[Suggestion] Option to lock people out of guns for vehicles.

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Grumblefern, May 23, 2015.

  1. Grumblefern

    Currently we can lock out everyone, or everyone but squad/platoon.

    I would like to lock people out of my guns, specifically, but allow others to get a ride. Basically, same options as locking people out of vehicle: squad/platoon gunners only, or just lock everyone out.

    I don't mind people getting rides, but when some genius starts spamming the guns wildly wasting my ammo at nothing and in some cases accidentally hitting friendlies, I have to lock everyone else out of my vehicle to get rid of that person.
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  2. Lucidius134

    Or you can drive and kick them individually?
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  3. Czarinov

    He wrote that he wants to let them ride, but not shoot.
  4. Lucidius134

    Yeah, I agree w/ OP it's a good idea. I was just replying to "I have to kick everyone else out to get rid of a dumb gunner" when that isn't the case. Bad wording on his behalf.
  5. dstock

    I get around this by squad-locking my vehicles immediately, letting my squad take the guns, and telling the pubs to be patient and I'll take passengers once we're set up. Seems to work out, usually.
  6. 00000000000000000000

    Agree to this. Let us save gunner spots for people in our squad.