[Suggestion] Dear devs/Radar_X where should we post?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by PinkHurtsMyEyes, Apr 23, 2015.

  1. PinkHurtsMyEyes

    So it seems that the forums are mostly abandoned by the devs/DBG. If this is so and Reddit is the place to post then it should say so in a sticky in this forum. You can't expect players, especially the new ones, to know that the forum is NOT the place to give feedback. This is the official forum and is reasonable to assume this is the place where DBG goes to get feed-back.

    If this isn't the case then PLEASE make a sticky about where to post. If it is Reddit so say so but don't have ppl make posts in vain. There are so many official and unofficial bug-trackers going it's making me dizzy.

    Look at this post: http://www.reddit.com/r/Planetside/comments/33imeg/higbys_unfinished_lethality_revamp_as_it_stands/ Almost instant response. Yes it is a serious and proper post but there are tons of those on this forum too that never get ANY response from the devs.
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  2. HadesR

    Will just get the default answer of " We read every post regardless of the media its posted in " ..

    Might be true .. But they pretty much only acknowledge those posted on Reddit ..:rolleyes:

    Off topic ish ..

    Radar can you get the old no longer working at the company ex-Dev's removed from the post tracker ? .. http://www.ps2tracker.net/

    I want to check on posts from people who work at the company and on the game .. Not those that don't .. Ty
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  3. Klypto

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  4. HadesR

    H1Z1 is a rare beast though .. Recently opened a Test Server so we can Alpha test the Alpha test o_O
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  5. PinkHurtsMyEyes

    Well, no response from Devs' confirmed I guess...
  6. Lucidius134

    Devs can only reply to threads on the forums under official capacity. If they talk on reddit, it's unofficial and is not representative of the company. From a business perspective, posting in the forums is like a press release. You don't do them often and when you do they are very particular about wording, scripted and or to address something specific.
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  7. Taemien

    The problem isn't that RadarX doesn't post here. The problem is he's the only guy across PS2, EQ, EQ2, EQN, LM, DCUO, and H1Z1. They laid off the others.

    As far as Devs are concerned... PS2 has like 3 left, and they're busy.
  8. RadarX

    Not necessarily true... I do pitch in other places but this is my primary function here.

    Saying the forums is abandoned isn't true although I will admit this week was a bit slow from our end in terms of response. All the big official news you are always going to find here. If you want bits and pieces of that next level (the proposed adjustments to redeploy for example) before they become official you will have to wander outside the forums to twitter and reddit.
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  9. HadesR

    Why ?

    We are not in SOE anymore Toto .. Then can pretty much make up what forums rules they like ..

    All it takes is a bit of common sense on their part .. And it's not like the Reddit posse don't take w/e the dev's say there as Gospel anyway
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  10. Vorpal_Spork

    Why should I have to spend hours scouring the whole internet for tiny scraps of news when they could all be available in one easy to find place, the dev tracker on the official forum?
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  11. Hippoblue64

  12. Skeith

    radar the infiltrator forum is the biggest of all the classes sections,and has not received one dev answer since launch (we are talking about almost 2 years and half), only devs closing long threads, no offence but your communication on the forums suck, it wont hurt if some of you just sticked around explaining why you can or you cant do things, or why you agree or dont agree, hell nearly every thread in these forums ends with you not giving explaination or contributing to the argument, but just closing threads, if you really care about our feedback, please be more active in the forums.

    for istance recently i made a thread that has been going for a couple of days that asks for a very simple fix for the infiltrator, https://forums.station.sony.com/ps2...isibility-tweak-for-the-stalker-cloak.224735/ , is it so hard for any of you to AT LEAST answer or give us your opinion to the matter?
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  13. NoobStylerIGERI

    I Thing, the 1st to communicate, devs with Player, should be the official Forum and not other places..
    there are not so many threads at 1 day, that devs Need more than maxi, 1 houre to read and answear it.

    I know, Forum is oldscool, twitter reddit and Facebook is the new one.
    But this is still the Official Forum, and Dev Need more to work here....
    U Devs don`t Need to wride in all threads, but in the most important threads u should sometimes.

    How much Threads r impotant at 1 Day? 2-3`? not more, and 2-3 u have read and wride in 10 Mins?
    I Thing People don`t wanna hear hole time DBG DGB, they just wanna talk with DEVS over some ideas, if u listen or not, that makes no sense.
    U choose what u listen, but u wold giv the People here a good Feeling.
    And u giv the community, some things more than now..
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  14. quatin

    It's been mentioned before and it's very obvious, but they can't say it publicly. The ps2 community is toxic. You can't discuss anything rational here, because it comes down to a poo flinging contest.

    Reddit has some form of self regulation to keep the trolls at bay, but then they end up here. Why would any dev want to talk with a bunch of self entitled teenagers that do nothing, but spam soe/dbg sucks and devs are stupid threads?
  15. JudgeNu

    Very understandable.
    Make an area called RadarXs' Garage where we can shoot the ****, unofficially ofc.
    Have a smoke, few beers and talk PS2.
  16. Taemien

    Ok maybe Domino is still around too :p

    And I didn't say it was abandoned, I've seen you around a bit, even filling in elsewhere like you said.
  17. FieldMarshall

    Reddit feels like a big "F*** You" to everyone who uses the "Official" ps2 forum.

    I have heard the excuse that the forum is toxic, but its only because they let it. Instead of cleaning up their own forum, they just abandon and ignore it.
    Allowing the problem to grow so large that fixing it becomes too hard.
    If you hate your own forum so much, why dont you do something about it instead of neglecting it like a dog you dont want, making "official" forumgoers feel like second grade trash.

    Reddit also promotes cluster stroking, and creates an atmosphere where people cant say what they really mean.
    And it ends up shoving bad ideas and changes into the game, leaving devs wondering "Why dont anyone like these changes, i dont understand?"

    Its not directed at RadarX, but the whole idea of the "higher ups" humping reddit in general.
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  18. HadesR

    Problem with that tracker is that recently it's being spammed by Ex-Dev's posts .. And ex-Dev's like malorn should not have their posts flagged on it ..
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  19. PinkHurtsMyEyes

    Well, my intent was not to force DGC to respond in the forum, but rather to get some clear info on where we should go if the forum isn't the place (and it isn't).

    I am glad Radar_X responded to the thread but honestly the answer was not of much help. Just a corporate "we check the forums" speech. Just tell us what is what. But make it clear and stick to it. The old posts about how to get a response from a post is just misleading by now.

    It's all fine that forum answers are more "official" but if it's just a bulleting board where devs post finalized changes then that should be communicated. We kinda expect to have a dialogue from the forums but right now it seems that DGC uses the forum as a one-way patch note channel and not much more. Most responses from devs are locking of threads, without really any explanation why the thread gets locked. It's just alienating. Help us help you. (And revert the 9/4 patch please).
  20. OneToFear

    What are you trying to get responses on? If it's suggestions and things to be put into the game then you should check out my system. If it's bugs well there is a bug tracker, but i'm pretty sure you mean ideas and suggestions.

    Here is my post, check it out. Feedback is appreciated if you want to give it your opinion. [Suggestion] Voting System