Discussion in 'Player Support' started by imiUFO, Jun 12, 2015.

  1. imiUFO

    Well I cannot take it anymore, kids or wherever hacking and ruining this game.
    If DB does not apologize and ban hackers , I will cancel my membership, stop playing and prevent others from doing so.
    Had enough of kids hiding in walls killing others and talking very very bad to us players, who support this game for so long with time and money.
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  2. DirArtillerySupport

    Just think...you could have played the game for free from the beginning and kept on playing!?
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  3. Lord_Mogul

    And the hacker has striked again.
    I wonder if there is a connection with the recent performance patches.
    Like some security verification that is now skipped and leads the gates open for some code injection.
    Hopefully the removal if the 32 bit executable will plug this leak since there are fewer hacks for 64 bit code.
  4. ZerpyDerpDerp

    Ya, and the prop tossers are back. When I first started playing this game, hackers use to be able to lift tower turrets, vehicle pads, anti-personal turrets, etc, and place them or just swing them around and whack people with them. They use to lift a tower turret and place it in the spawn tubes at your warp gate and it would kill anybody who spawned there.

    Well, yesterday I watched a harasser fly over the north tower at Tawrich Depot, fly straight as an arrow past A-point building and smash in to a sundy like a missile. I reported it as a bug, since I had no idea who tossed it. But I've seen it before. They use to toss vehicles, anything in the game environment. I remember what it looked like. It looked like a harasser flying in a straight line, over a pretty fair distance and one shotting a sundy.

    Boy, sure is nice to see such an old problem return. Can't wait to spawn in a turret filled tube and die again.

    Gunna be so rad.
  5. Lord_Mogul

    Crazy moving could be connection issues.

    But what you reportet clearly sounds like something worse.