A fix for the one man army vehicles... MBT, Liberator....

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Mr. Shotty, May 25, 2015.

  1. Mr. Shotty

    3 seconds to change seats in vehicles. Hear me out please.
    I've played this game to nearly level 70 with both my NC and TR champs. I have to say that this game is really well balanced. The E.S. guns feel good and so do the MBTs and ESFs bar the NCs stupid huge vehicle profiles which could use a trim. One thing really does bother me though: it's the ability to instantly change weapon seats in a vehicles (or get in and out of vehicles instantly) and I'd like a 3 second delay added to all of that. Let me explain why: My weakest reasoning is that's impossible to switch seats or get in, out, swap weapons seats instantly realistically. My middle of the ground argument is that why bother with teammates if you can do it by yourself and have awesome reflexes. My strongest reasoning is that it gives you no reason to ever wait for a stranger or teammate in an MBT, Sunderer, or Liberator... or even a Harasser if you are awesome. I main an engi. I do find it funny when I get raked with rockets yet I can instantly hop out and save my tank get shot from an opportunistic killer then hop back in 2 seconds later and save my tank and kill the person behind me with my F2 weapon. I laugh and then I feel bad; that guy should have had me dead to rights. Yet I just got back in and killed him with a none of my hp touched. Here's another situation. I'm flying in my liberator alone. I spot an MBT in an armor line trying to take a facility (awww yisss) I fly low and behind and smash them with my tank buster. Awww yisss.... but they don't die. I Immediately fly vertical and then remember, "I have my AP shredder" and finish the kill then swap seats then run behind the next mountain and rinse and repeat all... by... myself... and that zone was hot as ****. If it took 3 seconds longer to get into the AP shredder and get back into the cockpit (6 seconds total) I'd have been dead several times over. And so would several people who solo harassers or MBTs. This would be the most logical nerf to all armor for failure to have friends and getting caught. This change gets rid of the one man army vehicles and still rewards the people who can roll a Lib all by themselves. This is fair. Feel free to comment on this. I say that any weapon seat should have this 3 second rule. Minus Flashes and non-weapon seats including the back of a Harasser, Galaxy passengers, Valkyrie passengers, Sunderer passengers.
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  2. sindz

    What huge NC vehicle profiles? The magrider is the biggest tank in PS2.

    And I dont agree, if you can pull off liberator solo you should be able to, since it takes alot of practice and skill. Why nerf high skill cap elements of the game, when you could easily remove 90232 dumbed down pants on head ******** things that would benefit this game alot more.
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  3. FateJH

    I don't need to.

    There is a few-second cooldown for switching seats, but you only incur it after having changed seats once (that includes getting in and getting out of the Vehicle). Front-loading the delay, as opposed to making it a cooldown for the switching, would be in-line with your proposal.
    Vehicles balanced for strength based upon the number of occupants needed to operate them successfully should require the number of occupants around which they are strength-balanced for the same performance level.
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  4. Mr. Shotty

    I do agree also that you should be able to solo vehicles, though there should be a reason to take people with you. The seat swap delay is universal; sorry for even bringing up the profiles in this thread. Please disregard it. :(
  5. Mr. Shotty

    I've noticed it also. Front loading the delay would solve the problem. Especially with a three second delay ~ it annoys me when someone can hop out heal while the vehicle is rolling backwards then hop back in to save their vehicle. Though seat switching bothers me in that it should take you time to get up and get down lets put that at 2.5 seconds instead flat. This would be a turret to driver or driver to turret delay (2.5) oriented at solo players. Asking to switch seats with another player should be less say 2 seconds.

    Lets keep these ideas coming.
  6. sindz

    I dont understand what you are saying. Are you saying a 1 man piloted liberator is OP because 1 person can do what 3 people can? Because its obvious a 3man liberator crew will be more successful in every aspect compared to a solo liberator pilot who swaps seats.
  7. Mr. Shotty

    You're still doing the job of 1 pilot plus 0.5 a gunners. And that's a lot relative to it's cost. Say lets make both the MBT and Lib cost 500 instead and Harasser 50 more as well. I'd be satisfied with that.

    Though we'd be losing out on a reason to work with other people.
  8. FateJH

    This is a game of force distribution. How much human manpower do you distribute to accomplish a certain task. Taking a Vehicle that is powerful in exchange for 3/3 and making it just as powerful because 1/3 can change seats at crucial moments disrupts that balance. Moreover, the Vehicle economy is one that is heavily regulated in terms of power versus shortcomings. Additionally, weapon strength does not change due to seating occupancy, so things like the minimum number of operators for cetrtain performance is a necessary consideration.

    To take an oft-mentioned example: Liberator pilots often mention that tank busting rarely lands all the necessary blows with just the nose cannon and that's why the fly-over requires the belly gun (this argument comes up in defense of the Tank Buster usually). In that regards, it is unlikely that the Liberator will be nose gunning and belly gunning the same target at the same time; seat switching, therefore, permits the 1/3 Liberator be to just as successful in the same task as if it were 2/3 by isolating independent activities. If the Liberator had just the nose cannon or the belly gun, performing the activity would be less convenient (your point). Now, take two players in two separate Liberators that can bust two tanks at a time, as opposed to one Liberator that requires two people to accomplish this same busting of tanks. The affect on the battlefield is very different. Not only are more Liberators in the air, there are also more of its allies on the ground.

    If it sounds like I am unfairly treating Liberators, let us examine Harassers as they exist. The main power of the Harasser is its speed and maneuverability, things which are compromised when a 1/3 Harasser has a driver who switches to the gunner seat to shoot or the rear seat to apply very light (very light) repairs. The weapon remains as strong as it is normally, but a stationary or predictable Harasser is one that is less likely to endure exposed to (more maneuverable) firepower. This is only partially the case because of existing seat switching rules.
  9. CptFirelord

    As a returning player the specific reason I QUIT the game is because of this development team's consist nerfing of skill based mechanics. Uberlibbing / flying specifically.

    Solo tanking and libbing is (as I'm sure any of us who are actually good at playing these respective roles will tell you) extremely difficult and not very lucrative unless you're farming complete idiots like AOD.

    Those in this thread who think it's easy to solo lib or solo tank either haven't done it, or have been farmed repeatedly by good players. We sink a lot of time into the things we do. A 2 person tank / lib with as much / less experience in the seat as a solo gunner will almost always win. Solo is a hindrance but one that can be overcome with dedication.

    Before I quit a year and a half ago I had sunk over 3000 hours into piloting and gunning uberlibs and ESFs. I can assure you, it's not easy. The skillcap is very high and until you reach that cap you're going to be effectively s*** on by any opponent playing with a friend, or anyone who is just simply better than you.

    The same goes for soloing in MBTs. If you're running a FULLY MAXED stealth AP anything you're going to be able to sneak up on opponents and solo them down effectively. Throw any more than one tank into the mix and you're going to lose without that gunner. This is a fact.

    The OP is plain and simply asking for more direct nerfs to skill. In that time that you hop out of your tank / ESF / lib / whatever to repair you're directly vulnerable to enemy fire. It takes skill to pull yourself out with enough time that you can safely repair your vehicle to the point where escape is possible. Direct nerfs to skill destroy gameplay. Just look at what happened to the lib.
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  10. Mr. Shotty

    I am asking for a direct Nerf to the skill of impossible multitasking for most people. You are correct in that assumption. At the same time this creates a buff for armor strategy and local counter tactics. I'm asking for teamwork in this team game. Not single overwhelming one man air/ground superiority.
  11. lothbrook

    The lib i get, just nerf the tank buster already and that problem is solved, and solo libs really aren't a skill thing its just flying around tank busting stuff, its super easy i do it all the time, you have a ton of durability and can vaporize a tank before he even knows you're there, lol. But solo MBTs are pretty bad, and will get wrecked by a 2/2 MBTs, other than the prowler lightnings have better DPS than the mag/VG so you really should be pulling those instead of an MBT if you're solo.
  12. DaRealNattyIce

    If you and your friend(s) cant beat a solo lib or a solo tank, either you are bad or they are really good. There is no reason you shouldnt easily beat a solo lib as a crew lib.

    All im seeing in this thread is an angry guy because he cant win a 2/3 v 1.
  13. DaRealNattyIce

    Jesus christ give me a fn brake
  14. eldarfalcongravtank

    ever since the HEAT/HE nerfs for tanks and Dalton/Zepher/armor nerfs for Libs, i think they both are in a solid place. not too powerful but not underpowered at all.

    that said, MBTs are basically rendered useless by longrange AV while Libs are rendered useless by flak/lock-on spam. there's no reason at all to make these vehicles even less effective as they are right now.
  15. Klypto

    This is stupid. Even I would prefer a decent gunner if given the opportunity. Seat swapping eats your mobility down pretty bad with too much overhead. You can coast in straight lines but turning is a *****.

    If seat swapping is on par with a 2/2 or 2/3 then what you are comparing it too must either be bad at it or your are using a 1/2 Vanguard with shield in a one off 1v1.
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  16. Mianera

    The problem is we all want diversity between the faction specific vehicles, such as MBT's.

    But fx, with the vanguard, due to the long reload on the main gun, you can fire it, then swap, add 3 shots from the enforcer, hop back to main gun, repeat. And as such put out 70-80% of the damage as if you had a gunner with you.

    But if we lower reload, we have to lower damage as well. Vanguard/Magrider shooting as fast as a undeployed Prowler will make the TR sad again :/
  17. Vargs

    This doesn't seem like a significant problem to me at all. I don't think I've ever once come across someone hotswapping between MBT seats. I love when harasser drivers do it because it makes them super easy kills.
  18. ColonelChingles

    This would be so easily solved if they just took PS1's system where you had to manually climb in and out of vehicles at pre-set locations to switch seats.


    Not to mention implementation of time-consuming animations to negate the instant seat-switching of it all.

  19. Taemien

    This is such a trivial matter. Its down there with detecting whether or not a grenade is thrown in an area (like VR or Warpgate) where it does nothing but still cost resources.

    Seriously no solo lib or mbt is going to stop me from winning an alert. Its not even going to stop me from taking a base. It set some cert farmer back a minute or two after he has to pull his ride again. That's it.