[Suggestion] Make the Spitfires tripod stand less spread out & clunky.

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Scr1nRusher, May 5, 2015.

  1. Scr1nRusher

    So that way its better for placement.

    Compare the MANA turrets stand design,surface area & placement ability compared to the Spitfire stand.

    The current Spitfire stand is clunky, takes up to much space(meaning harder time placing) & looks cobbled together/unstable. A change in air currents, no wait.... a off balance sand particle looks like it could flip the spitfire over.
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  2. RedArmy

    i think the whole turret itself should be atleast 1/2 to 2/3rd scale size - its too big. i could hook up an iphone with a rotating turret and it would be smaller, and thats the present day - not the "future" sized one
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  3. Scr1nRusher

  4. axiom537

    Actually, I think a better idea would be to allow them to be placed on any flat surface. How awesome would it be to stick them on a wall or on the ceiling above the troops.

    Hell, it could be a 500 cert magnetic attachment, that you cert into, that would allow players to place them on any surface.
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  5. strid3r478

    That actually sounds awesome :)
  6. Scr1nRusher

    Originally the spitfire was going to be hovering around. Then they gave it legs.
  7. JudgeNu

    They could have made the Mana-Turret go into spitfire mode when not equipped with an Engineer.
    It was the model they used in Test.
    I haven't used either turret in months.
    But I play Medic/HA lately.
    Im all Engie'd out.
  8. JudgeNu

    I remember that too.
    Iirc they were going to make them deploy practically anywhere.
    I suppose it was too much trouble.
  9. Scr1nRusher

    Spitfires? Trouble?

  10. PrimePriest

    Trouble to code. You know....something that requires actual work and not lazy solutions.
  11. Scr1nRusher

    But magriders hover!
  12. Anonynonymous

    I miss the days of Tribes 2 as well, friend.
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  13. EarlofSunderer

    Allow us to attach spitfires to nearly any surface, including the top of a lightning/ESF/Flash.
    (Not onto infantry though, can't stick 10 of them onto a MAX)
  14. FieldMarshall

    I think they should make it more like the turret from Tribes. Deployable on walls and ceilings. And knee high in size.
    I feel like the current spitfire size doesent reflect its lethality which is low.
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  15. Anonynonymous

    Also allow players to apply camouflage pattern onto it like any other pieces of equipment.
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  16. MrJengles

    They said it was going to hover. I don't think there was any communication about why that didn't work out.

    IMO, the whole turret needs to be much smaller, both for placement QOL and balancing. It's too much of a bullet magnet right now and no one wants it to have incredibly high HP values.
  17. Lord_Avatar

    Awesome idea.