[Suggestion] Koltyr BR100

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Mianera, Apr 13, 2015.

  1. Mianera

    So, PS2 will have Koltyr for BR1-10, a little kitty pool where they can learn the basics of the game before being thrown into the shark tank of Auraxis with the various continents.

    My suggestion is simple. Another Koltyr for BR100 only. For that extreme competitive gameplay and high rank challenge.

    Not saying force all BR100's into another Koltyr, but make a Koltyr available for BR100's only.

    Thoughts? ;)
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  2. FateJH

    Sounds good. We can group together everything wrong with the game in one place and frequently crash that continent just for kicks.

    New players only start on Koltyr but are free to roam the whole of the server if they want. After a certain rank, it's rather that the player can't get back in to Koltyr.
  3. Nody

    Was this not one of the point of the battle islands originally? Yes they were to unlock continents etc. as well but they would also provide small scale, high skill level playground for a limited number of people (i.e. outfit A from TR can challenge outfit B from VS etc. in a 48 vs 48 or similar) to duke it out with clear winning / losing conditions.
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  4. DrPapaPenguin

    Well, this will really unbalance the pop for the factions.
  5. Kristan

    Guess that's what Nexus Battle Islands supposed to be. With all the MLG Pro players Higby dream about. But where is Higby now? Where is Nexus as well.
  6. Mezinov

    While I personally feel Koltyr will either suffer from low population (giving an incorrect feel of Planetside in general), or from too many Seal-Clubbers (high level players making new characters/accounts so they can "pick on" new players) - I don't see any fundamental reason why there couldn't be a BR100 version as well.

    Or mayhaps, since Kolty is 1-10, it could be 95-100.
  7. penandpencilman

    Except this game is two years old and everyone is a br100. It means nothing, some of the worst players in the game are br100 and that, that would not be very competitive.
  8. Mianera

    People seem really pessimistic about this. I don't think everyone read that I said that it should simply be an option.

    I'm not suggesting that we force all BR100's into Koltyr ;)
  9. JGDK

    Only for people who are rank 100 in all 3 factions.. ;-) How many are we then?
  10. NinjaTurtle

    One of these **** BR 100 players reporting in.

    I do believe the BR cap should be raised, not that it means anything really but then again once everyone is BR 100 it means even less anyway so why have BR in the first place. If you are going to have BR at least make it so a large proportion are not the same maxed BR, savvy
  11. Nerfav

    For having played the Cobalt-Miller-Briggs ServerSmash, I praise everyday dumb platoon leaders on each side (TR-VS-NC) for being dumb.

    To give you an image of what happened during this SS : imagine 3 guys, fist against fists, forming a triangle, struggling to push back the opponents' fists. But all of them are approximately of equal strength, and equal cleverness. And as soon as one of them pushes back one of his opponent's fist, the 2 others lower pressure on each other and gank the first one.
    Yep, it's a completely pointless fight, with tons of sweat, but no results.

    Now imagine this on Koltyr with 3 lanes ...