Hossin has really grown on me

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by dngray, May 6, 2015.

  1. dngray

    It used to be my least favorite continent but lately I am finding it my favorite. Nice job with Hossin renovations Daybreak!
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  2. JohnGalt36

  3. RedArmy

    when i log in and i see two continents available, one being hossin, and the other being anything else thats population locked and theres a Q, i'll just log off and not play. i hate it that much. Give us Searhus already.
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  4. LodeTria

    You should get those yellow glowing plants checked out if they are growing on you.
  5. Armcross

    Are your sure they are plants, for me they look like fungus to me. And the air seems full of spore.

    Not everybody like fighting in the swamp
  6. 00000000000000000000

    I also enjoy Hossin, it makes vehicle players cry and that makes me smile.
  7. MaDiv

    And I thought I would be the only human on this planet who thinks so :D

    B2T: I think Hossin could be a cool continent, if they only would add boats and make real lakes and rivers...
  8. Selrahc4040

    That's the native slime mold, seeps into your body through scrapes and other wounds, before getting fully sealed in by the Med-Applicators. It latches on to your nervous system around the base of your spine and compels you to find suitable reproduction grounds for it, like the swamps of Hossin. If you report to Decontam soon, they might be able to get it off of you.

    Stay safe out there,
    HR Officer Selrahc40
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  9. Eternaloptimist

    Is it just me, or is Hossin more likely than the other continents to produce teeny 1-12 infantry-only fights? I go elsewhere whenever I can because I prefer larger, combined arms battles. There are big fights to be sure, but many of them seem to be a quasi stalemate of forces in neighbouring buildings exchanging obscene amounts of fire.
  10. omfgweeee

    Hosin is my fav too but for my bad not many ppls like it. Even on alerts sometimes other continents have more pop than hosin.
  11. Vargs

    Hossin is the best continent, but everyone avoids it to play on Indar because people love fighting at the same small handful of impossible-to-take chokepoint bases for thousands of hours I guess. The Dustbowl/2fort of Planetside. Why hang out in this cool, relatively new continent when we could go back and forth between the Crossroad Tower/Tawrich Tech canyon for the millionth time?! I hope you like open spaces with no cover.

    Hell, I even like Hossin the most as a tanker because the treeline gives you a chance to flank around like you're supposed to (particularly as a lightning or magrider) without every ESF on the continent immediately spotting and annihilating you with no chance to fight back or escape because you aren't right next to a friendly flak zerg.
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  12. St0mpy

    Hossin is great, I dont know why people dont like it, you fight mostly at bases whatever map it is and its got some great bases. Only the more rangy vehicles have any real trouble (and even then you can learn to pick your way through). Also it has nice touches such as larger spawn pain fields giving defenders more choices to move out (even vehicle terminals are protected by it on some).

    As the last continent to be developed bases had the very best of the experience from the old team and while there are still several 'cookie cutter' placeholder bases the team didnt get to finish, the many bases they did construct are really quite unique.
  13. maxkeiser

    Absolutely hate Hossin. It takes the bad bits of Esamir and just magnifies them. Far too many artificial ravines and lattice lane cliffs to keep people herded in particular directions, bases with sprawling layouts that make no sense, too many walls etc etc. And it is too dark. The whole thing is just a bore to fight on.

    Indar remains the best continent with Esamir/Amerish in second (both are also fun).

    Indar has the best variety, is most suited to combined arms, has the most sensible topography and has the best views - wide open vistas where you can see the enemy coming etc. That's why most people still like Indar. I've been playing on it since Beta and not at all bored - purely because the landscape allows for so many options (unlike the closed ravines and lattice lane traps of Hossin).

    I basically avoid Hossin now - even during alerts. It's just tedious to play on generally.
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  14. Strottinglemon

    Well they're Auraxian plants, so they wouldn't fit any taxonomic kingdom from Earth. They're just alien organisms that make use of photosynthesis and reproduce using spores.
  15. Shiaari

    Hossin is an infantry player's happy place. Lots of chokes, lots of cover, lots of obscure lanes and arcs of fire.

    Hossin is complicated, kids. Not for the faint of heart.
  16. Shiaari

    OMG Dustbowl and 2fort! Sorry, had a nostalgia bit there.
  17. Cinnamon

    Some of the base designs on hossin are very elaborate. Sometimes this works in their favour and sometimes it doesn't.

    It appears that almost no effort was put into the terrain or world which often appears to be random generate garbage. Apparently the most interesting thing about it is that there is a hidden racetrack in the terrain? OK, I guess, but normal gameplay is a hell of chokepoints and magriders from angles nobody else can get to. It's almost always easier to run to the next base than use a vehicle for anything other than farming infantry.

    The fog is not good for anything and it always seems too dark with no good lighting.
  18. JohnGalt36

    As a tanker, I'm MUCH more worried about C4 fairies fluttering through the fog to drop insta-kill bricks on my tank than I am about ESF's. I can wreck an ESF with an AP round once they start with their slow approach, I generally don't even see drifter monkeys fly out of the jungle. Sure, if I rolled prox radar and always had a second gunner with canister + thermals, maaaaaaaybe...
  19. Kcalehc

    Hossin has some of the most interesting bases I find, unfortunately many of them are right near the warpgates and rarely see any action. The constructions sites do need updating to actual bases though, too many of those.

    Great for sniping if you know how to get up in the trees, lots of places for LA's to be dangerous. At first I hated it, but it's grown on me.
  20. Dowlphin

    I like Hossin because when I want to be alone, it's a great place to be.

    BTW if they added new continents and if necessary desgined the server architecture so that each continent creates isolated computing load, they could merge further and have only one server left. There they then could use continent locking to make sure there's no underpop happening.
    Would definitely be nice to have all players of one region together.