The Psychology or META Game of Notoriety: How do you handle notorious players?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by oberchingus, May 27, 2015.

  1. oberchingus

    You're out there, on the field playing the game, doing what you do. Say you're in a Prowler and you're bombarding a target like Indar Ex to Quartz, and as you zoom in, in the corner of your eye, you see the enemy TAG or a NAME of a player you know, who's notoriety is either on par with yours or way higher. How do you react? How do you go about what happens next? Do you keep firing on your first target say, a bus or some other tank as you watch what that NAME is going to do next, or do you stop everything, and measure him/her and begin your barrage post haste? Or do you play it cool and wait for them to flank way closer to you or wait for them to react another way?

    And going forward: How do you react when you see the outfit TAG? Do you assume that because NAME is in TAG that all TAG tanks know what they're doing, or do you only focus on player name?

    That's the stuff I want to gain an understanding of how other players handle themselves when they face someone with similar notoriety or whom they think is even more notorious. For instance, in the armor world on Emerald, when I think of the scariest tankers, I think of: Alarox, Klypto(RIP), Lovepack, GlobeMaster(RIP), ihearcolors(RIP)-NC, Calisai, AlexChapman, Fleech, Eska(RIP),-VS, MagLauncher, ClapTrap, EliteEskimo, Tahu-TR -- these are players I respect as tankers. A tanker to me is a player that hunts vehicles anywhere on the field, and we usually encounter each other deep behind enemy lines.

    And when I aim down the sights and see these names, or drive passed them, I pucker up and my game changes. These guys are game changers. If I have friends, I place a waypoint on their last known position. If I'm alone, I tread lightly. And we get into the meta of bragging rights and notoriety.

    I mention the armor world because of my fascinations of armor and harassers. Maybe in the ESF world, you'll fly and hide behind a cliff, wait for rguitar to pass and then open up. Or as infantry, you'll catch a name and make it your mission to hunt him.

    Who is it for you and how is it for you on your server?

    I'd love to hear from pilots and players who run everything, like bangbuses, harassers, lightnings, infantry, flashers too, etc....anyone that can relate.
  2. RykerStruvian

    ScourgeoftheServer use to piss us off in Auric Eclipse during the winter of 2012 with his solo libbing antics. I just saw it for what it was, someone who knew what could be exploited within the rules of the game and it made sense. He was able to fend us off of a tower by doing that in one episode. But some other members at the time were -flipping- their **** over it.

    Actually, things in general when it came to us vs. FutureCrew weren't fun. The game got really personal between members of the two factions/outfits and it definitely burned me out lol. nothing to do but quit and take a break at that point.

    I spend more time fighting members of my own faction than I do the enemy, at least when I was playing NC on Emerald, lol. TKing the TKers.
  3. Ballto21

    Ive gotten my share of #Dunked or #CommieIsBalanced tells before, Prodo123 on here also yell chatted me afte ri was shotgunned i think by him.

    I normally just resort to V6 on BR 100 commie or HA users with a kuh durr above 2.4 (thanks recursion) or if theyre notorious stat padding no lives (some members of AC remain nameless) i send them a V6 tell if i killed them with a PPA/shotgun. Is good time.
  4. Grumblefern

    I zerg Higby whenever I spot him 'cause I like being near the top of his death board.

    And because NC MAXes are his fault.

    Occasionally to my own detriment 'cause I swear other NC like to follow him around.

    Other than that, no real change. I do leave some fights sometimes if certain outfits are there though, don't really want to fight Recursion or whatever while I'm with a disorganized pub platoon.
  5. sL360

    Was on my NC alt on Connery with a friend once and ran into him talking about having to steal TR's ammo from behind the lines. He started to redeploy standing still and I wanted to put a few SAW rounds into his face so badly for not overhauling the butcher like he said he would and redoing the Godsaw instead before he left the game. And maybe 50 other things...

    I play mainly on Emerald though. Some days it's alright and you have days like today where they drown Hossin with every high level outfit/player for all three factions. It starts to get a little bit like Gandhi's Salt March then, but without the peace factor.
  6. Liewec123

    its been the same all throughout history, glory!
    who doesn't want to be the guy that put an axe in the kings head?
    if you see a famous enemy your thought switches from everything else to "kill it kill it kill it!"
  7. Mythologicus

    There's too many people for a name to stand out for me. I did really try to murder Higby with a Basilisk once, but otherwise nope.

    This'll probably change with time, but like I said there's just too many people.
  8. TheDarSin

    Its simple. I go fight them right away since like me they often want a challenge and once we're done fighting I send them a tell thanking them for the enjoyable fight! I tend to stay away from the air right though. Not because its too hard or I dislike flying but "notorious" players in the air have a tendency to rage too much for my liking.
  9. current1y

    I go after targets I recognize all the time. Gotta show em hows
  10. FieldMarshall

    I dont really pay too much attention to it, unless i see that a specific player keeps killing me.
    Then i try to change my play style to counter and try to figure out their behavior patterns.
    If i meet them again later, i try to remember what i learned the first time.
    Usually works. Everyone seems to have a weak-point

    I dont really know who's "famous" or not though. Maybe because i try not to bother.
  11. oberchingus

    It's not so much about who's famous, it's more about who do you know, that also knows you, that you need to deal with (or not) while you're playing. This can be anyone, at any BR. For instance, I run harassers and tanks. If one of the names I mentioned above sees me, and I see them, we duel it out. They usually win because they're better at using their tank to kill me in my harasser than I am at using my harasser to kill them in their tank. We happen to be BR100s and famous in our own niche, but ultimately, it's about fighting people you know and dealing with established relationships.
  12. Leftconsin

    Run/redeploy because I know I'll never be able to kill them.
  13. TheShrapnelKing

    Oh that's what you mean.

    Well, since most of the famous players don't really play anymore (and I got such satisfaction from killing DA too), there's only one I can think of.

    That'd be Elusive, the sniper with Starcraft-level twitch reflxes who posts videos here every so often. I encountered him often enough back on Waterson he'd send me tells if I randomly run into and kill him - although more often than not if I saw him on the leaderboard in that hex I'd roll Infil and counter snipe him. Getting into a straight shootout with him isn't a good idea since....well, my reflexes are garbage by comparison.

    I gunned him down a coupe weeks ago by chance, but he said nothing. Maybe he doesn't care anymore. Or maybe he forgot about me :(

    Either way, anyone else "notorious" to me is only notorious to me, and no one else (like how Paragon Exile always happens to be around and reply whenever I ***** in /yell that I hate the VS).
  14. LazyAsian

    Eh, I usually harass the enemy "famous" players if I know them. You know, I knifed CaptainCox as he ran past me ^_^. If I don't know than I try to... stay out of their way. Such as Nikon. God, I have flashbacks of his Heavy assault right now...
  15. Kcalehc

    Can't say I know nor care about such things; if you're red or purple, you get shot/stabbed/exploded - it's that simple.