Most satisfying kill?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by JohnGalt36, Jun 25, 2015.

  1. Dethonlegs

    When tanking, owning a BR 100 and then taking out the liberator they pulled in an effort to kill you the easy way.
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  2. Ulas

    I just daltoned a full valkyrie. It's so satifying to see name tags pass by...

    Also when u 1 clip a guy when you are below %10 health. That's so satisfying. 1 clipping people in general is really satisfying :D

    Also when there is an enemy medic trying to revive a guy and you kill the guy 10times without killing the mesic :)
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  3. fives23

    Killing the same guy with the ripper knife over and over until he calls you "a freaking flying infiltrator"
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  4. Campagne

    This was way back before harassers got nerfed into the ground.

    The server was quiet, so me and my friend were racing around in the desert in harassers. After a while my harasser flipped after a jump and exploded, so me and my friend just stood around in the desert chatting with /sq. After a little while of chatting, I noticed something black moving off in the distance. Being infiltrator at the time, I looked through the scope on my Longshot to see what it was, and all I see through my scope is this lone TR engineer running parallel to us, for some reason also in the desert. I figured I might as well try, so I aimed high above him and far in front of him and fired. After what felt like an eternity of watching the bullet slowly arc down it finally tapped him on the side of his head and knocked him down. That was the hardest kill I have ever gotten with a rifle ever in PS2, and I still haven't superseded it.

    This was also way back before harassers got nerfed into the ground.

    Me and my friend (same guy as the first one) used to be a ferocious harasser team. For the record it was always his harasser, and we would switch positions often, though I was the driver most of the time. Them most satisfying kill we ever got (in my opinion) was a lightning.

    Most of the time we'd drive around attacking other vehicles with a Halberd, but this time we were just getting attacked non-stop by ESFs so my friend pulls a new harasser with a Walker on top instead. Naturally, as soon as we pull AA all of the air spontaneously decides to go somewhere else. So we're just driving around looking for some air to get revenge on when a Viper lightning comes out of nowhere and fires on us. We dart out of there while the lightning follows us. I stop and tell my friend (the gunner) that we should fight back, as the walker can damage heavy armour and I could dodge his shots, but he argues. After a few messages between us, he agrees to at least try so we immediately turn and engage the same lighting that has been following us for the past 30ish seconds. At first the lightning seems cocky and doesn't move or try to keep us in front, while I drive around it sporadically and perform my favourite maneuver: slam on the breaks and spin around 180 degrees and boost in the opposite direction, effectively dodging every shot the lightning tried to lead us with. After a rather long while the lightning tries to retreat, but we finish it off before it gets far.

    In hindsight, the Harasser was pretty OP.
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  5. Mythologicus

    Hoo boy.

    Off the top of my head, I had two in Harassers. The first wasn't anything to do with me and was entirely my gunner's doing, but eh. A Lightning started to drive over up over a small ridge. As the front end became exposed over the ridge, I shot it with the Halberd and my driver rammed it and flipped the Lightning over. :D

    The other occasion we were parked behind a rock, outside of the vehicle trying to repair it after we caught a few Prowler shells. I saw a Prowler approaching on the map from the other side of the rocks and figured it would try to drive over them to get to us, so I ran over to the base of them and started dropping mines. The Prowler arrived sooner than I expected and drove dramatic as f*ck over the rocks and slammed onto the ground right in front of me - on top of my unarmed mines - while shooting at my driver who was trying to preserve the Harasser while following my lead. I had to wait for the Prowler to drive forward slightly before I could shoot my own mines with the carbine, and even then I only got one which set it burning. I had to hope something else triggered the other one. Either by the Prowler's rocking back and forth or some other stroke of luck, the other mine detonated and the Prowler died. I ran after the burning Harasser that was rolling off driverless, repaired it up, got in and drove off into the sunset.

    Had one in a Liberator, armed with a Shredder and a Bulldog. Being chased by an enemy Lib and angling to fly away from the target while letting the gunners shoot. The Shredder abruptly stopped shooting and my gunner cried for ammunition. This left it down to the Bulldog gunner and me. I was fairly certain we were done for at this point since we had low health, altitude disadvantage, little in the way of firepower and I wasn't confident in my Tank Buster abilities. And that's about when the pole intervened. I was low enough that I struck a pole tail-first and spun 180* on the spot to face the incoming Liberator. We exchanged TB bursts where I landed mine before afterburning out of the way of his. We both turned around, with my Bulldog gunner continuously plinking away. I now had the altitude advantage, and I lined up a final TB from above on the smoking Liberator and finished the job. It was all thanks to based pole.
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  6. Ballto21

    I once was sniping at Broken arch. It was deep in TR territory fighting NC, and , of course, i had to be that one VS.

    I pissed off one guy so much he pulled a reaver and started hunting me. He got the attention of a mossie, and it took him down to almost no HP but the reaver still won. He started landing on my ridge, im sure he didnt know it was me there, and i killed him and his reaver with a beamer as he was touching down.

    And then i got counter sniped while i was laughing by a br 1 with a bolt driver
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  7. GuhMaster2512

    There was a heavy who caught me off guard during a reload and should have killed me but I turned around just in time to blast him twice in the face with my commissioner. Recursion then said "Rage Quit." It was quite satisfying.
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  8. Morti

    Managed to snipe a C4 fairy's C4 as he dropped it over a sundy.

    Resulting explosion killed him
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  9. Pelojian

    I don't know about satisfying? but amusing yes. once when i was tanking on my NC alt in a small battle something i did someone must have taken an exception to because this one guy kept on trying to stealth gall ram my AP vanguard over and over. his accuracy was terrible it took him 4 tries to kill me.

    When he made his 5th attempt after i pulled my second AP Vanguard I ate into his health before he hit like i did the last times he tried, popped my shield just before impact and the gal hit me at full speed, destroyed the gal, I killed the pilot on impact and i drove off with 1/2 health.

    He gave up after that.
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  10. Abraham with Cheese

    I have many, many stories, so I'll list a few, in as short/easy-to-read a format as possible. I could probably go on for hours, but I'll stick to these few. Sorry if these sound bragging or stupid, they were just so... amazing.

    *Flying towards Hvar Tech Plant in a Reaver, under heavy siege from TR
    *Terrible frames (CPU-bound laptop)
    *See TR sundy smoking below, pouring out guys but not being repaired
    *Jump out of Reaver as heavy assault less than 30 meters up
    *Switch to dumbfire rocket launcher (Shrike)
    *Hipfire at enemy sundy while in flight (pre-deployment shield)
    *Watch it explode upon impact
    *Jump back into adjacent still-traveling Reaver and fly off into the sunset like a boss
    *Die upon impact, knowing I helped secure the victory for that tech plant (I think it was an old tech plant alert)

    *Guarding bottom of stairs as NC heavy assault for a building during an alert
    *Only NC in building before the capture point building (which squad is guarding)
    *2/3 full Gauss SAW trained on doorway
    *TR heavy comes through, kill him
    *Another TR heavy comes in, kill him too
    *TR medic pokes head in door, loses it to my gun's bullets
    *Three more TR come in, somehow kill all three with maybe half health remaining
    *Damaged enemy MAX comes in, somehow kill him with just one bar of health remaining
    *No ammo left, just sidearm remaining (all rockets already used)
    *Sees enemy dots converging on my position from friendly infiltrator recon darts
    *Tosses grenade at enemy as they swarm the doorway
    *Detonates as I die to a hail of fire, taking three more with me
    *Laugh over comms

    *TR squad in recently-captured base under heavy fire from 1 VS lightning and a damaged sunderer (pre-shield deployment)
    *Redeploy to warpgate
    *Strap 2 C4 to front of Mosquito with detonator in hand
    *Fly up and straight towards base
    *Divebomb towards enemy lightning
    *Jump out literally one second before impact
    *Slow down fall with jetpack as I press the detonator (Mossie is just touching the VS lightning)
    *Rinse and repeat with damaged enemy sundy

    *Playing on NC as Infiltrator on Hossin
    *Go on killing spree against VS in more cover-heavy areas with stalker cloak
    *Get killed
    *Pull silenced full-auto scout rifle with red-dot sight with hunter cloak and head back to same area
    *Go on killing spree until out of ammo, taking no damage
    *Keep going with silenced pistol until out of ammo, taking some damage
    *Kill a few more people with knife and mines until finally killed/run over by a tank

    *Bad assault on NC tech plant on Amerish
    *Running AI MAX with full squad, reinforcing forward sundy with own sundy
    *Ambushed by bunch of NC assaulting from tech plant, with forward sundy already having been destroyed
    *Jump out of own sundy as it's hit by several rockets, fall back as it explodes
    *Retreat as we're picked off, me killing as many as I can as we do so (kinda was the rear vanguard, being repaired a little here and there)
    *Only me and one guy left
    *He dies as I kill a few encroaching NC
    *All alone, 2/3 health, ammo not the best
    *Moving from cover to cover, health plinking down from potshots, only using MAX run when needed
    *Enemy flash zooms toward me, shoot the driver, causing it to veer off and run over another NC
    *Enemy tank comes over hill right on top of some NC mines
    *Shoot mines, kill tank
    *Make it back to base with literally one bar of health
    *Was literally sweating in real life, heart pumping
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  11. Themostproplayerever

    C4 Is tons of fun especially when you get away with it. C4 Maxes in the middle of a swarm of their freindly troops because you dress like them and they don't notice you. I can read Tankers minds now and just know when they will or wont notice me. Bombed the same guy 3 times in a row without targeting him... just random.

    The Titan AP to ESF its second most fun I killed the same guy in as long as it took him to respawn get a new Scythe and come at me again. HA HA One time bested a 2/3 Lib in my Vanguard by suddenly driving up a rock to plant shots into him. My friend and I call our tanks heavy air defense because we often down more aircraft than land vehicles.
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  12. TheKhopesh

    Had a VS do something similar when I deci'd his scythe.
    He started using some racial slurs in /tell (which I won't repeat) and came back in a lib, so I went on my VS alt and tankbusted him with a finishing tell not to insult mexicans.

    So satisfying. :D
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  13. Takara

    On Amerish, defending our techplant along the west side of the map. Getting strafed by a reaver over and over again. It's getting annoying and he has gotten my mag down to 50%. He turns around and starts to come in a bit lower....I strafe to the side and line him up behind a small hill. MAGBOOST....up the hill, good arc...he tries to pull up....BAM rammed his cockpit with my mag and got a road kill on the reaver.

    +1 love.
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  14. Kanil

    Trolling Magriders by driving under them with wraith Flashes is always fun. Most of them really don't know where you just went. They can look all they want, and they'll never find you...
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  15. Haquim

    Nothing beats putting a Decimator into the most active LPPA masturbator on the server if you ask me :cool:
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  16. OldMaster80

    Every single kill with the AI MANA turret, every single kill with the Valkyrie's Helion.
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  17. SwegJuce

    I was in either a Vanguard or Magrider, saw enemy ESF at least 500m away hovering at low speed. I turned and made a very rough guess and shot, not thinking it would hit it. I watched it fly for a few seconds then BAM!
    GOT EEMM!!!
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  18. Jawarisin

    So in order:

    Dangerous peasant,


    Peasant in a peasant-box

    Real Peasant
  19. eldarfalcongravtank

    with the Archer + 12x scope, i killed an NC Max from 510 meters away (he was not afk, btw). i spotted the Max and marked it on the map. when the kill confirmation popped up i couldnt even believe my own eyes. i hit the Max two times and the projectiles probably dropped a freaking inch on my screen before hitting the target. i felt like a freaking U.S. navy seal sniper that day.
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  20. Goretzu

    My most satisfying kills are probably the ones against LAs so super confidant that they'll fly towards my Lighting in the open field, proximity picks them up, main gun brings them down. :)

    My least satisfying kill has got to be when I knifed an engi AI turret and someone managed (with ridculous timing) to run in-between me and it and I TK him. :oops: