Its good to see the devs doing something about the uneven factions.

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Dreez, Apr 18, 2015.

  1. wrenched

    Dasanfall have a 'dominated by' faction statement on thier server stats page.

    Every server bar Briggs is 'dominated' by VS.

    Read into it what you will.
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  2. Vorpal_Spork

    Kids have school to wake up for and parents setting bed times. It's probably mostly adults who work night shifts. Security guards, janitors, stockers, the guy at 7-11, etcetera. And congratulations. I'm the only person I know who's ever used "parthenogenesis" in a conversation and you still managed to use a word so obscure even I had to look it up. You win the sesquipedalian of the year award.
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  3. Dowlphin

    No surprise. Many people have forgotten what magic is.
    But joking aside, good point about kids and bedtime. As I mentioned, it was a clumsy way of getting a point across.
    We should take a list of continent locks and remove the locks that happen between 3 am and 6 am and then let's check the numbers again.
    Of course, even if the cause for the numbers is known, we could still talk about whether that is a problem. I guess this means that most of the time when the new day begins, VS starts it with tons of cheap vehicles and such. I'm not sure how much of an effect that has. It might also have downsides, for example if they are being careless with their vehicles since they can easily get new ones. Could up the kill count against them, them spending plenty of time with just traveling to the point where they get themselves killed quickly, hah.
    I also noticed variance in the continent lock trends though. Sometimes it's TR who lock them during early morning. And sometimes even NC manage to do that.
    I didn't notice much of a displeasing effect to my gameplay, so I'd say it's not a serious problem. Might just be one for people who are insulted by numbers and statistics and want everything equalized.
    I play NC, and the situation doesn't bother me significantly.
  4. EliteEskimo

    *nods* Hey... wait a minute.




    That's not entirely true, VS manages to put up pretty decent winstreaks here. However, it seems pretty balanced.
  6. Kristan

    Maybe that's because VS tend to have zerg outfits? It's like almost every VS player that I kill on Miller has [DIG] tag.
  7. pnkdth

    Why are we still using alerts as a measurement of success?

    I play to have fun and will stay where I am. Dont see what I should bother with some useless cert award after 2 hours of redeployside, and let us be honest, that is what alerts are. Go here, overpop there, redeploy, do some tacticool gal drop, some fancy sunderer move, only to realise the opposition will not fight you, and just go overpop some other base. Rinse and repeat. SOUNDS EXCITING! WHERE DO I SIGN UP?!

    Nope, I'm just going with the pure sandbox experience of doing whatever. Still a team player, I just don't care about alerts.
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  8. Badname82

    Who was the moron who decided blue camo was a good idea for VS?
  9. VaIhall

    On Connery VS has overpop at night when the japanese and nerds play. NC has overpop an hour or so before school and a few hours after school then it's the TR when they get home from work and the australians start playing.
  10. Anantidaephobia

    Maybe NC didn't win many alerts because they just didn't care about them ? Saying that VS/TR are OP and NC aren't because of alerts stats is just another whine, nothing more.
    NCs have guided missiles MAXes, insta-gib close quarter weapons and force fields on their MBTs. What else do you need to "feel balanced" ??
  11. customer548

    NC stock weapons are great for some of them,Vanguard is good due to shield. Never played any Esf in the game.
    You can buy other weapons if you dislike the ones you have while starting the game.

    NC new players really had to quit Nc faction because of supposed "underperforming" weapons and veicules ? Blame their laziness ( or stupidity ? ). You have to test things and to train in this game.You can buy different weapons if yours do not suit you.
    You want to win ? Why don't you train instead of whining about other factions / players / vehicules / idon'tknow what.

    I started the game as a Vanu...i left about 20 minutes later. Because i didn't like the ways weapons were acting. Started a NC character and played it during 2 years. Nc weapons hit stronger...but you have to aim, yeah..such a hard deal... ( Positive Kd here ).

    Blame players' laziness, not game balance.

    I now play a Vanu character, but i had a look at NC side 10 minutes ago. We're rushing Ceres Hydroponics and guess what ? No amno drop, no medics, a teammate throw a nade at me, got 2 times shot by less than 5 minutes of gameplay.
    Most of times, all of this do not happen on Vanu side, at least on my own server. We have medics,amnos drops,sometimes engis, and players are not stupid enough to tk ( most of times ^^ ). And by the way, you were talking about "underperforming" stock weapons : went back to the Gauss Saw, it's a damn good weapon.
  12. 00000000000000000000

    as a fourth faction player I find it funny how all three factions are absolutely convinced the other two team up on them...
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  13. JohnGalt36

    It seems insane to me that some people don't realize that VS is OP. The numbers support it, most people without purple spandex in their signatures support it. Whatever. I just don't even fight them if I can avoid it any more. I just go wherever there is some good NC v TR action going on.
  14. Garrum

    The VS could never hope to match the TR's MAX and vehicle spam. The TR can have a 3v1 fight, in their favor, and still spawn a MAX. It's mind boggling.
  15. Garrum

    What makes them OP? Outside of the Orion/SVA-88. My theory is that it's ZOE. Or maybe no bullet drop. Possibly both. ZOE combined with no bullet drop is pretty much GG.
  16. Takara

    This....if I had to put a number on it, I would say 90% of alerts are not really won by the fighting done once the alert starts. Most of the REAL work was done before the alert even started. Most of the time the people who have the best position going into it, can hold territory fairly well. There has been some pretty close nailbiters the last few alerts that I played in. And it's been with in 3% of territory control.

    As I get on some days around 12eastern. ( I work 24 hour shifts so on the day after I work I get a few days off. And I almost always log on to see NC on emerald have two continents locks and it's a pretty big pain in the butt to fight em. Esamir is just a rough alert thanks to the locations of the Biolabs.
  17. HadesR

    TBH if people are worried about how many alerts VS win, then don't let them ..

    There is no rule anywhere that say's TR and NC can't double team them alert after alert after alert ..

    It can be in the players hands if you wish it to be :)
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  18. Hatesphere

    typical defeatist attitude.
  19. Dowlphin

    Yes, a victim of a mostly self-imposed confidence trick.
  20. Epic High Five

    And then they'd lose the base