Why is Secondary AV more effective at killing sunderers then the Tank Cannons?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Scr1nRusher, Jun 2, 2015.

  1. Scr1nRusher

    I've always wondered this interms of resistances.

    Who was like "this will totally not cause any balance problems & vehicle role issues"?
  2. DorianOmega

    Second Gun on lightnings and MBTs would be nice to have as is and could help to mitigate this issue, kobalts added to the lightnings turret and basilisks added to MBTs tank turret could work.
  3. y3ivan

    no idea, you should ask higby when he was around.

    as far as i remember, only saron and enforcwr ml get the resistance bonus against sunderers.
  4. ColonelChingles

    Sunderers have a 17.5% resistance to HE/HEAT and a 28% resistance to AP shells.

    They have a 100% resistance to Rangers.
    They have a 75% resistance to Basilisks and Walkers.
    They have a 63% resistance to Vulcans.
    They have a 50% vulnerability to Enforcers, Sarons, and Halberds.

    Why this is... no one knows!
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  5. y3ivan

    my bad, they are much more vulnerable to Enforcers, Sarons.

    It was introduced during the 2014 MBT secondary changes. My guess its because of "INFANTRYSIDE"
  6. LodeTria

    To promote 2/2 MBTs rather than 1/2 ones I guess.
  7. prodo123

    Drive Lightning, no complaints :rolleyes:
  8. axiom537

    Tell that to the AP Prowler...49,127 Sunder Kills last 30 days

    It is the Leading cause of Death for sunderers by a far margin.Followed by ALL Tank mines and then ALL C4 from all 3 factions,
    then Titan AP w/ 32,151 Sunderer Kills and FPC w/ 29,695 Sunderer Kills
  9. Jubikus

    Thats because long distance ap shelling is the thing prowlers excel at do to deply they do not duel well against enemy MBT as the god shield will make them lose a fiarly close fight and and the ability for magriders to constantly move in all directions while still aiming at you make it hard to hit the prowler can go sitting duck mode and hit a deployed sunderer and wreck it pretty fast and from pretty far so the enemy cant really out repair it or destroy the tank itself. If its sitting still we will destroy it if it isnt well lets hope its moving in a predictable fashion.

    Also fractures might be a factor NC or VS might pull a max for 450 nanites and just use vortex/ravens to take out a sundy from distance because they can go to a terminal swap weapons and do something else as a TR might be like fractures??? i think ill go pull a prowler from the tech plant and drive over..

    P.S i will say lockdown AP prowler best aa gun in the game
  10. axiom537

    You are wrong about Prowlers not doing well against other MBT's it's all about the situation and who gets the drop first shield or no shield.

    Actually R-Pounder and R-Comet get more sunderer kills then either the R or L Ravens, surprisingly enough. Actually, the pounders don't surprise me I think they are one of the best max weapons in this game (they are a very very close second to my ravens IMO), Fractures on the other hand need some love...

    P.S. Lockdown AP Prowler is the Best AA, AI and AV weapon in this game...
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  11. JohnGalt36

    I hate to admit it, but after 80-something hours in my Vanguard and quite a few lately on the Prowler, lockdown AP Prowler wins for an all-around tank. At least, in my opinion.

    I will still drive my Vanguard most of the time, though. I love it too much to go TR full time.