Can't hit anything...

Discussion in 'Infiltrator' started by BloodyG, May 18, 2015.

  1. BloodyG

    The last days i sucked pretty bad, shots where i'm sure to hit fly through heads and everybody seems to get the drop on me, even when i know from were they come i'm often dead before i can get a bullet off..

    Getting shot all the time when i run towards a point to Snipe from 50+ meters cloaked...

    The Servers make the impression to run on a sack potatoes.

    Oh and some hackers, speedhacker, a dude without hitbox and so on...

    Need to take a break again after 2 weeks playing, this game messes with my nerves to much.
  2. Leivve

    Sniping is hard, cloak doesn't make you completely invisible, most people will actively look in good sniping spots because they know someone is probably going up there. Dude with no hit box was probably just lagging, so on his screen you missed, but on yours you hit.
  3. AssaSsinBulletS

    Prolem is that some infils think that they are invicible. U r not. U can NOT just walk somewhere without getting seen. That would be way too op. Stay at a distence and snipe, use cloak to get away. If u want to attack, be sure u dont just walk in with a cloak. Stop moving, or find another way to get in. Even with a cloak u still need to pay attention to ur surroundings like EVERYBODY else. Wouldnt be much of a challenge otherwise would it.
  4. Leivve

    You mean I actually have to use skill to snipe! What is this blasphemy!
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  5. BloodyG

    The cloak became useless, it's a nerfed/bugged version of a tool that worked at one point...not anymore though.

    I get a ******** of bugs due to this garbage servers, were it decloaks were it shouldn't or cloaks when you want to uncloak..

    You two idiots want to tell me i don't know how to use the cloak? Are you ******* kidding me???
    "Hurrdurrr you are not invisible"... really, **** you... this game has become a total mess for Infiltrators it's even worse then the NW saves you from headshot times!

    Oh, i forgot some stuff...flinch oh god that ******* flinch... there is no way in hell to return a shot with a BA ones you get hit.
    Teleporting people, HA's with what seems 200% hp "they don't use hacks though", i know it's just the server... lol.

    And it's all my fault because i don't use any cheats or tools to get better, i have a lot to learn... :mad:
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  6. DCWarHound

    You're using the SAS-R which can only use a 4x scope and below,i would recommend using something that can use a 10x scope.Situational awareness is key when playing Infiltrator,change location after 4 or so kills if you aren't at a location with a good view of the surroundings.

    If someone is running towards you,take a shot at their head or place a mine at your location and then start running in the opposite direction until you find a good spot.If you have cover you shouldn't have trouble killing 3 or so people running at you.
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  7. Navron

    For sure...if you're using a SAS-R for sniping purposes, you're using it wrong. SAS-R is best at medium range. If you're using a 2x Reflex, you might be able to get away with close range but ONLY in smaller battles.
  8. Sir Cypher

    I haven't noticed the problems you describe (except for the cloak being ridiculously easy to see when moving), and I play also on Cobalt. I am not trying to deny them, either. I've also seen video evidence of hackers, just haven't seen any myself yet. Maybe that's because I've been grinding the sniper rifles directive lately.

    Only thing I have had a hard time with was starting to grind the Spectre after about a year. Could not hit a damn thing, but that was just my aim. Still, I hate the "poor-excuse-for-a-pea-shooter" :). Ghost was working like a charm. Those I shot at, died.

    I haven't seen what I would call server issues either. Sometimes it seems there are teleporting people / vehicles, but at those times it's my connection that's hiccuping. Ping 500ms+ and connection quality bad. I see for a while if it gets better and if not, I'll log out. Usually it's my router that needs booting though. How do you even differentiate what's a problem on the serverside and what's a problem on the clientside?
  9. BloodyG

    My connection is stable and fast (50ms-80ms), can't say the same about this server though, it can't handle big battles and as a result i get the shots through heads and people killing me the moment they appear on my screen or sometimes they don't show up at all..

    When it's a small battle i can usually tell if it's a cheater or the server, but in big fights it's impossible
    I don't snipe with the SAS-R that's what i have the Longshot for, but up to 120m i use the SAS-R and it was working just fine before i took my last break from the game.

    I don't like using the 10x if i go to get close it's not working for me, the 12x i don't use at all.
  10. MisterSlim

    I refuse to believe that! This is some serious news.. Everything I have learned has been a lie.. Maybe I'm not Frosty after all, maybe I'm actually Flamey. My world is shattered..

    -Stay Frosty (I think?)
  11. ferlinco

    I dun play infil much, but when I do, I always flank and shoot from distance, yep 4x scope is my favorite. after fire 5 rounds u better go find a new spot. They will come after u. They will! Even for me if I spot a infil I will do all I can to kill it.
  12. Grumblefern

    Clearly you need an aimbot. :p

    Recently they mucked around with physics and sniper rifles were funky. For awhile they had essentially no drop, and it seems to've returned to roughly normal, but I wouldn't be surprised if drop was slightly different and players who had a feel for the old style, or just got too used to no-drop, have to re-adjust.

    That could be part of your issue. I don't snipe a lot(though I do Blackhand snipe here and there on all classes) but it's been more hit and miss for me than usual due to these changes.