base designs: time to think about indar and esamir 3.0

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Cilrael-sa-Altarii, May 21, 2015.

  1. Cilrael-sa-Altarii

    I am the only one to consider the poor job done on base design ?

    i mean, the point of capping a base should be to stay near the point(s) and not trying to stop the ennemy to go out of their spawn.

    Lately, the Allatum Broadcast hub changed and i was pretty wanting to fight in this "new" base. But once is pawned i've been annoyed by the same mistakes that ruin all the bases: the spawn is so, so, so easily camped by the ennemies that once the point has been taken, there's no way you can keep fighting:
    - if you move out of the spawn, you can't get any covers.
    - the stairs you can use to go back to your spawn is at a dead angle: the ennemy can get covered and keep the defenders inside.
    - first base to be redone in months and stil usel the old 3 way undefendable room for the cap point. (that's not a bad thing for the attackers, only for those who defend)
    - the placed these horrible "sundy parkings" that ruins every single Esamir bases.
    - the using the tree to stop vehicle from shooting at the spawn is a good idea but get the north side and the tree doesn't annoy you anymore.

    This game is 2 years old (almost 3 if you consider the alpha). DBG/SOE resolved some problems as the spawnrooms (remember the first ones....) or the global flatterness of Esamir (those ugly and gamebreaking walls soulg never had existed) and then, amerish 2.0 and hossin. Those 2 maps are awesome, even if some base design are crap, those are still better than indar and esamir.
    Can someone explain me why this "new" base can show that level of poor level design when Hossin doesn't ?
    What happend to the guy that led hossin and amerish 2.0 ?

    I think that reworking some bases is not the correct way to resolve problems. I think that DBG should add "indar 3.0 and esamir 3.0" to their wishlist: over 1.5 years has passed since no major base design reworking has been done on these map instead of throwing money on "cert balance".
    I know this represents a lot of work to be done and i can understand that it is not affordable for the moment but these map still are the most loved and deserved to be redone.
    I also would say that there's two way to keep players playing ps2: adding knew things (like weapons or, better, vehicules (please, please add some vehicules agin)) ans reworking the maps so we're not bored to see the same lands again and again.
    I would love to rediscover indar and esamir on a new and entertaining way, with base not so easily camped by the attackers, without these ugly esamir walls, without bases being unattackable from specific roads (seabed listening post / ceres hydroponics).
  2. Obstruction

    as long as Indar 3.0 includes The Crown 1.0 i'm with it.
    • Up x 1
  3. BloodyG

    Who is going to do it Smed? lmao...
  4. johnway

    theres a lot of wide open space in indar that i really feel could be better used. the vast open desert areas are just dead zones with little to no cover and few people run open pitched battles (namely theres nothing to defend or hold and its smarter to go back and hold the bases).

    What i would like to see is a maybe an additional base or 2 or better yet, make a whole load of trenches to afford some cover for players to move forward whilst something to defend. Hell i wouldn't mind seeing one huge outpost consisting of multiple outposts (No i don't mean like regional bases surrounding biodomes or techplanets etc).

    As a general gripe is that most bases need additional turret defences. With costs going up for at and aa weapons, and some bases being practically defenceless with an open revolving door policy, most base should be a challenge to capture or satisfying to capture without being meat grinder fights.
  5. Cinnamon

    They haven't even finished hossin yet with a lot of placeholder bases and base that need a rework. And they still have that bug where there is an extreme amount of fog most of the time. Terrain also needs a large polish pass.
  6. Cilrael-sa-Altarii

    I don't think that extreme fog is a bug, it's more of a feature. i personnaly love that fog.
    I agree that the default base design of hossin kinda sucks compared to all the unique base the map have. They're just good farm place and are not really enjoyable. Still, they're better than most of indar and esami places.
    I don't think hossin need that much of reworking, just one or two fixes there and there but it's globaly awesome.

    I totally agree with you. some major/huge unique outpost would be awesome. It could work the same as the "new" amp facility system but opn a higher scale.
    Futhermore, trenches are a good idea: it would be awesome if somes bases had fortified trenches large enough to let tanks get in: they would be harder to hit and protected aginst air, that would totally be awesome.

    edit: I think i'll had the good ideas we have here to there main post, when i'll find out how to do so (the option doesn't shows up) ^^
  7. Pikachu

    Revamping continents takes a sh** load of time. That's why they don't do it.
    Hossin has lots of fog because it fits swamp and to hide the short render distance. It's only 1500 there compared to 2500 on Indar.
  8. Cinnamon

    The fog has to be a bug man. Maybe it is just more extreme for some players than others like sky box issues or something.

    Hossin benefits from being designed from the start to use lattice but a lot of bases need some more thought. There are some real howlers in the base design especially when it comes to placing fleets of sunderers right on control points and general problems with huge spawn room coverage. Some of the infantry choke points are just ridiculous.
  9. Pikachu

    Only Indar grassland skyfile has thicker fog than Hossin. Unlikely that you would get that version of the sky bug all the time.
  10. Kcalehc

    The base-like building between Quartz Ridge and Indar ex is a good example of what I'd like to see more of. It's not a base, but each side tries to use it as an intermediary stage between the 2 actual bases. Have some of these added in between bases that are already far apart, especially over open spaces. Or even better yet, partially bury them in the ground, so they don't affect the surface flow directly, but can provide a spawn location (if you can get a sundy there.

    Honestly some actual bases could just be turned into this, and have the lattice run over the top. They'd still be useful, but each side would have to work harder to take/hold them.
  11. Stopper

    It's strange that the release of the new Allatum Broadcast Hub wasn't even announced and advertized if the last patch's notes...

    Anyway, i visited it carefully and the base seems nice and fun. Should provide good infantry fights even if the base seems very small.

    But I agreee that the stupid sundy garage shouldn't be used : it makes absolutely no sense from a tactical point of view for the base builders, leads defenders to the sundy probable location, and the goal can be achieved in another way, with the terrain serving as screen (rocks, canyon, trees, slope...).
  12. DorianOmega

    IMO for maps 3.0 they should just remove base walls/ change their positioning and spread bases out over larger areas, thus increasing base size and allowing vehicles to enter bases, as it is people are already finding ways around these walls and end up jumping harassers and magriders into walled bases or people camp their armor on hills and fire into these bases making the walls somewhat counter-intuitive .

    In doing this the ability to drop vehicles into bases from aerial vehicles could be a future possibility if they ever decide to add the functionality to aircraft (galaxy and maybe even Valkyrie?).
  13. Vargs

    I'm totally fine with a few rare ridiculous bases (what's up Sub Nanite Analysis). Gives the map some personality. Going back to the Crown 1.0 would be pretty rad if they fixed up the other stupid Indar ones that nobody is ever able to take or bypass.
  14. OldMaster80

    Redesigning bases would take a lot of time. I'd rather see it spent at implementing battle islands or new biomes like volcanic areas etc.

    Even if they re-do every continent we will never get to the point where everyone is happy.