So much price whining.

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by RainbowDash9, May 20, 2015.

  1. BloodyG

    Man you twisted that one really well (nope not really...)!!!

    Let's say they get an G2A Launcher(650certs)+a 2nd MAX AV weapon(not sure i believe it's 850Certs now), than their 1500Certs are gone before the price change it would have been only 500Certs and after that they could still get 100Cert/250Cert options for less grinding... not to mention they removed the starter quiz that gave them a new 250Certs (now 650Certs) weapon from start+a free cammo.
  2. ProfessorHobbes

    Why would you ever buy those two things as a new player? The single most useful thing a new player can do to increase their cert gain and performance is upgrading their classes and vehicles, NOT buying new weapons. Upgrading a med tool or repair tool a few levels will do so much more than wasting certs on a G2A Launcher. 1500 certs goes a very long way and allows the players to spread them out among all of their classes. New weapons only significance is to increase the options you have to deal with threats and open up new rolls to play. I have a BR 89 I have hardly unlocked much weapons on. Why? Because most of them I don't need. I bought the ones that were useful and bought weapons for vehicles I like to play. If new players feel they are cheated then they don't understand what the new guns actually do for them.
  3. BloodyG

    Some people want to fight back.

    Not everyone likes to play support roles (most don't...) and how are they going to fight back without a option against Air or with a standard MAX?

    Ok, lets say they do the Medic gun first how long will it take for them to farm certs to get to a state were they have everything to fight back now, 2-3Years?
  4. FateJH

    Took me about six months to get to a comfortable spot using mainly Engineer services. Having said that, that doesn't involve Vehicles, though spending on that has always been slow because I had grown comfortable with lower rank equipment.
    That half year also taught me how to rely on and motivate allies to make up for any deficiencies I possess.
  5. BloodyG

    Yeah but what about NOW after the price changes...
  6. FateJH

    It wouldn't make a difference. I've only purchased very few depot weapons, and the only ones I've really need in my opinion are the second Burster, S-variant carbine, and Lightning AP; Skyguard, maybe. When I do purchase things, I always try to maintain a significant buffer so I don't look like I empty my coffers in one go. That alone would have dismissed concerns of hikes if they were applied retroactively.

    In the end, the price hikes affect four kinds of players: collectionists, completionists, impulsive consumers, and uninformed consumers. There's some amount of overlap between thsoe groups but I choose to treat them separately for now.
  7. BloodyG

    What a load of BS...
  8. FateJH

    You can denigrate every argument and anecdote presented to you, if that is your intention.

    If I may, it feels you are arguing that the weapons matter more than the skills acquired from playing the game.
  9. BloodyG

    I speak about the new player experience and you come up with stuff that nobody will get now till BR70 or higher, it's ridicules!

    How is a newbie supposed to fight if they don't have the counter to the things they get attacked with?

    I get it, all you people defending this are happy about it because it means an even easier farm for you...
  10. FateJH

    I had a Burster and Trac-5 S before BR50; it may have even been BR45. And, before either of those, I had an AMR-66, back when it was still 1000 certs out of pocket. (Not the great first investment, I'll admit.)
    Nothing is beyond engagement, especially to a resourceful player.
  11. BloodyG

    Whatever... have fun and enjoy it while it lasts:rolleyes:.
  12. RainbowDash9

    lol the amount of **** arguements you come up throughout these forums is funny. i couldve sworn you said you werent playing anymore, so please, stop spouting random nonsense.
  13. BloodyG

    Nah, i like doing it no reason to stop maybe some newbie will see some of this posts and stays away from this game that would already be worth it.

    Just a vid about the last patch that sums it up.

  14. Hatesphere

    AA turrets, sunder guns, dumb fire. all of these things will scare off air and cost nothing. you seem to be really obsessed with AA launchers for new players, even though they are pretty bad at what they do. tanks? dumb fires, work wonders, infantry? guess what the defaults are damn good. people can fight back, you are just on a misguided crusade making false arguments.

    everyone keep sayingsw these extra 1500 certs means **** all, but no one has presented anything but knee jerk reaction.
  15. doombro

    325 cert burst variants.

    That is all.
  16. ProfessorHobbes

    If you want a good tank, you upgrade the performance, defense, and utility slots. If you want a good aircraft you upgrade these same things. Or you can upgrade your ammo capacity or reload speed. These things help you fight back. All of these haven't changed in cert price. The only weapons you need are a skyguard, G2A launcher, or 2nd burster to choose from to counter air. It's also nice to have another anti-vehicle option like a better G2G launcher, AV Mana Turret, or a 2nd AV option on the MAX. That's it. Most of the other weapons you really don't need to be competitive. If they so desperately want another MAX weapon or additional weapon they must have they have plenty of certs to do so.
  17. Cyanstorm

    No, he is absolutely right, you are all being cheap bastards is all; you didn't buy this game and you sure has hell don't need to purchase a subscription, and you all still whining like 5 year olds about prices? you want the cake and eat it free too, news for you, nothing in this life is free, and no matter the amount of crying the deva and investors need to make money to keep and improve the game....cry me a river indeed!
  18. BloodyG

    i will just copy and paste what i replied to you in the other thread...

    Most of us "Freeloaders" spend money on the game, the problem is that DBG wants to **** us over with their pricing and you don't have a sub either so maybe you should get down from your high horse..
  19. BloodyG

    It's not the problem that i don't have the stuff (i have) but the new players and now they have to grind even more then before to get to the point were they can fight back and it seems pretty unfair to me... especially that there are now way more high BR players on then back then, that not only have the equipment but also the skills.
  20. Antillie

    I think I just saw an even larger load of BS.