Stalker Experiment: Anti-Personnel Hats

Discussion in 'Infiltrator' started by CuteBeaver, Jun 2, 2015.

  1. CuteBeaver

    Request and Information experiment:

    I humbly request assistance from members of Terran Republic, and New Conglomerate to conduct aerial testing of the anti-personnel devices known as "Claymores" and aptly named "Bouncing Betties" with the intent to throw them onto groups of unsuspecting enemies below. Yes this is a legit request for footage and COMBAT feedback on how viable the claymores and bouncing betties are when being used for these purposes.

    Id like some feedback on how effective you feel they are with / and without the use of EMP

    Id like some feedback on how you find their overall weight, and accuracy when being thrown.

    I'd also very much appreciate efforts and feedback with regards to throwing them OVER cover objects like boxes and fences, or jumping upwards and throwing them onto second floor balconies or over larger walls. Please comment on issues you experience. For example unresponsive and simply falls straight down to my feet. Or the mine didn't go the same distance all the time, and failed to inherit player momentum for unknown reasons.

    Purpose: I suspect there may be weight differences between the faction mines in addition to obvious TR faction differences. I'd also like to see if TR are able to use the mines more effectively or less effectively in specific situations.

    Possible Bug: Right now I am experiencing issues where mines are getting stuck inside revived players heads. For example if you throw one mine down, and kill them, and toss another one down while they get revived the player may run around with a "hat" and explode when nearing others of their faction. The mines can also sometimes bounce off one player and then stick to neighboring players.

    Feedback and Hilarious footage (even from VS) most welcome. Thanks for helping with this rather odd request lol.
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  2. MisterSlim

    Fashion Week, you run it. xD

    Mining from above isn't something I do often, to say the least, but I have noticed that upon doing so, if the mine actually hits a player and drops onto the ground, it seems to take a bit longer to detonate. Normally my input on cloakery posts is a bit longer, but since I have such little experience with it, that is all.

    As for footage, I may or may not be able to find the time to log on and record (been busy bouncing around pals' houses since I lack a permanent residence for the summer as they boot us outta the dorms, gotta love the college life. Also been occupied with working on my night-time shooting. Night vision is awesome. Expensive, but so worth it.) But I'll see what I can do for ya'.

    -Stay Frosty
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  3. Fry_Poncho

    Have fun with all that testing! Idont have them, as all of them are pretty low (highest is 36). But if i get those fancy doodads (mines) i might just have to send some over. As for now, it seems to me that the TR's detonate faster that the proxie and betty. I dont know if thats true, just my observations.
  4. _itg

    I'll have to see if I can finally get playable FPS with Shadowplay, since I got a big boost with the multithreading update. Haven't used my BBs much since I got the Auraxium, but it could be fun to come up with some more creative tactics than suicide rushing into a crowd (which is honestly what I did to finish that Auraxium).
  5. AlterEgo

    So you are trying to see whether mines explode over people's heads? If so, then WHAT THE **** IS WRONG with our generation.

    But if it's for the purpose of knowledge to destroy Vanu's enemies... then good luck, and happy testing!>:]
  6. Navron

    I don't have any footage but we call this "Pizza Delivery" in the 666th when done from the air. In my division, we use Valks. Other divisions uses Galaxies. Also, throwing over cover (like the NS boxes that are everywhere) is possible when jumping and aiming at about 45 degrees up.
  7. CuteBeaver

    Here is a sample @ 2:13 I'm pretty sure the enemy had some legit FIFA moves and tried to pass the mine to his bro. I'm not sure what happened at that point. Things seemed to have gone all N.F.L and quarterback ran off with the mine. Planetside 2 is weird. Science demands answers... (If you have to slow it down to 0.50 % using the cog wheel on youtube player)
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  8. Navron

    Oh geez. That's a dope video. Too bad we're not on the same server/faction. That'd be a glorious run. Also, your mine went ridiculously far. Our betties don't project that far out.
  9. Iridar51

  10. TheKhopesh

    Betties go all the distance of a grand piano dropped from the hands of that one scrawny tall kid you knew in gym class that could barely lift his backpack on a good day.