Going for the TRAC-SHOT

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by fives23, Apr 29, 2015.

  1. fives23

    So as you can probably tell from the title I'm an amazing VS player going for the Eclipse VE3A....... No I'm going for the TRAC-SHOT, the most beautiful thing I've ever seen since television. I'm just wondering if any of you guys with multiple directive weapons or at least one can give me some pointers for completing this.

    Guns to araxiumize

    Trac-5 S
    Current killcount: 612 (I'm going to araxium this over the weekend so don't bother giving advice for this)

    LC2 Lynx
    Current killcount: 207

    HC1 Couger
    Current killcount: 203

    T5 AMC
    Current killcount: 195

    Current killcount: 15

    Thanks for the help!
  2. AmitGr

    NS11C? That accuracy...

    use the fact that it has white projectiles, use it with suppressor, or at least flash suppressor, sit on unexpected locations (trees, pillars).
    I like to play it with forward grip, silencer or flash suppressor if the map is spammed out anyway, SPA

    Unless you can reliably go for the head, don't use it for cqc.

    No idea about the TR gun though, VS player here - about to auraxium my last LA primary weapon, solstice burst, in ~600 kills, and I will probably return to the NS11C for med range loadout when I'm done with the burst, I prefer it over all our alternatives for this range.
  3. fives23

    I consider the T5 AMC statistically superior to the NS11C (same ROF and damage, larger magazine, similar reload time, better projectile speed)
  4. RedArmy

    i hate the trac-shot - id just stick with the Lynx and the Jag -
  5. TheMatulaakLives

    Lynx: attach the adv. laser sight and treat it like a SMG

    Cougar: It feels like a NC weapon, treat it as such

    AMC: Use it for mid-long range outdoor fights

    TRAC-5: Feels like a downgrade after using the lynx, I'd save it for last considering you only have 15 kills.

    And now for the ones you didn't list just in case

    Jaguar: Feels like a side grade of the TRAC-5 more suited for close range. It's somewhere in between carbine and SMG.

    TRAC-5 Burst: No. Just... no.

    NS-11C: The 11C is my weapon of choice for all 3 factions for any situation for both light assault and engineer simple because of it's ability to adapt to any situation (not to mention it's recoil is practically nonexistent)
  6. Iridar51

    Check out my various guides, links are in my signature. The have everything you need between them.
  7. SwornJupiter

    I'm afraid you might be a bit disappointed with the TRAC-SHOT...
    It doesnt confer much benefit over what you can get with other carbines, but if youre going for the shiny, pink skin, then by all means itll make a neat addition.
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  8. AmitGr

    TR don't appritiate shinyness and fabulousness enough.... That's why being fabulous became a VS trait.
  9. Ballto21

    Hello wrel.

    Dont use a flash suppressor.

    Generally, the benefits do not outweigh the cons. on any weapon, but ns weapons especially Youre stabbing its accuracy, which is its biggest benefit

    To the OP i recommend trying the jaguar, easily one of the best carbines in the game.

    Think a trac 5

    with 0.75 ads

    and SPA

    for almost no real downside over the trac 5
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  10. AmitGr

    Forgive me if with your full one carbine auraxium, I won't take your word for it, after accomplishing 8 carbines auraxiums (almost halfway to 9th), I think I can tell that there are situations where the flash suppressor is definetly a good choice, mainly when you are hiding in a tree, in a largely spammed area (so the red dot on minimap don't tell anything anyway), and you are close enough to handle the disadvantage, but don't want to suffer the supressor damage drop, which was even more severe ~half a year ago, before the supressor buff.

    I do agree however, it is least versatile barrel attachment, but definetly useful in some situations (which I tend to like).
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  11. Ballto21

    Fair enough. I may have not finished the directive but in general flash supressores arent fantastic. If you really want to have your muzzle flash hidden, why not just use a normal suppressor? in a tree youre probably not uber far off, and you dont show up on the minimap, and youre quieter.

    post wasnt directed at you in specific, if you made it work for you good on you. this was mostly pointed OPs way
  12. AmitGr

    They are least versatile, yes. They are fantastic in the niche situations where they do shine.

    Not quiter, different sound. It is actually not always quiter (wrel has a nice video about it).
    I want a better maximum damage range, a supressor also affects that. The muzzle velocity is insignificant for these ranges, but the maximum damage range is.

    Then a general "don't use X at all" advise is usually not good, unless it is actually correct, stress the downsides, ask for clarification of upsides of the alternatives, and let the OP or future readers decide for themselves, everyone got his own playstyle.
  13. Ballto21

    fair points. i concede
  14. Mxiter

    You can't miss the jaguar, it"s certainly the best TR carabine!
    • Up x 1
  15. dstock

    TRAC-5: Buy the foregrip immediately.
  16. omfgweeee

    On my TR alt i have like 800 900 kills on TRACK5 and as NC main i can say i envy TR a bit for that weapon.
  17. fives23

    I wouldn't care if it was the ugliest gun I've ever seen (well maybe a little) What I'm going for is that it comes with UBS which I use just as much as the Trac-5 S it's attached to along with a laser sight and with a faster TTK then the S while not losing everything at range.

    This is essentially what I've already done with my carbines.

    Done for awhile now.

  18. Dualice

    Out of that list I've done the TRAC-5, T5 AMC and Lynx. Currently working on the Jag (~500 kills I think) and Cougar (200-ish), both of which are fine carbines.

    I'd recommend ALS on the Lynx, you can sometimes get away with using the suppressor if in very close quarters. Its ADS accuracy is actually pretty nice too - give it a try, you'll be surprised!

    T5 AMC is a good all-rounder, I switched between foregrip/HVA and laser/no HVA depending on situation. Usually 2x reflex. Not the best for CQ, mind.

    TRAC-5 I used laser and 1x reflex, worked okay for me but I was a TR nub when I did it. Grip may well be more effective.

    Jaguar is really excellent. .75 ADS, really nice hip accuracy, good fire rate. Advanced laser, SPA and 1x reflex for me.

    Cougar is a beast at mid-range. I'd recommend the HVA + compensator combo if you're stretching further out. 2 x sight works fine for mid-range, 3.4 or 4 for closer out.

    Hope these are of some use. Good luck!

    *EDIT* Saw you were asking for guys with directive weapons. I have the SMG, don't know if that counts :p
  19. fives23

    Anything helps!

    Random: edited a screenshot from a MAX crash montage on east canyon checkpoint for my sig (we got dom outfit for 50% of Indar)
  20. nehylen

    I'm not going to talk about the guns as much as the process: you should go for the gun you've got the most kills with for now for morale'sake. I suggest you focus exclusively on a gun if it's an all-rounder (which is the case for the Trac 5 S), for the very simple reason that you (at least i did) progress more playing the same gun all the time up to 1160 (+morale, through giving you a better impression of progression).
    If it's about specialized guns, get 2 loadouts ready to pick from: one with a CQC gun, and one with a ranged gun and switch depending on the conditions you fight in. On the VS side, i auraxed the H-V45 and Corvus in parallel for instance. Probably not as useful on TR carbines though, since the Lynx and Jaguar aren't that much range-limited.

    Don't artificially limit your attachment choices on whichever gun you pick. For instance, don't assume you should run a gun always with laser sight or always with foregrip: try stuff if only a little. Some things which can seem odd at first might work well for you, and you get some variety of gameplay out of it.