Surprise Update?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Kirby, Apr 30, 2015.

  1. Kirby

    anybody else got a sudden update? I looked for update notes in the feed, and looked for it on the forum, and found nothing. anybody know what's changed?
  2. The Rogue Wolf

    This isn't the first time. My understanding is that when this happens, it's usually either some behind-the-curtain changes (cleaning up code, changing things to thwart hackers, etc.) or fixes so small that they don't warrant patchnotes.
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  3. Tommyp2006

    Nothing significant. They do these tiny little updates all the time, it's pretty much always just backend stuff or stuff to break hacks.
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  4. Flaeb

    • Up x 6
  5. DashRendar

    • Up x 5
  6. Alan Kalane

    • Up x 3
  7. Scr1nRusher

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  8. AmitGr

    They broke Amerish benefit for consumables (again)

    Please, add a test that verifies this issue, I think it's the 3rd time it has been broken.
  9. Devrailis

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  10. Eyeklops

    Since when? I had 130+ sticky nade kills in 2.5 hours yesterday, with no membership and no booster.
  11. Scr1nRusher

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  12. JudgeNu

    It's an "exchange" of info.
    They install something that gets altered every time you toggle.
    It flags you.
    They are on to you.
  13. Tratt

    They have downloaded your browser history (Hope you were using Incognito mode) and are updating all of your bookmarks to the "Subscribe to Game" page.
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  14. AmitGr

    Today. At least for me and some outfit mates
  15. Danath

    Having 250-350 ping ingame, while showing less than 100 in the Character creation screen, is certainly new, at least for me.
  16. Kristan

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  17. DK22

    One change I know of. When an Alert is won and the continent is locked you get kicked off right away now,
    no choice to take your time as before until you press U or re-deploy.
  18. Scr1nRusher

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  19. Liewec123

    they've changed the Depot UI ;)
  20. day ofm one

    3 stealthy 5 me :cool: