Offensive outfits with "ISIS" tags

Discussion in 'Player Support' started by Nregroepis, May 12, 2015.

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  1. Nregroepis

  2. Geneaux

    Religious reasoning has no bearing on others who do not practice them or care for them. Its why we don't lock up every non-Muslim and cartoonist who draws Muhammad, or any person who draws Muhammad. In short, people aren't going to stand idly by to have stuff changed over ultimately trivial things that absolutely no bearing on reality, because of the fact that you were "offended".
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  3. Tixios

    Unless there is large scale recruiting and propaganda going on from actual ISIS I don't see a reason to not allow such names to be used, also considering that the leader figure hasn't been in game since 2015-03-23 suggests to me that it was a "joke" name for someone just trying PS2.
  4. Maxence822

    A name such as that one is offensive and should not be created. For example, I am sure if someone created an outfit named "KKK" it would be banned right? Well it should be the same for an outfit named Isis.
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  5. Nregroepis

    I am not a Muslim.
  6. RainbowDash9

    i dont really think anyone would care....well maybe isis. take a joke.
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  7. toast2250

    Whole snickerbars, c4 strap on bomb the ocean yulluluul!
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  8. RainbowDash9

    alluh ackbar durka durka mahamijiihad turban virgin durka durk
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  9. Geneaux

    Doesn't change the point.

    That's sheep mentality. No individual and intelligent thought whatsoever.

    May as well bar all the children in the world with 'Adolf' or 'Hitler' in their names from public school, and throw out history of the holocaust while we're at it too. If you truly find this 'offensive', then you must have bigger issues at hand than this.
  10. stalkish

    I dont think anyone should be condoning the atrocities that are going on in that part of the world, whatever religion you are, killing innocent people just trying to live their lives is never right and is never the intention of any God. These people arnt religious, they're brainwashed.

    Seriously what was the actual need to create the outfit tho, a joke? Not very funny and tbh pretty childish, but whatever each to their own.

    Im not personaly going to throw a hissy fit about it but i do think people should show a bit more decency, particularly for those who have lost family members in this conflict. Dont forget this is an international game, you could be speaking to some1 directly affected by what is going on.
  11. Liewec123

    Isis is the Egyptian god of maternity.
    in a few decades people will remember that and stop thinking "isis" is first and foremost a short lived terrorist group.
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  12. toast2250

    Now that you mention it. If type isis in google/images you should get results of an Egyptian god, which is quite known and famous. Instead, you get a full load of those disgusting people that are super pissed off simply because they cant get laid.
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  13. eatcow0

    The three highly controversial outfit tags I've run across are ISIS, JHAD, and AX1S. I only play on Connery fyi.

    Regardless if the outfit leaders meant it to be a joke, due to the subject matter its in bad taste, crass, and people can easily take it the wrong way.
  14. RainbowDash9

    and regardless of whether its in bad taste and crass, they should still have the right to do so :p

    If you are offended by this, you really don't have anything better to do. I mean, why the hell would you care about such tiny nuisances?
  16. defry

    I agree entirely... And they should also ban all those people that sing America the Beautiful in the warpgate. They must have never heard of Detroit.
  17. Mercenary

    Anyone with an Isis tag just tells me who to shoot first. If you are that easily offended; how do you handle games that have terrorists in the storyline? How come your ears don't bleed when you watch the news and have to hear the word.

    You are getting trolled by someone with a name (Or you are trolling us. In that case; well played!)
  18. Nregroepis

    Come on guys, settle down with the criticism. I'm not offended by these outfits, i'm just trying to point out that there are some people out there who are religious and can possibly be offended by these, especially the ones that were deliberately made to offend them.
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  19. Maxence822

    But that's not the point, the point is that Planetside 2 is supposed to be a gaming community where people ideally should go to spend their free time for fun. Let's say you come from the Middle East, where you have just fled from the horrors of ISIS (terrorist group) who have just killed a few of your friends (and don't say that this is uncommon, I know quite a lot of such refugees). You're trying to enjoy a video game, and then you see an outfit, created by some dumb kid as a joke, named after the terrorist group that just murdered thousands. Being honest, I don't believe many kids know the true significance of Isis so one can only assume that it is meant in a more offensive way.
  20. RainbowDash9

    i dont really think youd be playing an fps right after your friends getting killed by isis...just saying.
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