[Suggestion] Add the Under-barrel Launchers to Battle Rifles

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Skooma Lord, May 14, 2015.

  1. Skooma Lord

    (This was a glitch way back enabling the Under-barrel attachment to be equipped in the V.R. training)
    I think it would be a nice addition to battle rifles. It would not be overpowered either since the Battle Rifles are one of the worst preforming weapons in the game, just like the S version of weapons that can have an under-barrel launcher attachment are.
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  2. Pikachu

    I remember this glitch. :D
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  3. ColonelChingles


    Sure, why not?

    I mean in the Battlefield series you can attach UBGLs to almost any rifle (though not carbines, which was a bit odd). And even in BF (unlike in PS2) the UBGL didn't come with downsides like making your rifle slower to equip... all you were missing was the ability to mount a grip or something.

    They should really just let you mount a UBGL to most carbines and assault rifles, but to simply have the equip penalty (combined with the lack of using a foregrip or laser sight) be the balancing point. Not like the UBGL grenades are really that dangerous anymore.
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  4. Kayth

    I support any buff to underpowered kit options.
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  5. RedArmy

    i use the Battle Rifle as a ghetto version of a sniper when im supporting snipers or otherwise elevated rocket teams, which is pretty rare. its awefull close range, so im not opposed to UBGL. the fwd grip is pretty useless as is.
  6. Neo3602

    I honestly don't see why not, the only thing that might be bad that I could think of would that then the HA would have access to under-barrel options, though I doubt that it would be that game breaking.
  7. qiray12

    Yes to this. Not just cus why not but mainly cus it looks epic :p
  8. eldarfalcongravtank

    holy awesomeness! that looks killah.. almost like it was on purpose. shame it was "only" a glitch
  9. OldMaster80

    How adding some terrible / useless attachments to a bad weapon could make it better?

    The problem with br is they only perform well at long range. At mid/close quarter they are poor because high recoil makes them outperformed by full auto weapons.

    The solution imho is having soft point ammo and advanced laser sight as attachments so one could configure them for every situation.
  10. _itg

    That wouldn't do much good. The Rebel Pistol would still be a virtual straight upgrade for CQC, even with those attachments, and most people prefer other pistols, given the choice. An underbarrel shotgun would make a much bigger difference, since it's an OHK, after all.
  11. TheMercator

    But you would have to give up medi-packs(At least in BF 3)
  12. OldMaster80

    Then give Battle Rifles a narrower crosshair and reduce recoil. After all the simple reason why they are so poor is recoil is so insane many players prefer not to use HVA at all. I'm one of those.

    Or at least increase damage to make them compete with the other guns.
  13. Fry_Poncho

    I give a yes to this.
  14. Scr1nRusher

    UBL's would be great on BR's as a option.
  15. Mongychops

    The issue of what UBGLs are for still needs to be addressed, at the moment the lack of a defined role since being nerfed has relegated them to being a novelty. I suggest one of these two ideas:

    • Increase the outer splash radius (4m or 5m), but decrease the inner splash damage. This will define it as a harassment weapon, like the Lasher. Softening those hiding in cover, and denying shield regen.
    • Change the explosion resist type to the same as AV grenade, doing weak damage to infantry, but bonus damage to MAXes. This gives engineers and medics an option for engaging MAXes at range, while being at the cost of using an inferior weapon, and still far inferior to the HAs launcher in; projectile velocity, damage, and effective rate of fire.
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  16. Mxiter

    The BR recoil a tad high but manageable (even its bad recoil bias).

    It's the insane bloom per shot that makes those just terrible.

    For example:
    gauss saw: 0.07 per shot ADS 0.014 per shot Hip
    BR: 0.1 per shot ADS 0.2per shot Hip

    the weapon bumps are somewhat correct. The bullet just don't goes where you aim after the 2nd shot due to high bloom.

    I auraxiumed it and won't touch it anymore just because of that.
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  17. Jogido

    great idea!
  18. day ofm one

    Sounds really interesting.

    Batle rifle for long range combat, underbarrel shottie for very short range, nade launcher against zergs.
    Low ammo => limited efficiency => no need to fear for it being overpowered

    Can we have a revive and healing grenade underbarrel launcher for Medics? ;)
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  19. Skooma Lord

    You just gave me an idea for a new suggestion thread.:)
  20. day ofm one
