[Suggestion] Medkit and restokit redo.

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by qiray12, Apr 28, 2015.

  1. qiray12

    Just as everyone knows that medkits are insanely OP and restokits dont even get close to be worthy in theyre current state.

    I like to hear comments from the people about how we can make the restokits worty and the medkits balanced again.

    As i say let de restokit regen like 1000 health over 10 seconds and you cant stack them and the medkits get a 2-5 second(s) delay between using them.

    I like to hear others suggestions just let me know what you think of them and if they need reworked what to change on them.
  2. LodeTria

    I'd rather just remove medikits completely.
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  3. Lemposs

    We can have that discussion, when mines and C4 don't oneshot people. Until then, quite frankly, it is a choice what kind of ********* you want to be: defensive/survival or offensive.
  4. Klypto

    JustHereForOrion would be sad and so would I.
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  5. Lucidius134

    me since beta~
  6. ronjahn

    Allow Only one medkit to be carried at a time.
  7. Eternaloptimist

    Getting rid of medikits would be Christmas come early for Medics. They would be in greater demand and even greater cert millionaires! This comment is not for or against the idea but I, for one, would play Medic more than I do now. As for restoration kits, the only time I bought one was when I was totally new and F2P (low cert gain) because it was cheaper than medikit to equip.
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  8. _itg

    Resto kits are supposed to be viable because they're worse than medkits at half the nanite cost, but medkits are cheap enough that a "bargain option" isn't necessary. Making medkits cost 75 nanites could address this, as well as punish people who overuse them a bit harder.
  9. Tbone

    Get rid of medkits/restkits =boom jobs for medics
    get rid of c4 boom= jobs for HA and engi with mines
  10. omfgweeee

    If you use another med kit in 10 second window after the 1st one heals 50% less.

    1st med kit 500 health
    2nd 250
    3rd 125

    Reduce time for restoration kits to restore 500 hp from 6 sec to 4.5

    Tada balance achieved.
  11. Lucidius134

    They're cheaper but you also carry the same amount max and per rank. What a bargain.
  12. Leftconsin

    I'd be fine with removing medkits.
  13. The_Blazing

    Perhaps restoration kits could be changed to provide healing over a longer period of time. Instead of the 5-6 seconds it is now make it something around 10 and remove the healing cap. Basically make them into a "auto-medic for 10 seconds" shot.
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  14. qiray12

    I do agree in some case with medkits to be gone id still want the resto kits give more health as they do currently but ye sometimes i just hate it to barely kill a player he lives with barely any health i die and he just chugs a medkit that just demotes you to go in offencive more often (at least for me)
  15. OldMaster80

    I don't know how to improve this but two things are 100% sure:
    1) There is no reason to prefer a restoration kit over a medikit.
    2) They are too powerful.

    This is not a high priority imho but yeah, it should be changed.
  16. HadesR

    Removal of Medi Kits would be fine .. We are after all supposed to be playing a team game, so making people a little more reliant on that aspect wouldn't be a bad thing ..
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  17. qiray12

    Ye this makes 100% sense.
  18. MrJengles

    Another issue is that Med-kits seem to have some sort of short invulnerability period where they'll increase your health to 100%, then you get shot and watch your health will drop and rise again.

    The changes I'd prefer:

    • Resto-kits should have healing increased from 85% to 100%.
    • Med-kits shouldn't be instant heal. Nothing else in the game is like that and no one advocates to have instant heal abilities on the Medic. Why should self heal be more effective than teamwork?
      • This would solve how powerful they are, how spammable they are and any weird invulnerability effects in one go.
      • They should get a different benefit in compensation, like regenerating 100% shields.
    • Either health kits are balanced without the need for a slow on use, so ditch that; or they do need it in which case bunny hopping shouldn't avoid the slow.
    That may just be a problem with the resource system; grenades and such are spammed too.

    Note that a number of players are already posting that they don't like how health kits reduce reliance on Medics. I kinda feel the same but it's obvious health kits are here to stay so I can live with them if the Med-kits specifically are addressed.