Ingame price level changes planned, or baseless rumor?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Dowlphin, May 4, 2015.

  1. Dowlphin

    I heard something without any confirmation, so I wanted to ask whether any of you has heard anything about plans or considerations to overall lower cash prices and raise cert prices for items in the game. Any mention of such in a dev talk or anything? Or was the guy who said it just totally mistaken?
  2. khmnc

    i heard that from

    it's a 2nd hand source, so he could be wrong, but he generally seems to know whats going on
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  3. Dowlphin

    Hm, he said "some". I'm wondering how many. It just sours my mood yet again, because this feels like another of the shady business moves that piss me off again and again: First they do an extended double xp period and people jump on the opportunity to get plenty of additional certs, and then they might negate a good bit of that. It's like energy harvesting.
    Reminds me a lot of when they did a big discount on all infantry cosmetics and then soon after changed their looks. That's called screwing with customers.

    Also, I can understand that people might consider 700 cash for a weapon as too much - lower prices could definitely convince more people to spend money, but the cert costs of those very same weapons are hefty, too!
    They also removed the availability of heroic boosts now. So they should lower cash prices, but leave the cert prices alone.

    I could assume that the two rumoured moves are not related to the same weapons and that we might see some 100 or 250 certs weapons have an increase in costs, but I don't think so.

    So yeah, I invested a lot of time into accumulating plenty of certs (and could only find motivation because I set myself certain goals for gear) and kept them because I want to take my time making a well-educated decision about what stuff to get, and now that I hear they might increase cert prices, that feels horrible, like additional pressure AND uncertainty. And I can't take this constant barrage of bad news. I have trouble motivating myself to play anyway, but the demotivators keep coming from all sides. I don't trust any seemingly good news anymore.
  4. HadesR

    Couple of Posts on Reddit by RadarX

    Taken from
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  5. Dowlphin

    Thank you, HadesR. That paints a much clearer picture.
    If e.g. the Reaver shotgun ends up being raised from 100 to 150 certs, that wouldn't be something painful at all. And especially the other side - that expensive weapons might get a little cheaper, that's actually promising. ... I'm thinking MAX weapons here.
  6. Grumblefern

    I have had 98 SC for like a year and a half, maybe I can finally get something decent with it.
  7. Dowlphin

    I suspect that the odd SC prices are intended. It's a new thing it seems. They don't want you to ever end up with 0 SC.
    ... Well, I did anyway, hah.
  8. Pelojian

    i.e people aren't buying enough weapons with SC. increase cert prices to put the screws to people to try to encourage them to use SC instead.
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  9. Dowlphin

    I might be very critical of Daybreak, but this is not what transpires from the information available. You gotta at least skim the handful of postings in this thread.
    It seems to be about things like this:
    M20 Kestrel, 1000 certs, 700 cash
    M30 Mustang AH, 100 certs, 250 cash
    Very different ratio there.
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  10. Pootisman


    Some prices dont make any sense, i.e. the super powerful tank buster costs 100 SC/250 CERT, while the crappy Heavy Cycler (TR MAX weapon) costs 700 SC/1000 CERT. It took SOE/DBG 2,5 years to realize that.
  11. Pelojian

    To me it comes across that some items will have reduced SC costs while others will have a cert cost increase without any adjustment to the specific item's SC cost. Let's remember they aren't under any obligation to adjust the Certs to SC ratio to be the same across all weapons.

    Some items may cost less certs and some items may cost more. 1000cert weapons are there to encourage grind or pay to skip grind and i guess they've figured it's not profitable enough and are going to try another angle.
  12. LodeTria

    Baseless speculation on new prices:

    ESF Anti Infantry nose gun increases to 500 certs.
    Tank Buster increase to 750 certs.
    Spur decrease to 500 certs.
    All kobalt variants increase to 500 certs.
    ES Anti Infantry guns increase to 500 certs.
  13. Dowlphin

  14. Cuze

    I just went through and bought all 100 cert/250 cert weapons just in case.
  15. Dowlphin

    I would say: Ironically, if you can just do that, then you didn't really need to. ;-)
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  16. Dowlphin

    Thinking about it, the change will probably suck for me anyway, since the affordable weapons are the ones I tend to unlock with certs, but I don't have so many certs that I'd just buy all of them preemptively.
  17. Dowlphin

    To specify: The realistically available range of weapons will be reduced, because affordable weapons, which are likely to be acquired by many people, become more expensive, while making the really expensive weapons a bit cheaper still doesn't make them very affordable.

    Well, since they said in the very near future, I at least bought some essentials now. The Tank Buster is really an amazing bargain, considering how much it differs from the Vektor and that it is for a gunship.
  18. RadarX

    Not a baseless rumor at all and I've confirmed a few times in conversations but maybe not here. We are revamping the Marketplace as part of the PS4 launch. We took a look at both cert and SC costs of weapons and equipment, and they were a little more varied than we liked so we are moving things to the middle.

    What this means is in general a number of things will increase slightly in cert cost but decrease in DBC cost. I fully anticipate a bit of grumbling but the changes shouldn't be massive and will create a more consistent experience for people buying things.
  19. Konstantinn

    So generally a tiny bit closer towards pay to win? I mean slightly more difficult for those that don't pay and slightly easier for those that do pay to get new toys. Not a horrible strategy to maximize profits I suppose if you expect an influx of new customers from PS4.

    I should be happy as I generally buy the things I can with SC (I mean DBC...). Lots of other things that you can buy only with certs, that's the real reason for me personally.
  20. Jawarisin

    Yeah but any player, even the newest of newest can do well in a max. To use the tank-buster requires a lot of skills