll the way to the ground was just icing on the cake.

    Rule 32: Enjoy the little things :D
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  16. Goldmonk

    Gunning down a Scythe with the MCG, ohhhhhhhhhhhhh I made a mess. It was like unleashing hellfire on a poor, helpless soul.
  17. AdelTheQadi

    Lol yeah, mounted turrents. AV engi turrets are *slightly* easier, but not nearly as satisfying because the damage done to the vehicle is significantly less than the mounted turrets
  18. Carl1879

    Probably either 1. Taking out a low flying mosquito by ramming it with my harasser and the aid of a nearby hill. or 2. Defending a tower as an infil (point A stairways) and running out of first SMG ammo then pistol and seeing a large group of enemies coming up so I hit them with an EMP grenade pulled my knife out and ran through them, some how I knifed 3 of them on the way through got through the group and escaped without taking any damage ran to the teleporter thing got back to the spawn room to restock and got shotgunned by a panicky friendly noob lol went from awesome to damn in about 3 seconds.