Why everyone hate AOD on Emerald? Just because of Zerg?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by FORTRHONOR, Apr 8, 2015.


    No matter which faction u served on Emerald, everyone shares the same language that is laughing at Aod as zerg outfit. Because Aod zerged every base without any tactics, Aod enjoy team killing and etc. I admit there are not many good commanders in our outfit (but wiffi is a good leader) and that's why I always run solo in this game. But sometimes it is not AOD's leadership's faults, many of Aod members are new player of PS2 and they cannot respond to orders as soon as possible and cannot fight as well as other players that result in high team killing and death. However, as far as I know, AOD is more friendly to all new players than other TR outfits.

    Let me tell my own experience. The first time I played PS2 was on Mattherson in 2013, and at that time I almost knew nothing about this game. So from my level 1 to level 15, I fought alone and my KD was 0.2 which was very hard time for me. Until one day someone invited me to AOD squad and outfit, then I had opportunity to learn how to play this game and make some friends in this cruel game. I am very appreciate to AOD, I probably had quit this game without it.

    When I joined VS or NC and practiced their weapons at VR training, I would receive several private telling and invite me to join their outfits and they told me they could teach me how to fly and how to shoot enemy more effectively. In TR faction, only AOD did this to me.

    Next time, when you guys wanna make fun of Aod, please understand there are a large number of new players in AOD, they need time to play as well as you.
  2. Hatesphere

    like every other feeder outfit, AOD will allays be the whipping boy of emerald TR. just like VDRS on VS.
  3. Fuers

    Sound like dig on miller. zerging like theres no tomorow but they have good people in digt and some even in dig
  4. 00000000000000000000

    They never learn from their mistakes.

    They dog pile 96+ players onto one base regardless of how large the defending force is. (1-12 defenders? that requires 2 platoons!)

    This behavior has stunted new player growth within TR (Outnumbering 8 to 1 doesn't help you learn skills)

    I'm certain this is why the TR on emerald have been hemorrhaging players.

    I am absolutely terrified when I see AOD moving to play more on VS & NC. Its like an infection spreading.
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  5. Geddes

    im a big fan of the aod air zergs
  6. DQCraze

    AOD platoons are all public platoons. The leadership Platoon lead and squad leads are AOD and the rest is a mix of AOD and public players. There are major exagerations and alot of myths that are perpetuated here on the forums. We work hard to get into good fights, and its funny how much trash is talked but everytime we start an official AOD platoon it fills instantly. AOD is fun and provides a great service to the TR community. There is no pressure to stay and we realize its not for everyone. I personally feel we have some of the best strategic minds in the game.
  7. BlueSkies

    Every server/faction has zergfits. Emerald TR just has the worst of them with the crown jewel being AoD.

    Thats part of the problem. Its like being taught to drive by someone who crashes the car every time they leave the driveway. I know the game has a learning curve but you would likely be better off teaching yourself than learning from AoD
  8. Astealoth

    AOD zergfit status is overblown. I play with them almost every time I'm on TR. They mostly try to organize the random new players which is a noble duty. The real problem zergfits on Emerald are ZAPS and TIW. TR doesn't really have an outfit that participates in true zerging, which is actually a problem for TR. My main is in ZAPS, the HA foot zerg stomping randoms for certs is like 90% of what's going on when I get on lol. No one wants to play hardmode, no one wants to play bushido mode. Those concepts are the real myth.
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  9. H0urg1ass

    AoD is like a giant cruise ship. It has some first, second and third class passengers some pretty good officers and it's hard as hell to turn that ship around to react quickly.

    My only real issue with AoD as a TR player is that they simply do not react to dynamic battlefield conditions quickly enough in a lot of cases. Sometimes it doesn't matter and their numbers carry the day.

    Other times they'll blow their whole load attacking a base while the enemy is blotting out the sky with liberators... but you won't see AoD telling their people to pull AA. They will simply just keep infantry zerging to death until being pushed back.

    I've also noticed that situational awareness among the typical AoD zergling is shockingly low. I sat and watched today as about 30 AoD'ers kept running to the same rock to hide at. On another rock, parked in a nice little nook was an LA who killed every single guy that ran to that spot... yet not one of them bothered to ever look at that spot and return fire. That kinda thing just blows my mind. Luckily we still won the base because of the sheer amount of bodies they threw at it.
  10. quatin

    I bounce around in open platoons during alerts, so I have experience from inside an AOD platoon and from the outside. The reason AOD gets flak is not just because they zerg, but they are the largest zergfit.

    You might not think that's a problem, but here's the reasoning:

    1) AOD will draw 3 full platoons in a primetime alert and then proceed to send all 3 platoons into one front. It doesn't matter if the base is being capped by 5 guys. AOD will send an entire platoon to cap it back.

    This is a huge waste of resources. During a prime time alert, populations are even. When you out-pop the enemy one place, you are under-pop somewhere else. Zerging doesn't win you the alert, because populations are EVEN. In this respect. AoD actually hurts the alert effort.

    2) It's true AoD does help newbies get into the game. However, they're snatching them up early and teaching them to zerg. Since AoD runs platoons all the time, that newbie may never get the chance to play with another outfit that uses a more efficient squad level strategy.

    3) The fun ends when AoD arrives. Medium/small size battles are what really wins the alerts. Capping points with a small squad makes for super efficient resource use. However, that ends when AoD gal drops an entire platoon into the hex.

    I've run with several outfits who actively try to avoid AoD. I remember one lead in 903 getting in command chat with AoD to update them with our position so we can avoid each other. It's hard sometimes not to get caught up in the zerg ball.

    This is not to say AoD are all bad players. There's actually several really good leaders in AoD. One guy runs night time squad sized strategies. However, they do let newbies lead platoons/squads as well. Which gives the impression that AoD is led by a bunch of newbies.
  11. Ballto21

    Its not that we dont like aod

    its we like making fun of aod

    while you have some very good players and PLs, and will be the most dangerous outfit when you have good PL on, you have a lot of very, very, VERY bad players and PLs, and then AOD complains about VS or NC being op because they cant win alerts when theyre trying to push NC arsenal and losing all the adjacencies and hexes across the map. (Happened last week)
  12. Jachim

    There are so many logical fallacies in this one post that it single handedly destroyed the entire Vulcan species.

    I... don't even know where to begin with this.
  13. FateJH

    Remember when EXE was most known as "that platoon whose member ran you over with a tank?"
  14. MikeyGeeMan

    Its the sense of entitlement some of the leaders have when playing.

    Personally, I would prefer that the top AOD playersform up one platoon and keep it non public. So their true power can be felt on the battlefield.

    And then run their pub platoons.

    This way their skill is not diluted so much. Sort of a concentration of fire doctrine.

    The problem becomes in command chat, where the large outfits feel entitled to do what they want and not fight for the greater good during alerts.

    Its not just aod. If everyone is on the same page, tr would roll the other factions during alerts.

    Strength in unity.
  15. Ianneman

    DIG Zergs are responsible for about 80% of my Prowler HE Aurax progression.
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  16. Goldmonk

    Actually, I was AoD when I first played Planetside 2 (also back in 2013). I ran with them for a while until I got dragged into another outfit (which is freaking dead, 65th Crusaders.) Then I made my own and I still use the same stuff I learned from AoD. I would call them a "starter outfit". It's for the players who are green and just need to learn the basics while playing with other noobies. It's a valiant effort. I tried to do the same with my current outfit, but I'm just not big enough. I'm still friends with Xerans (does he still play?) and I feel he's an excellent leader. I'll poke fun at AoD occasionally, but I will admit they made me into the player I am today.
  17. Kanya

    In PS2 zergfits are somewhat rewarded as this game is a pure numbers game and the bases are easily capped with high numbers being thrown at it.

    What annoys me most about AOD/large zergfits is that despite having a HUGE pool of players you rarely see a competitive outfit. They don;t seem to actually train them at how to be effective, and would rather go all "mil sim" and teach them things like "base actual" etc on comms. Absolutely useless info. Teach them how to aim, strafe and hold their own from the ground up and you'd have a great outfit which would be good to fight against. Right now, zergfits just feed us kills.
  18. 00000000000000000000

    Try talking about each point individually, it usually helps you gather your thoughts.
  19. Shocklate

    Thats why we made the Reapers, to get some of our good players into a competitive ring. Hasn't stopped some of the best from leaving, but you can't help that sometimes
  20. Jake the Dog

    The reason AOD tends to blow is:
    A. Reliance on overwhelming numbers of low skill players
    B. Gal drops. I've seen AOD bring in 3-4 gals and just get crushed because they didn't bring sunderers. Gal drops by AOD also tend to be very unorganized once the intial wave fails they continue to send galaxies of AOD/pubbies to their death one drop at a time.
    C. Extremely low skill level, that is the funniest part honestly, you might have some great guys in their but the lower tier outshines you're good guys with how terribad they are.
    D. The reliance on the zerg doesn't develop players into being good skilled players.
    E. When logged onto emerald for the first time I watched AOD have 96+ on a ghost cap. How is that even a thing?

    On connery you have HIVE which is a skilled infantry outfit that deploys to bases and tends to outshine everybody else with skill and can effectively stop zergs in their tracks sometimes (I hate to give them credit but they deserve it). On emerald AOD gets steamrolled everytime it faces a similar sized force. I know I've personally killed AOD attacks recently by just popping all the sunderers around bases due to inadequate protection.

    Or my favorite one. They have quite the interesting mossie pilots as well. Sometimes you can shoot them with a pistol and immediately they will crash into a tree its quite funny actually. Of course thats not all of them, but I've seen it happen enough.

    You may have people that are great leaders, but they don't know how to lead in planetside or their squad leaders suck.

    AOD could easily be something everyone fears if the skill outshined the crap at the bottom.