Titan-150 HE, is there a point to this thing?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Anonynonymous, Apr 9, 2015.

  1. Anonynonymous

    The other day I've finally decided to try the Vanguard high explosive gun. The whole experience was extremely underwhelming to me. I ended up doing no better at killing infantries than using Titan-150 HEAT, only with a nerfed anti-armor capability on top of it. This came as a surprise as my experiences on the other two faction's HE guns are both pretty good. And they certainly don't feel so much like their HEAT counter parts like Titan-150 HE does.

    So I went and looked up it's stats. As it turned out Titan-150 HE has more or less exact same explosive damage stats as the other two faction MBT high explosive guns, but with a vastly and painful longer reload time(1300 @ 4sec reload as opposed to VS's 1175 @ 3.75sec reload and TR's 650 x 2 @ 2.5sec reload).

    The only 'supposed' advantage Titan-150 HE has over other faction HE cannons is the slightly higher direct hit damage. Which really isn't an advantage at all as direct damage isn't what you're counting on when you're picking the HE cannon over the HEAT or AP cannons anyway.

    Titan-150 HE needs to have either slightly higher splash damage, or slightly larger explosive radius. Cause as of now, there's really no need for it to be in the game, as Titan-150 HEAT can already achieve more or less the same anti-infantry performance without gimping the tank's anti-armor capabilities. I'm feeling pretty cheated unlocking it.
  2. Pikachu

    Vanguard indirect damage is the same as for lightning and magrider but reload time is proportional to AP, meaning slower than the rest. Python HE has better splash usefulness than nova and titan because it has shorter reload time. Why not have splash proportional to direct? :confused:
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  3. PrimePriest

    Pikachu: Cuz infantry QQ too much.
    the gun is only good for getting another purple medal to your collection.
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  4. EliteEskimo

    Infantry side a devs and the lethality revamp turned into a Blanket vehicle Nerf. That's why.
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  5. Anonynonymous

    The point is still that this thing now has absolutely no meaningful upside compared to it's peers made it pointless for it to even exist, beside suckering people into wasting certs and SC to unlock it.
  6. Jake the Dog

    HE is for scrubs sooo...
  7. ronjahn

    It was sorta crap before the "lethality adjustment" and now it's complete crap.

    Even though it was crap, the infantry QQ was real simply because the weapon description said it was designed to kill infantry. If anyone used titan-HE before the nerf they knew it wasn't any good.

    The dev team promised an overall lethality adjustment, but those people were all fired and the new people don't give enough of a **** or don't have the time and resources available to follow through with Higby's promise. So we end up with permanantly nerfed tanks and no vision on where the game is going, except ps4 and new crappy aircraft controls. They have these new secondaries on the test servers for awhile now, but I have a feeling they are being delayed due to the dev teams lack of confidence on where the tank game is actually going or how big changes may impact the game. I had hope for the new dev team at one time but now I see that all we have is a visionless shell of a group left.

    Get your purple medal and go back to AP.
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  8. Taemien

    Who know's.. it might be worth a bug report.

    Though they took that section out. So not sure how to get this one fixed.
  9. Scr1nRusher

    HE & HEAT & rocket splash were all overnerfed if not unneededly nerfed.
  10. Hatesphere

    the section is still there.... it points to a bug reporting sight that tracks the issues in a far more useful manner the the forum ever did, I even think that the community page had a lot of community involvement in its creation.
  11. AssaultPig

    gotta get that auraxium directive done somehow!
  12. Taemien

    If we logged into it with our station accounts.. I'd agree with you.

    On the other hand.. I found an easy way to fix the issue with the HE Titan. Just switch the direct and splash damage numbers. It retains the same ability (or lack of it) vs vehicles (2300 damage is 2300 damage whether its 1300 + 1000 or 1000 + 1300), well actually nerfs it a little due to resistances. It just does lethal damage out to about a meter and a half, maybe slightly less. This gives it the highest lethal burst radius, but is justified by the longest reload time.
  13. MarvinGardens

    Think of it as MBT hard mode, for people who think Tank VS Tank Combat has gotten too easy for them.