Heavies STILL nonsensically overpowered?!?!

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Wentonfeydon, Apr 21, 2015.

  1. Aidy

    So you mean it's the same as the same as any class' ability to survive a long time so long as they play smart?

    Okay, try this. Go as a HA, equip your overshield and stand in the middle of a battleground, may it be an open field, CQB, mid-range, whatever. Time how long you survive. Then, do the same as a LA or something.

    In fact, don't. I'll tell you the results. You will die just as fast. The overshield is LITERALLY just a quick shield to allow the HA to pull back if need be or try to kill whoever is attacking them (but can still be easily defeated with enough fire), just like how the LA gets jetpacks to escape from combat or to drop C4 on people or sundies. The medic can heal themselves, is that OP? Is that fair? The HA gets no advantage over any other class asides from the fact that they get a bigger gun that makes more noise (and is inaccurate, mostly terrible for CQB depending on what you're using, and tends to have long reload times). If you aren't a moron, you can easily take down a HA.

    As I said, if you can't kill them, stop trying to run into them. You wouldn't run into an LMG in reality, so why would you in PS2? You flank them, you grenade them, you concentrate your fire on them. Everybody else can kill them just fine but there's always a minority who can't and pull the 'THIS IS OP PLS NERF SONY' card.

    Because the amount of players who whine about something that isn't OP whatsoever is astounding, and after saying the same things over and over it gets boring so I get my kicks out of mocking them instead. Perhaps I could throw your post back at you, if you've nothing to contribute, then why bother posting?
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  2. TheDarSin

    I have no issues killing heavies as an infil using SMGs in CQC. Aim for the head. Their shield wont matter.
  3. customer548

    You still don't get it. Perhaps should you play longer to this game in order to realize what we're talking about, trying different classes. Perhaps you mainly use HA class, right ?

    Anyway. But thanks to try to convince me that i should uninstall the game, or give me great advices like " Medics can heal themselves, so they are OP ?" I mean...All classes can use Medikits in that game, you know ?
    Standing in the middle of nowhere in order to understand that each class can be easily get killed, and that HA is ok ? Please...Please...Stop random stupid jokes.

    It's all about +700 HPs, time and bullets spent on each target , and tank ability depending on the class you play. Time spent on a target and amnos are almost everything on Fpss like Ps2.
    If you do not understand this gap, you're not understanding the goal of this "conversation", so i think you should you learn a bit more about his game.
  4. Darkghostppl

    It seems you are misunderstanding how this game works, this is not a type of call of duty/ battlefield deathmatch game, every each class has an specific purpose and heavie's purpose is to be a killing machine, so if you have a bad time dealing with them use a Heavy as well or go play COD because this is not the game for you.
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  5. Aidy

    Nah, I play medic mostly. And I've played PS2 for a long time, I was in the beta tests, I was playing when it came out, I'm still playing today. I know full well what I'm talking about, thanks, I'm just wondering why you seem to be so inadvertent to accepting that you're wrong. In fact, I was just doing a battle in PS2, we're fighting against the NC. I think I killed a couple of HAs in that last life as a medic with my T1 Cycler, and before that I was a MAX and wrecking everything.

    Honestly, I think you should stop complaining about an issue that isn't real, you should learn more about the HA class because it's so obvious to me and anyone else who actually HAS played as HA at least once in their time in PS2 would know that using an overshield IS NOT A WAY FOR DEMIGOD ABILITIES AND INVULNERABILITY

    Christ alive, it's so hard to get that into people's heads. I'm not going to entertain your posts anymore, Customer, not until you play as a HA and see that there's zero difference in how quickly you die.
  6. Vorpal_Spork

    Actually, yeah. Plenty of people have basically said that. Like that one **** who said heavies can survive 2 people shooting them at once.

    That would definitely solve your problem with heavies. No, instead you'll have to deal with invincible MAXs with nobody with AV weapons around since you banned heavies from medium fights. You clearly haven't thought this through whatsoever.

    Perhaps if you played HA less you wouldn't suck at the other classes and you'd know heavies aren't anywhere near as good as the whiners make them sound.

    I was just trying to show that I'm not defending them to protect my OP class since I barely ever play heavy anyway. But now that you bring it up restricting heavies would also be an air buff and you know how the forum feels about that. Again, you obviously didn't think this through at all.
  7. Vorpal_Spork

    Very much this. Even if a heavy could kill 50 people at once it doesn't matter. All my medic has to do is throw a revive grenade and tap L1 and all 50 are back on their feet at full health and vaporizing the heavy into a cloud of red mist. If the heavy and my medic are alone and they each get in a fight and lose half our health my medic will be back at full health by the time he finds the heavy and the heavy will still be half dead, nullifying the advantage the shield would have given him. My engineer can mine several doors and plant a turret in front of another one and guard a point with 0 possibility of being snuck up on. A heavy can't do that. And engy turret vs heavy is a win for the engineer every single time unless the heavy flanks, but he can't flank because all the doors are mined.

    Infiltrators can turn invisible and see where everyone is so they can very easily be shooting the heavy (and everyone else) in the back while his shield is off. Same for LA. He jetpacks to the top of the building and comes down from the top floor scoring 5 free kills because everyone was facing the bottom floor entrance.

    The other classes have much better AI abilities than the stupid shield that just makes it take an extra couple of bullets to kill them. It's all about playing your class to the fullest. The main point of a heavy is the AV weapon. The shield is just a bone they threw heavies so they aren't completely useless indoors with no MAXes around.
  8. Czarinov

    lol, maybe hitting your bullets instead of just spraying it in the general direction of enemy would help. I'm not saying shield is not slightly OP, but your issue is skill based, if you empty your whole mag.
  9. ronjahn

    The number of infils and LA who try to 1v1 my HA at close-medium range makes me feel that people are just bad at this game.

    One of the biggest issues I see people having against me when I play Ha is that they simply don't understand the situation they are in.

    Most people can't reliably tell how much health they have dealt or how quickly their enemy can kill them. They also don't understand the weapons they are using and even though you may be getting hits with your peashooter carbine from 80m away, it's hardly doing any damage. If you haven't dealt enough damage to take me out by the time I turn to shoot, you probably shouldn't have engaged me to begin with for a number of reasons and if I haven't killed you yet, you should seek cover..

    I personally hate nerfs and have never felt heavys were so OP that they deserve to have their only ability butchered like people would want. The only OP thing about heavies is med-kit chugging. I would be okay if they made it so regardless of class, you can only carry one medkit.
    (Most played class=LA)
  10. HadesR

    Since people seem so keen on quoting the games about teamwork ( Well when it's suits their purpose that is ) remove medi / rest kits / healing implant all together .. We have a medic class for doing those things ..

    If you over extend yourself you should pay the price .. Not just bunny hop and chug medi's
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  11. ronjahn

    i don't know about removing those things, but making them less crutchy(particularly medkits, since the other two are used mostly outside of combat)) would be nice. It's so silly that I can sit there and spam medkits while taking tons of damage. There needs to be a delay on using them and a limit on how many can be carried.

    IMO a lot of people don't even realize that people are doing this(another example of people not understanding the situation they are in) and the medkit problem is compounding and making the HA class look that much stronger. I doubt there are many people below BR50 that are effective at medkit chugging or realize that they can even get away with it. (I mean I was well over br100 myself and watched a few videos about it before I started doing this)

    While I wouldn't go as far as removing them, I do wonder how it would impact the perception of HA though.
  12. Scr1nRusher

    The shield doesn't need a nerf.

    Also........ SHOOT IN THE HEAD.

    I can solo HA's as a stalker cloak infiltrator with the AMP.....
  13. UnDeaD_CyBorG

    Yay, yet another one of those threads.
    So I get to write the same things again just like everyone else. :)
    Here goes:
    I get more kills per life and mostly per minute with Light Assault, and nowadays often Infiltrator.
    I also get more score with Medics and Engineers.
    I also notice no significant difference in how often I die to a heavy as opposed to other classes, no matter what class I play.
    Hey, an Infiltrator can erase the shields of an entire group of players. Including Overshields.
    If I fight head on against a Heavy, and I'm not a Heavy or MAX myself, then I deserve to lose. It's actually rather curious that the Outcome is a lot more varied.
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  14. 70g50

    The shield needs a nerf.

    It is not fun shooting a full mag into a heavy and they still stand(yes, this can and does happen due to damage drop-off). Heavies can literally win by having people run out of primary ammo on their absurdly durable shield. Bad gameplay, bad class design.

    The engineer turret needs a nerf.

    It is not fun shooting a full mag into a engineer and they still shoot bullets behind their turret shield. Engineers can literally win by just point and click behind their mg/rocket turret. Also they have infinite ammo. Bad gameplay, bad class design.

    The medic self heal needs a nerf.

    It is not fun shooting a full mag into a medic and they still stand. Medics can literally win by self healing and healing people around them. Also they have that thing that reloads shields faster. Bad gameplay, bad class design.

    The jetpack needs a nerf.

    It is not fun shooting a full mag into a guy who just fly´s away while shooting him. Light assault can literally win by flying on roofs and shoot you from the top or throw bricks of explosives on your head. Bad gameplay, bad class design.

    The infiltrator needs a nerf.

    It is not fun not shooting at somebody because you can´t see them. Infiltrators can literally win by beeing invisible and shooting you from 600m away and you can´t shoot back. Bad gameplay, bad class design.



    See where I´m going...I can´t hear this **** any longer. Nerf this, nerf that. Every class has it´s special features. Deal with it.
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  15. Schizomatic

    I've got the Bruiser on my NC, and I ran up to a HA yesterday, got up in his face enough that I could have kissed him, put the Bruiser into his chest, and pulled the trigger once when his shield was up.

    He shot me down in the .7 seconds between chamber times, and I swear he laughed.

    The bloody Bruiser, FFS... That's 130 damage x 11 point blank. Holy shizzle.
  16. Badname82

    Oh look this thread again. Good thing this game is not balanced around these awful, awful forums. If it was, VS would only have knives, Tr would have 2000 round magazines and not be allowed to pull vehilcles and the NC max would be armed with a rubber sex toy.

    Oh yeah, that's why all the weapons with the top KDR are LMGs.


    It's actually almost all sniper rifles and AI Max weapons...as an aside the only two LMGs to break the top 25 are VS. The third LMG, at 26, is the NS-15.

    Dat ADAD is what does it, not the shield. We can drop the heavy assault shield when they remove infiltrators from the game.
  17. Ballto21

    Im not sure how serious you are on the last line so im just going to reply with this.

  18. Kentucky Windage

    I don't need to play Heavy when Claymore is my friend. Rock on Brothers In Red. Salute
  19. Badname82

    The shield is no more of a crutch than cloak. There's no other way you got 1200 beamer kills.
  20. Ballto21

    Are you implying that i cant get beamer kills without cloak?

    What is spamfireing to finish off after im out of primary
    what is light assault beamer primary
    what is bailassault beamer primary

    beamer is love


    is life

    also cloak is a very powerful ability, i wont deny that, but the shield is the only ability in the game which will provide major benefit without detriment in direct combat. And yes, heavies should have that, but they need a clearly defined detriment that affects it in a major way to compensate for it like all other abilities in the game, or toning down. Most people dont even notice the shield slowing you, and for the benefits it provides, it may as well not even exist.