Your most wasted certs ? :]

Discussion in 'Player Support' started by MikeC0bretti, Jun 11, 2015.

  1. MikeC0bretti

    Just making a fun survey ...what was your most wasted certs investment ...the most regretable investment in your PS2 history ? :]

    Mine : 1000 certs for Vandal. Real crap imho.
  2. VittorioPentiti

  3. RedArmy

    anything after BR50ish.... by that time i already had my main and secondary suit and weapon setups the way i wanted them and still play using those main two services. pretty much once i hit 10k certs i dump 6k or so into something random and fully deck it out, knowing full well i will probably never use it
  4. Lord_Mogul

    I had no really fails so for.
    When I'm uncertain about what to get I usually seek for the opinions of others. (Like asking per chat or forums or watching videos)
  5. AlterEgo

    Pulsar C. I mean, it wasn't an entire waste, but I use the Battle Rifle SO MUCH MORE whenever I rarely use the Engie or LA. I haven't used the Pulsar C in over 7 months.
  6. bloodfuchs

    MKV supressed. I dont even know why i bought SMG set when i never used them... RIP 4000 certs.
  7. Pointyguide2

    the liberator gun that allows you to turn and aim
    its the most useless.
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  8. Pointyguide2

    we need the cert refund option for that
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  9. Skiptrace

    The MK-V Suppressed has it's uses, the integrated and better suppressor makes it a go-to option for longer ranges as an Infil who wants fast firepower at short-mid ranges and it's great for sneaking up on enemies as a LA. It does fall far when compared to other SMG's though.

    My worst would have to be Either Smoke Grenades (not UBSGL) or Baslisk for the Flash, should have bought the shotgun...
  10. ZerpyDerpDerp

    Maxing Nano-weave armor for every class I have. Really wish I put them in to class specific things. I'm just now putting certs in to the class specific stuff... I have wasted so much time...
  11. salembeats

    Every cert has been a wasted cert.
  12. Ryo313

    T2-Striker for sure
    outclassed by any other RL in any category.
    even after a month it feels like an useless piece of metal in your hands.
  13. Dramonicous

    Can only say... your using it wrong!

    I did a 24 killing spree yesterday, in 11min without death. Its one of the guns im most efficient with.

    Wasted certs? 5k (maybe more) certs on implant packs, around 20-30k on weapons I used once or twice.
    Most recently wasted certs on LA icarus jets, were funny in VR but horrible in any practical situation.
  14. Lena_993

    Striker & Fractures. 2 amazing "how it feels to be useless in a fight" simulators.
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  15. Eyeklops

    Max ammo belt for the engineer class.
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  16. Tanelorn

    Fractures and striker, which are both outclassed by ES AV in other factions. Striker was good when I bought it as a lock-on. Fractures, well, they are our best long range choice but compare hit percentage to ravens and lancers...

    But some of these others, like smoke grenades and vandal, those are good when used appropriately. Smoke up a room full of maxes, which don't get thermals. Smoke up a tank / sunderer before you C4 it, saves you from many forms of interception. Smoke up their spawn room to eliminate 75% of outgoing fire.
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  17. Armcross

    You kidding right, you didn't really bough it for your engineer?