[Suggestion] To: The Developers [Unique Character Slot]

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Destroyer0370, May 11, 2015.

  1. Kaindestroi

    c4 and cloak is not the same slot is it?

    edit: to explain what i had in mind- i plan to run out whit my cloaky shotgun LA and blow up every mf spawn camping tank out there whit the c4. ofc, dosnt have to be a LA, could be a heavy or any other class that can carry shottys and c4

    edit again, nm you are right it is the same slot :(

    3rd and final edit, BRAIN MELTDOWN. leaving this topic and going to bed.
  2. JohnGalt36

    Edit: never mind. I was also under the impression that cloak and C4 were not the same slot.
  3. FateJH

    What are you guys talking about?

    Since Kaindestroi specifically said LA, I was referring to Cloak and Jumpjets - both Ability Slot items. C-4 is a Utility Slot item.
  4. JohnGalt36

    Well, I was going off of what Kaindestroi said. Hahaha.
    That shows you how much I use jumpjets or C4.

    I'll stand by my original statement, then. Invisible people planting C4 would be the official end of the tank game.
  5. Destroyer0370

    Hi Everyone. Want to say something with the "Cloak+C4" situation as it would never exist. The game does not allow it. If you are using a cloak of any kind now(currently in the game), playing a Infiltrator, you do not have access to C4 explosives.
  6. Dj Gus

    Still... A man can dream xD