So much price whining.

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by RainbowDash9, May 20, 2015.

  1. OldMaster80

    Explain once again why starting the game now should be different...
  2. BloodyG

    Now there are even more high BR player, when i play it's like 80% High Br vs 20% low BR, that wasn't the case when i started out and now they even raised the Cert prices for F2P players what makes it even worse...
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  3. TheChris

    Less can be more u know ?

    Who say it goes very fast to earn Certs. NO newbies dont understand and i remember my time as i begun PS2.
    The 1500 Certs for Newbies is a joke. Most people will use the Certs to Upgrade their classes.
    They will also buy alot of nonsense (Healgrenade from medic as example)

    If you are an casual u will grind for weeks for a gun you will leave the game because u unlock nothing new or u have to pay every ********.
    If i were a Newbie i would leave the game because it feels not fair.
    We have alot F2P with extreme grinding on the market.

    Now Cheaters will come to grind certs faster.
    Yesterday we had one guy on Cobalt.
    New Account with level 4 and he snipe a 7 man sqaud with headshot (1hit) only.
    Even i as cloaked spy get headshots only. Nothing happened after i reported him.

    PS2 is going to be a Cashcow were the Client gets milked.
    They Removed the 3 Month booster in hope we buy the more expensive 7Day boosters.
    Yeah they do it all in sense for their dear clients. Fkcin kidding me ?
    I am in a Membership but i will cancel it. No Copper Silver gold etc anymore u gain always same like copper.
    I personally feel betrayed.
  4. RainbowDash9

    the 1500 certs can be refunded when rank 15 i believe so dont have to worry about that.

    Casual players wont worry about it cuz their casual....duh.

    War is never fair, this is about as fair as it can get.

    Cheaters arent HUGE concern yet (at least on emerald, yea there are a few) I heard Smed publicly shamed a few cheaters and banned like 30,000 on H1Z1, so maybe he'll do planetside next.

    You really cant call it a cash cow that gets milked because it was more like that than before with $5 camos and same priced guns. EVERYTHING was more expensive before the patch, now everythings more accessible, thats not a cash grab, thats redo-ing the marketplace after 2 years when they shouldve been handling it every 2 months or so.

    now on a side-note, why does everyone think free2play players are worthless? they make up the majority of the game, theyre the reason you can log in at 4 AM and still be able to fight. without them the game really would be dead, so please show some respect to the mighty plebs to populate the game lol
  5. TheChris

    1. 1500 certs are a joke bcoz u cant even cert a single class with this.

    2. And they will leave if they have always same gear without spending a single buck that what they want.

    3. This is a Game and not war and we both can discuss it for weeks and both have their own mind.

    4, Maybe.

    5. But i do. I have different Point of view and i am not alone with this.
    It was fine before the patch and i put Money in it so that can be not the reason to change it. they just greedy.
    And i cant lose the feeling that u would still behind them if u need 10000 cert for a single gun.

    6. Did u ever play on Cobalt ? Laggy at peaktimes (get killed while im already 2 seconds in cover or enemy plop in front of you) and nearly Empty at night.
  6. Antillie

    I disagree. I just raised an alt to BR 15 and I was able to cert out medic, heavy, engineer, light assault, and a lightning to a very comfortable level. I didn't max out the med tool or the repair gun but I was able to get them both to level 5. Along with level 4 nanoweave on all the classes, medkits, AP and AT mines maxed out, sights and grips for my guns, and a few levels in all the class abilities. For the lightning I was able to get several levels in additional ammo, one level in rival chassis, fire suppression, and a couple of levels in nanite auto repair. Is the lightning or any of the classes perfect? No. Are they playable and able to perform well and earn more certs comfortably? Very much so.

    If you try and totally max out a class sure you will come up short. But you can get several classes to a very comfortable level easily. Which is the whole point for a newer player.

    Now if a new player doesn't know what to spend their certs on and ends up wasting it all on unlocking guns it would certainly be an issue. But joining a good outfit can help with that a lot.
  7. TheRunDown

    Budget Cert weapons should remain the same, budget weapons were the only item a F2P can earn in this first few weeks of playing. Without those Budget items, now F2P players have nothing to look forward to. 1000 Certs takes way to long for a F2P Player, and even longer for a causal gamer. A 1000 Cert weapon is more of a dedication, a commitment to the game, someone who is well established in the game and intends to stay.

    Making things cheaper to Buy to Own and making the subscription more appealing, isn't going to make F2P players buy them.
    It's going to make new F2P players look at the store, and go look at this P2W crap, and quit and never play again.

    The F2P player base is going to CRASH, if this game doesn't help F2P players with their first 20 levels.
    The player base is already Burning out from the lack of stuff to do in the game.

    Don't take F2P players lightly either, F2P players are what gives us good Fights and Huge Empire vs Empire battles, without the Zerg Battles there will be nothing but Area based fights in bases and outposts, making it no better than CoD. They'll be nothing left of this game if the F2P can find a reason to stick around, nothing appealing to keep them here, and I don't blame them!

    And Call of Duty causes Alzheimer's disease.. and no body wants that.
  8. RainbowDash9

    ive been playing on a brand new character all day today, and by all day i mean since 2 pm. im br 7 so far, and earned about 700 certs so far. i very easily couldve got a gun, upgraded my classes, so on and so forth. i say couldve cuz i put it all into the vanguard because its the tank i wish TR had, or any tank for that matter. its still just as easy to get guns as it was before. i still have another 8 BR till i stop earning 100 certs, and then its back to normal because most guns were/are 1000 certs anyway. its not as big of a difference as youd think. everyone saying "put yourself in the shoes of a new f2p player, well i did, and its not bad.
  9. MikeyGeeMan

    If it get and retains more players I am all for it, whatever it is.
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  10. Freedom Fries

    What you're not seeing is they're screwing the whole player base,they're just making it worse on free players as a ham fisted attempt to get them to fork over money.

    Explain to me,how is making weapons far more expensive to pay with certs giving subscribers more bang for their buck? The only way that's true is by comparing them relatively. Subscribers are in a better place THAN free players. They'll have to spend more certs than before to get the same weapons,just like free players. Or they can use their monthly allotted station cash to buy the weapons rather than a cosmetic item they might want.

    To put it simply.

    Planetside is like a restaurant.
    Free players get water
    Paying players Soda Pop

    Only now,to incentivize the free players,their water now comes with urine in it.

    And do you know why? Because it's the only way they'll ever get people to spend money on the game anymore.The only other way to do that is to try to bring back the players and keep them and new people from leaving is to IMPROVE THE GAME ITSELF. But they're either too unwilling or incompetent or poor at this point to do that. So what else could they do? All they had to do to make this update was fiddle with some numbers and viola! More money(at least theoretically).
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  11. stalkish

    Your comparison makes no sense because the free players can get soda if they play for longer....
    Your also suggesting that free players can gain something not available to paying players (urine), while this is a negative gain in your comparison it is still an item only given to free players. Again this is not how planetside works.

    And can you please stop saying they are more expensive, certs =/= £$
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  12. BloodyG

    Making the game more P2W sure will get more players in the game... dem logics:eek:
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  13. MarkAntony

    Actually as a paying player it would make me walk away. I take pride that when I do well it's because I spent time in the game to get good. Not because I payed to have an advantage.

    (yes I know you were being sarcastic but it had to be said.)
  14. Atis

    Now we know exactly how many new weapons they r gonna add to depot!
  15. Liewec123

    i hope you've been enjoying the game these last few days with the meagre population.
    and maybe now understand why there was outrage.
  16. MikeyGeeMan

    Your whining about side grades. That's not p2w. Subscription is not expensive and you can earn those certs in a week.
  17. BloodyG

    Dem AA sidecrates, dem MAX weapons sidecrates and so on...
  18. AxiomInsanity87

    Just temporary buthurt until people realise how little it matters.

    Seems selfish to me. Apparently people are concerned about new players, so they rage quit the game temporarily. New players must be loving it lol.
  19. ProfessorHobbes

    Baiting, really? What you're actually saying in your other posts is for example, your boss gives a bunch of new people in the office a big salary raise. Instead of going out and investing that money or saving it, these people go and waste it all on a new car or a huge television. In this situation you would say the boss is "baiting" his employees with the raise. Is it the bosses fault the employees used the money poorly? Is it the bosses fault that they didn't go learn how to use money wisely. NO! No one at all would ever blame the boss because that's incredibly stupid.

    Therefore, is it Daybreaks fault if the new players waste their certs on a weapon they don't really need? Again, NO! It amazes me how new players are getting 1500 FREE CERTS to BR 15 and you somehow twist it into a bad thing. The cert prices that actually matter and help out new players, like the class upgrades, haven't changed. As an older player I expected you to know that. Good lord this community amazes me sometimes.
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  20. Liewec123

    a lot of people can't even play due to the performance drop, the rest probably CBA with the server wide crashes during primetime.
    i was one of the few people who actually tried playing and the game was just dead, 2 continents locked so the remaining 2 should have been busy, i played on all 3 factions and it was the most boring its ever been, small scattered fights amidst the server crashes.