Bad infantry rendering

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by day ofm one, May 5, 2015.

  1. day ofm one

    So, my ping issues mostly vanished the last 4 days (I only die twice as fast as usual now), now the infantry just renders poorly.

    When I fly over a big fight, infantry doesn't render unless I am about 100 meters away.

    As infantry, enemies tend to appear where I just looked at and mentally marked the area as clear.
    Until someone shoots me into the back, I turn around, see an enemy out of the corner of my eye where I just had checked and die.

    Infantry rendering issues anyone else?...
  2. FBVanu

    I only get bad render on friendlies.. not too often., but often enough..
    Especially bad in a Magrider.. swaying side to side, ooops, killed friendly.. that was not on screen or on the minimap, but suddenly rendered right next to me.
    Very annoying.
    • Up x 1
  3. The_Blazing


    You're lucky. I'm running an i5 4570 and a GTX 770 but if the fight is dense enough infantry will render at 50-75m for me.

    This stuff really needs fixing. Hopefully the "potential" improvements curently on PTS will help a little bit... Not that they can be tested properly, considering the generally low population on Test.