Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by agentpuhpul, Jun 5, 2015.

  1. agentpuhpul

    Hey guys,

    Not sure if you remember but sometime ago I had asked you guys, the community, for input on the top 10 worst base designs. I narrowed it down to 5 with some honorable mentions, and this is what I came up with. Please take a look at the video, give it a Like on yt, and pass it around. Let me know what you think ^^

  2. RykerStruvian

    Would've preferred if you just wrote down the list in the description for people who don't want to watch the video.

    According to the video:

    #5 Broken Arch Road
    #4 Halycon Watch
    #3 Biolabs
    #2 Abandoned NS Offices
    #1 Subterranean Nanite Analysis
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  3. Auzor

    Duuude. ROFL at "biolab 2.0 snow edition".
    IMO some of those bases have to be the worst. Supposedly, the walls protect you from tank shells.
    Surprise, we placed hills around all of them, so you still get tank shelled.

    Broken Arch road: uuurghk. Why is this only nr 5?

    Hunters Blind is very fun!
    (if it is a 24 ish vs 24.. )

    Biolab: disagree.
    And in this case, the esamir biolab with an extra outer "base" is actually good.
    Without bottlenecks, defense becomes impossible.
    Biolabs do have issues with the entrance & teleportroom camping, but eh, other bases are worse.

    I don't remember base names,
    but on Amerish there is also a base with one capture point, in a canyon-y thing; from both sides enemies can snipe,, rocks overhang the base, if you spawn a tank you only have one way to move (forward.. into the enemy);
    the overhangs actually help the enemy air: very difficult to kill aircraft as they pop out, rocketpod randomly, and break LoS.

    Let's see what a good base is:
    spawnroomcamping "discouraged": this means no hills overlooking the spawnroom from which to snipe/shell.
    Vehicle exposure: wanna farm infantry? Go ahead. But, you only get LoS by going into the base; thus becoming vulnerable yourself.
    BIG; Big outside with big & small paths, BIG inside, again sinde: many paths to points/parts of the base..
    Otherwise, the base is fun 24vs24, and then grinds to a complete *********** of grenade spamming when 96 people encounter 96 enemies in a few cramped doorways.
  4. \m/SLAYER\m/

    there second way at Subterranean, that only few players using it, but they farming way mo then the rest :D
  5. agentpuhpul

    ^this is true actually, it's like that weird way with the stairs, right? NO ONE EVER GOES THERE lmao

    this is why I wonder if people actually LIKE meat grinders, am I missing somethin magical here?

    Broken Arch Road.. Eh, I thought it was slightly better than a 96 v 96 biolab bottleneck fight.
    Actually yeah some of the biolabs DO have like those ring of towers around them, but sadly like the vast majority of people like those cluster****s... I wish there were more ways into a biolab. Like, if every biolab had a ring of towers + maybe 1 or 2 extra jumppad/platforms PLUS an easy way to get to each of those jumppads (like hunters blind) it might be fine for 96 on 96. iunno i'm no game designer, just a player with an opinion :p

    Yeah I'm thinking of doing a video on bases people like. I personally like ones that have a decent amount of cover and are spread out with plenty of ways to get around (crux headquarters for example)
  6. Pikachu

    Biolabs and the SNA could be fixed by making the force field restrict players from entering based on numbers. If your faction has 24 players inside then you can't pass through the force field.
  7. Auzor

    No one ever goes there: exaggeration; oh well.
    Another poor thing about base designs:

    take the "construction sites" (that are what, 2 years old?)
    It is possible to drive a fury/kobalt sundy onto the cap point room.
    Blockade armor, half-aware gunners, a couple of engineers, and you're not bringing that monster down any time soon.
    And hello, squad deploy!

    On other bases too, you have these "roadblocks", which tanks (tracked vehicles) can't drive over.
    Sundy? Hobbles a bit, no problem!
    Likewise harassers & flashes on platforms, indoors, launching grenades & roadkilling..
  8. agentpuhpul

    Okay okay yes it's a bit of an exaggeration, but come on, you can't tell me the vast majority of players like to clump up and hurl bullets at each other from the jump pad openings? It's like to take Sub Analysis you'd have to have x3 the # of people than of the defending faction...

    yup i've definitely seen sundies in some pretty creative places.. and dear god when theres a battle sundy in the construction site cap room, you won't be cappin that sucker anytime soon. Most of the bases I mentioned in the video are TERRIBLE for the offense to assault.
  9. TheFamilyGhost

  10. lothbrook

    The stairs in subterranean is a massive meat grinder, narrow hallways with people blindly going up and down stairs, i don't suggest people go that way it takes like 3 guys to hold off a whole squad from that direction, lol.
  11. Auzor

    The worst fight I've seen (and left after a few minutes, ahem) had 3 (yes, THREE!) battlebusses on cap point on a hossin construction site. Just driving back & forth, getting repairs, and farting grenades, mortars & kobalt rounds into doors. A charge with LA's with C4 from the roof in the opening made one burn, it got repaired, and tbh, that was lucky. Blockade is insanely durable vs C4, relative to the cost.
    Inside, where also a few maxes awaiting with pounders for anything that wanted to play.
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