a few questions about the state of the game. No.4

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by TheFlyingSalmon, May 19, 2015.

  1. TheFlyingSalmon

    Welcome fellow dead person, while you wait for the redeploy countdown, read this! Bonus check on the end!

    Once again I´m here to report about the failed work at DGC. Yes RadarX, this will contain a lot of "jabs against the team", and you know what? They really deserve it.

    tl;dr: Due to recent events also known as failures of DGC, i guess i need to continue my shaming series.

    Last thread: https://forums.station.sony.com/ps2...ions-about-the-state-of-the-game-no-3.215076/

    Well, more than 3 months passed since the last one. Time to reevaluate the change that was (not) made.

    Old bugs still no one cares about:
    • tank turret render bug now even in advanced form (no turrent at all!!)
    • good old dead body bug
    • jittering/shaking of enemy players while scope-aiming at them
    • medal counter on rocketlauncher like Hades or Nemesis broken (i have ******* ~600 kills on my Nemesis and still 1000 to go for auraxian?? This is SIMPLE MATH! Who managed to **** this up, a dead donkey??) paging Radar_X: on Reddit you said you can fix it. So, if you really read this...
    • death screen is still broken and shows the wrong person since implementation of this crap -> i am certain that you guys didn´t fix it, not even logged in once
    • PhysiX (or how it´s named, this particle thingy) still disabled
    • medic shield bubble thing doesn´t render all the time
    • deploy bug on sunderer and prowler
    • ammo package sometimes not choosable/placeable anymore

    ****** up things:
    • there are still nerfhammered things: ZOE, PPA, etc.
    • NC Ravens still overpowered like ****. Vulcan-H still OP, ****´s wrecking air as well.
    • directive progress still not fractal (oh you did 99% damage on that tank? It would be a shame if you need to reload and a basilisk of that sunderer 500m away takes the last shot and the kill and you get nothing for the directive)
    • allaround balance: Ranger vs Walker (srsly? you buffed the ranger to 1000m/s a while ago...why did you leave the ranger unchanged, this weapon is pure ****!!??)
    • you announced some "Quality of life" called QoL-Changes like the introduction of the old cert screen? Where are those things?? This was 4 (!) months ago! Deliever DGC!
    • Phase 2 ****..."why should we introduce complete things if we can get 50% community satisfaction with 10% effort?" The past showed that smedley is just a liar, so i won´t expect anything from his last post
    • Spitfire turret...come one...change it...do something DGC...
    • still no "Squad spawn thing" per default on the valkyrie, c´mon guys this is already ****...why do you give such a thing only to the galaxy/sunderer. Also make 2 seats "passive use only" (like seat 4 to 12 in a sunderer). A fulled manned valkyrie with 4 repair engineers is nearly invincible.
    • impossible directives...1000+ max punch kills? No way around this? Roadkills on a sunderer?? REALLY??
    • ammo sundi vs repair sundi...first with a horrible low XP cap, last with the most XP value...find the mistake
    • scoreboard is totally ****** up for ages
    • add some comments to the default voice system (ingame "v") such as "get in"
    • make gunner seats locked for squad seperatly
    • change the angle of view on the ground vehicle mounted AA weapons. It happens way too often, that a sunderer is parked on a tiny bump, making it impossible to hit low flying aircraft. It just needs a few degrees downwards. And for ***** sake: make them aim up to 90°, its way too easy for aircraft to simply fly directly above you and shell you to death. Whats the point of this ****??
    • vehicles getting killed hundreds of times because they get shot by an engi-turret that is out of render distance
    • infantry getting shot from more than 400m from air, while lockon weapons can´t even aim straight up. WTF DGC?
    • redeployside. Alerts are just "last second saves with two platoons": so many ways to fix it
    • just one word: "debris"
    • Higby´s gone, I want this "points to auraxian medal" instead of "kills to auraxian medal" badly, one of the few good ideas.
    • tons and tons of mechanics that could be implemented without spending more than 2 hours work
    • sometimes the base design is ape**** crazy, won´t specify on that because I don´t know the name of the all bases with bad design anymore
    • it´s possible to throw grenades through spawnroomshields or glitch into the ground
    • various amount of hackers, glitchers, bug abusers and stat padders no one cares about
    • spur, duster and hyena also known as "weak onebarrel-vektor", "pinpoint accurate infantry killer" and "i just bought it because i have too many certs"
    and i didn´t even mentioned half of them (right now on my list are 187 bugs that are this obvious, yes I counted them) or the new ones you patched in the last 3 months. The only fixing that takes part regulary is cash shop items, so the money bags don´t cry over broken shiny decoration.

    And why is DGC not capable of LISTENING to its own community. Me, as a single person, could do all those mentioned weapons balance changes in about 1 weeks (so 5 workdays à 8 hours each), the balancing would be considered as "much better" by about 85% of the people.
    DGC: "Concerns, feedback? Of course we take it! Appreciate it very much! Such wow, very amaze! Look, do you see this thing there?"
    Community: "What thing? You mean this trash can??"
    DGC: "Trash?? No way, this is called 'feedback box'"
    Community: "So i just need to throw a list of my concerns and feedback in there?"
    DGC: "Nooo, you know. The amount of feedback is large so we need you to compress this piece of paper so it takes less room. Use this."
    Community: "But...sir...this is...the office fileshredder...from Mrs. Cheesecake"
    DGC: "Shredder? No way, this is called 'paper compressor', i´ll show you" (takes paper, puts it into shredder and...well what do you expect to happen???)
    Community: "Impressive"
    RadarX: " *insert random PR ********* "
    Reddit: "Daed gam!"

    "We appreciate the feedback"...SOE/DGC never listened to the community. They have not the slightest idea on how to balance the game properly - I do.
    How many guys work on this game? Well considering your performance you have the workforce of approximatly 2 high skilled guys which means you have about 8 no-skill people working on the game.

    If you really appreciate the feedback and don´t **** on the players head, you will introduce this thing:
    You remember the starting survey when you can choose your favorite class and you get a weapon, a shotgun and some boost?
    Use this ALREADY IMPLEMENTED FEATURE (!!) to ask every player about his opinion. Every player gets shown this survey on the first TWO logins and he can choose if he want to give his opinion or not.
    If he doesn´t want to be asked again he can "opt-out" with a simple checkbox. Boom! Feedback! A lot of it! No need to login into the forum or another thing. Easy, fast, reliable and even an intern with no clue on programming can do it.
    When you need feedback about a thing/feature, start a new survey...simple as ****. Evaluate the ****? So easy the dead office dog can do it.
    Well, just dreaming here...DGC don´t care at all. Radar and MrsSmedbuck will post his/her PR and that´s it. Thought about making this post series to a constructive guideline after discussing with zaspacer in the last thread. DGC failed and I don´t want to waste much time for this (just proof read this once instead of four times! take that DGC!).
    DGC could be pictured as some guy that asks for feedback and then says "no, we do it my way!" and then he fails - again and again.

    Update: New marketing **** from John...we´ll see...notoric liars aren´t appreciated you know...? Well, lied again - quelle surprise.

    Update 2: Also Radar_X: the impacts of the cert changes are not that small. I said you should hand out a list.
    • "no, too much work...those changee...little impact"
    • "no drastic departure on that front" totally not drastic...only about 100 to 200% more...totally normal...
    • "entirety of the pricing changes first hand, the net reaction will be a positive one" totally positive...let´s make a bet: i bet that only 15% of all legit comments on this **** can be considered as "positive". If I win, you guys change it back and ask me before you change any numbers on balance side while implementing my feedback 1:1. This is a win-win: I can finally rescue the game, your community starts to like you and your performance with me in the team will be raised by 250% without additional cost (I take DBC, you know...). If I loose I will say that you made a "good job" (not ironically like the last hundred times)...well this won´t be the case at all.

    So you ignored me and now you raised the overall cost to nearly twice the level. I bought everything I need because I knew you would **** this one up (the scale got up to 120% of insanity...should have bought the two remaining 750 cert shotguns too -.-).

    So Radar_X, are you surprised by the harsh language after this ******** performance? You shouldn´t.
    You had one week to clear "bugs". You lied again. **** you. And I don´t care about your ToS and the no insult-********...normally I let the **** settle and comment on a neutral level...

    Bah ****, I censored it. I´m too much of a good person.

    And FYI the bonus check is a lie! Just like anything that is said from Smedlie!

    Update 3: Splash damage through the spawnroomshields?? AGAIN??!! I need to bail out of this thread or I will insult you ****tar...*bailed*

    **** it,
    the wisest of all flying fish
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  2. CriticaLHiT28

    It is a free game. They have to eat you know.
  3. Eternaloptimist

    Don't be shy, tell us what you really think. This game is awesome for a freebie.
  4. TheFlyingSalmon

    Not quite sure what this means...where´s the context??

    As long as he doesn´t mind the gamebreaking bugs...
  5. Badname82

    So, how many video games have you worked on in your illustrious career?
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  6. Shockwave44

    So their way is the only way?
  7. TheFlyingSalmon

    I never talked about working on video games. I could work in financal accounting and be qualified for this kind of work. It´s about knowledge, numbers and their impact on the entire number structure. Even in an asymetric balance system there needs to be a solid ground. The fact that the dev´s have no idea of their own game results in destructive changes. I won´t go further on that, waste of time since no one of the "important" people will ever read this and if so it will be ignored.
    Methaphor: They produce a car that has neither an engine nor tires. They think it´s good because they ride just down the hill. Well enough of that, everybody knows this already.
  8. TheFlyingSalmon

    This is the message I get when I ask for a fix of my ES RL auraxian medal counter through your useless support. I remember that RadarX or someone of the team said on reddit that he can fix it manually. He did it for a few people I think. So the guys of the support lied directly into my face? Nice.

    Nemesis has ~560 kills but still ~882 kills to auraxian. It has to be 1160-560 = 600 kills to auraxian instead.
    Hades has ~190 kills but still ~1115 kills to auraxian. It has to be 1160-190 = 970 kills to auraxian instead.

    So was this offer only for the VIPs on reddit?

    Also I reported a statpadder with attached evidence. He is still not punished. You had one week. You wasted it.
  9. SwornJupiter

    You know, for a playerbase that has - maybe 90% - not spent a dime on this game, you sure do a lot of demanding...
    This is one of the best f2ps on the market that actually has substance to keep it's players playing for hundreds of hours unlike other games e.g. MOBAs *cough*DOTA*cough* [that game is the same s*** over and over again].
    The current state of the game already offers quite a lot of options to cater for a lot of playstyles and preferences - arguably even more than bf4 or other FPS "competitors". Whether you like flying, tanking, slugging it out as infantry, or simply being a team player, it's all pretty much there.
    It's not the "slow development" that is killing this game. It's the community's sense of self-righteousness and sense of entitlement that's going to kill off this game. The devs have not asked for money - you chose to pay it. That doesn't entitle you to anything except the cosmetics you bought.

    The bugs that you have mentioned are hardly game breaking. At most, they're annoying, hell even comical at times, but they don't detract from the large-scale warfare sandbox which is the game.

    If you think DBG doesn't interact with the community, you clearly have not even ventured beyond these forums. Do you think EA or Activision entertains these kinds of complaints? No, they charge you $60-$80 right out of the gate and you play at your own risk.

    Oh, and just browsing the forums in the last few weeks, I would rather entrust the job of balancing to a monkey. The ideas are horrible, yet some key individuals refuse to come down from their high horse and acknowledge that they can't think of a reasonable, intelligent reason for something to change other than "that doesn't belong to my faction, so it should be nerfed".

    Yes, it's been two years.
    Yes, the meta-game is mostly not there, or is quite shabby.
    But we do have a lot going for us.
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  10. Crator

    The game is dying? The pop stats seem to show the same amount for the past year... Of course 2013 and part of 2014 had higher pops because that was from launch.
  11. SwornJupiter

    ^Very true, but it would depend how we would define "dying".
    Perhaps once a game's population becomes stagnant or begins to plateau, it's a bad sign, but PS2 benefits from an active dev team that is consistently putting in effort to improve the game and sometimes inject some new content. At launch, PS2 was raking in hundreds of new players every week - now it's a trickle (which can be comforting, but also worrying). Right now, DBG's priority should be to retain the playerbase they have already created.
    Or, if you feel that a "dead" game is one where there is no longer any progress on the dev's part, that is also reasonable. The game becomes stagnant, bland over time and eventually people move on. I'm optimistic that this won't happen.

    The notion that the game is 'dying' is not really true, but the game has had its fair share of complaints over the past couple of months. The game maybe encounters small dips in population.
  12. n0pax

    This is the most naive viewpoint in the world. Without the free players the already underpopulated servers would be barren and the pay players would quit. Smedley said it himself way back at launch, free players are essentially content for ps2. Without them the game shuts down in a month.
  13. BloodyG

    There are a lot people in this community with more money then brains :D .
  14. K2k4

    This is the strangest resume i have ever read.
  15. Shiaari

  16. BloodyG

    Such a good Doggy, now SIT!
  17. Shiaari

    What can I say?

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  18. OldMaster80

    You know everyone on this forum thinks he/she has the ONLY recipe to success and balancement. This game if full of self-made videogames gurus who think they only know what to do.

    Personally I think the game is more or less balanced and it's doing pretty well. There are still some bugs but they are rarely seriously annoying (the generator overcharge is the latest) and there are only a very few weapons that imho perform too well or too bad (Striker 2.0, Battle Rifles, Ravens have too long range and maybe the TRAP needs some love).

    But hey, blaming devs is trendy nowadays.
  19. TheFlyingSalmon

    As someon already stated: paying members need guy to slaughter...without free player the paying players disappear. Simple as that.

    Luckily I am a free player due to the horrible work and patch history. I just see how many ressources they waste to get such bad results.

    Of course you need to filter the ideas. But even the good ones are ignored by DGC.

  20. Shiaari

    Most of the bugs you're dealing with there are latency related. The Sunderer deploy issue is purely a matter of lag. Whenever I park it there is a few seconds that go by before I can deploy it. This has been the case since... I dunno... beta. I'm beginning to think it is an arbitrary timer and is working as intended.

    I was on for a few hours this morning testing some of these bugs. Didn't see them.

    You're right, I don't snipe often. I find snipers to be situationally effective in a game such as this. So, no, I don't snipe often. But when I do I don't see this issue. Sorry.

    All of your issues with this game are pretty petty. Seriously. Little things. A few big things, which I give you credit for, but overall very petty little things, little things that every MMO has to deal with.

    And if you're such a good coder why not give Daybreak your resume? I'm sure they could use your help, and engineers are very well paid. That is, assuming you can really fix some of these issues with only two hours of work. Something tells me you either 1) exaggerated, or 2) aren't what you claim to be.