[BUG] 1st patch from GameBreak

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Peter Daniel, May 19, 2015.

  1. Peter Daniel

    Spawn Shield:
    - AOE going through spawn shield
    - Cannot see through spawn shield

    What's the ideia here?
    WTH are people going to do when inside the spawn room??
    Getting flagged by HE and Libs, and cannot even shoot back??????

    HUD Icons:
    Can you please add a feature to disable or set opacity on the icons?
    We were complaining before about the busy HUD, and now its just crazy!

    Night Vision:
    What the hell is that, I can do better by setting the brightness up

    Heat vision:
    Did you Heat vision disable this for infantary, or it's just the virtual room thats broken?
    I'm not going to spend 200 certs to find out!

    Nice prices...
  2. ChUnKiFieR

    And how about belly guns completely missing from Liberators. What's the point of a test server again?
  3. Shiaari

    Disable icons when you need to by pressing Ctrl + i. Toggles them on or off.
  4. Ballto21

    vrs never highlighted in thermals since beta
  5. Pikachu

    You forgot to mention shields that do not recharge and being blinded by the sun indoors.
    • Up x 2
  6. Peter Daniel

    So now, when I spot an enemy, I get his name across my screen blocking my view??? WTH???