[Suggestion] Naming and shaming

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Subject851, Aug 19, 2014.

  1. OminousZ

    Because unfortunately, there are more hackusators than hackers
  2. Irathi

    People seem to see hackers everywhere at all times. Sometimes it reminds me of a whitch hunt; people see something they cannot explain thus it must be a hacker! - but what they really saw was client side hit detection, lag, or simply someone who just kicked their *** more than they like to admit.

    In all my time playing planetside 2 I can count on a single hand how many hackers I think I've seen.

    Truth is that I get blamed for hacking more often than I see hackers, So when RadarX says that the number of accusations are astounding I belive him.
  3. IrishPride

    I am spit balling here, but this is a F2P community game for everyone to play so driving a player away from a free game with potential to buy things from their program because of bad community isn't tolerated.
  4. DoubleBill

    And I can absolutely assure you that you have folks who are dedicated to nothing !
    They seem to do their job as well as those who fix the servers bugs.
    Cheaters are like hazardous login, massive lag, excessive downtime, incredible bugs,... They kill the fun and make other players run away.
    I know some outfits on Miller I don't want to play with (or against). When I see them somewhere, I prefer to go far away. Because I know they will run through walls, make incredible headshots without aiming, exploit every little bug,...
    And all you can do is telling "I can absolutely assure you..."
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  5. Haquim

    I have never encountered a cheater (that I could be 100% sure of), but quite a lot of people exploiting bugs.
    Actually I have three kills myself "exploiting" a glitch - well, 4 (a TK). I ran into a building charging to A point and shot at everything not wearing red. When I tried to climb the stairs I realized that I could see through, run through and shoot through several objects (including said stairs and several wall parts). /y to say sorry, running around a bit to check out how it works (including the mentioned TK on a sqadmate), /bug to report it, relogging to resolve it and carried on.
    Unfortunately a lot of people seem to prefer hiding in said objects and shooting out of it.
  6. Lewk

    On our Recursion outfit forums we have a thread where we post screenshots of people accusing us of hacking. It is one of the longest threads on our forum.

    If someone is really hacking, SoE will take care of it. The problem is that 90%+ of hackusations are false. Allowing that sort of thing on the forums would just be opening the flood gates.
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  7. Ronin Oni

    Because 80% of hackusations are false and they don't want torch wielding mobs for a forum.
  8. Ronin Oni

    "Show us on the doll where the mean griefer/hacker touched you"

    Seriously? Does it even matter? Are you THAT ******** that someone rolled up an alt like a dirty feminine product and blew up your spawn?

    Sure, it's annoying and it sucks, and we want to get rid of those players. That's why we report them. But don't let the crap get to you man. Just report em and let it go. If you're getting actually upset, then they're accomplishing their task of trolling you.

    If you're gonna be on the internet, I strongly recommend you stop caring a tenth of what you currently do.

    It's unhealthy to concern yourself over it.
  9. Ronin Oni

    "All it would take"

    It's barely all they can do to keep up with the HUNDREDS of reports they get a day.
  10. RaiMarie

    The name and shame is made intolerable on these forums for a good reason like I see on nearly every other big game forum. Shaming leads to an army of problems for not only the forum mods, but also the player being shamed for whatever reason. Imagine if someone who happens to be well known to the community starts to shame you for something you may be guilty of in reality but he does not give the full story in which would actually prove that you was doing whatever action in self defense for example. A good example is a guy who repeatily TKs you but does not record it. However, when you attempt to TK him back in self-defense (like if he was stalking you and you did not want to loose a tank/max/etc, he records every time it happens and decides to post just that. What happens is people will see you as a bad person and not him. Unless you can prove he started the mess and had TKed you to the point you just countered him in time to avoid another TK, people will not believe you and may even start TKing you just because of the video or whatever on the forum. The only name/shaming that would otherwise be okay would be from an official staff member, but even most companies do not allow that anymore I guess. I know only of a few that will do it still to this day.

    Of course, there are other reasons why name and shame should not be discussed on forums. Nobody wants to check out a new game to only see drama on the forums that might result in less income if they were to be paying players or players who know a lot of friends and would have recommended the game to them. Anyways, I could go on but I think the point is made, but if not, feel free to add or change.
  11. Lamat

    Well I am more speaking about within your own faction, and the power of your downvote would tie in to your own reputation.

    It would be silly if you could downvote anyone who killed you. And the effect of the reputation should level out to zero over a period of time.
  12. Scatterblak

    I name them anyway. Couldn't give a crap what SOE or anyone else thinks.
  13. Calisai

    I was talking about same faction as well. Buzz was notorious for his opinions of his fellow TR... All it takes is an Egomaniac with a whole bunch of followers to submarine someones "reputation"... it would undermine the whole system if 1 or 2 bad apples with a cult following decided to make a mockery out of it. To a lesser degree... this has been seen on many a command chat.

    In essence the system is a popularity contest... for better or worse and having both the best and worst aspects of it together in game form. Talk about drama... this would be full of it.
  14. Degenatron

    Conspicuously missing from this list is "4. We litigate against cheat makers and cheat users, especially those that sell cheats for our games." Radar, why is it that no video game publishing company has made any effort in going after these cheat makers in the court room? I'm no lawyer, but I'd say that there is a very strong case to be made that "Cheat makers sell a product specifically intended to damage SOE's product: the end-user experience."

    Before you say "we can't comment on on-going litigation", please understand that I know that and I don't expect you to. What I want is any kind of confirmation that litigation is an option for SOE and that SOE is prepared to bring litigation against those that profit from damaging the product that SOE is selling to me. To that end, why not add language into the End User License Agreement that specifically says that anyone caught using cheats can be subject to litigation? Go after the big fish and little fish the same. Banning cheaters has little effect. Suing them into the poor-house for the rest of their lives would definitely have a chilling effect on the whole cheat community.

    I read GamePolitics.com all of the time and I NEVER see anything about the titans of game publishing going after these guys in a serious manner. It seems to me that the game industry has grown up with this Spy Vs Spy counter-hack mentality where you guys think you can program your way out of these hack attacks. Frankly, that's a losing war and I think it's high time to take this problem out of the programmers hands and put it in the lawyers hands.

    "Tarred and feathered"? No, I'd much rather see lives financially ruined. And seeing as how this is your livelihood we're discussing, I can't believe you and everyone in the game industry wouldn't feel the same way.
  15. Scudmungus

  16. jiggu

    I don't, but others do.
  17. Ronin Oni

    Then those others need to stop letting this crap get to them.

    Cheating has always, and will always, exist in gaming. So will trolling.

    Cheaters you can just report and move on. Trolling.... well, you can report, troll back, TK, beat them at their own game... w/e.

    Point is, it's just a game, and it doesn't matter. Unless you're in a tournament with several thousand dollars on the line of course, just laugh it off and move on.

    Hell, making people resort to dirty tricks should be considered a pat on your back.
  18. Lamat

    The people trolling in the warpgate are probably also torturing puppies in their mother's basement. We need a way to weed them out of multiplayer games.

    At least enforce weapons lock in the warpgate vicinity, please.
  19. Subject851

    Why are the rules different for h1z1 ? I just saw a system wide broadcast that said blablabla has been banned.
  20. sIcGER

    hm... good point

    i didnt play ps2 beta, but maybe in the final release of h1z1 there will be no more messages when players got banned