Neglect the VS from art direction for a while

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Hotbread, Apr 21, 2015.

  1. Hotbread

    I've noticed recently that the vanu get an unfair amount of "Coolness". Their faction is very unique, while the NC/TR have interchangable art direction.
    Vanu players can make their characters look the coolest. With a compete futuristic soldier look.
    TR is pretty generic cold war-era BDU uniforms.
    NC gets combat khakis and bulky armor.
    TLDR: Stop playing favorite with the VS. Spice up the other factions.
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  2. XanIves

    It fits the lore. If you want snazzy outfits, come to vanu. If you want badass looking maxes, go nc. If you want terrorizing weapon sounds, go tr. At least your weapons don't sound like an eight-yer-old blowing spit bubble.
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  3. Hotbread

    Have you tried our sniper rifles? They sound pathetic.
    Also, uniqueness isn't a faction trait. There's 3 factions and 2 are just color swaps of eachother.
    It's going to kill this game because everyone is going to Vanu.
  4. Pikachu

    You like vanu's design? o_O
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  5. Hotbread

    Not the base design, but have you seen those BR 100s who are covered in slick, black, futuristic armor.
    And they carry LMGs that are straight out of the future, while I get to carry an RPK with a paint job.
  6. sL360

    TR gets some of the best cosmetics though. We get a damn COMMISSAR hat for crying out loud? What more do you want??
    Actually, on second thought, yes. Do ignore the VS for a while. TR could use more...attention.
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  7. Hotbread

    Exactly what I'm talking about. VS get all the cool stuff and we had to wait 2+ years for proper miniguns even.
  8. Lucidius134

    I think if the TR were to get more infantry weapons, they would have to be morre akin to the TRAP M-1 in terms of aesthetic.

    Nothing about the carv screams 'sleak, ovals" The stuff like the Thino/TAR look better and i don't mean phase out all of the default models, but yeah.
  9. Tbone

    This is your biggest problem in this game? Really?
  10. Ballto21

    I couldnt find a better one pretaining to spandex. This is the best one i could find to explain why were so fabulous.
  11. Hatesphere

    the terminus sounds like an electric fart.
  12. dngray

    The grass is always greener on the other side... As a VS player, I have always found the TR to have some cool stuff. TR's maxes look the best IMO.
  13. FocusLight

    To be fair, the sniper rifles have not had their audio updated yet IIRC. Same for the Emperor pistol and some other weapon classes, and the battle rifle. The other pistols, Carbines, LMG's the Chaingun and the Assault Rifles have been updated, if you don't like them now you would hate what they were previously.

    I don't know how long it will be, but I'm confident that we will, ONE DAY, get our weapon audio fully updated.