[Suggestion] MMO-Style Damage Feed Chatbox

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by MrJengles, Apr 1, 2015.

  1. MrJengles

    Cross-posted on Reddit.

    • Ever wondered what weapon just hit you before you made it to cover?
    • Or how someone killed you when they seemingly fired too few bullets?
    • Or how many headshots just hit you?
    • How about simply been annoyed that the death screen tells you the last 2 players/damage sources to hit you and ignores everything else?


    Add a new chatbox tab that informs you of each weapon that hits you, amount of damage dealt and whether or not it was a headshot. It would not spam any other tabs.

    I'm not as worried about showing who damaged you or any of this applying to people you shoot but that's always an option if people think it's worthwhile.

    • Up x 6
  2. Thrones

    More information is always better.
    Today, after shooting 6 people in the head, I was shot by a guy 100m right in front of me, which i could not see, in .07ms. I know about where he was, but I am getting old and he literaly blended into the rocks.
    It would be comforting to see:
    >NS_Player_1 did 164 damage to your shields
    >NS_Player_1 did 164 damage to your shields
    >NS_Player_1 did 164 damage to your shields
    >NS_Player_1 did 8 damage to your shields
    >NS_Player_1 did 156 damage to you
    >NS_Player_1 did (328) critical damage to you
    >NS_Player_1 did 16 damage to you
    >You are dead
  3. Tbone

    It would help find cheaters.Good idea.
  4. chevyowner

    If it would be optional sure why not.
  5. Lucidius134

    Could be tied into the awareness implant '<'
  6. Ronin Oni

    It would be optional in that you'd have to Ctrl+Tab the chat tabs over to it (or toggle mouse cursor and click the tab)

    I think it would be beneficial, and don't see any reason it wouldn't work.... though there could be.

    You shut your hooor mouth. This should NOT be tied to an Implant.
    • Up x 1
  7. Pikachu

  8. DrPapaPenguin

    Yeah, would be nice, though I think it would chug the CPU even more.
    • Up x 1
  9. Prudentia

    So you basicly want the old Deathscreen back? Cause i have to agree with that, the new one is just terrible at telling you about the circumstances of your death
  10. Astriania

    This is in Planetside 1, so I assume it is not in 2 for a reason (and it's not a technical reason, your client knows that information to show flinch, damage markers and life). I'd like to know what that reason is. Personally I quite like not having it, since it's more immersive (you shouldn't know who's shooting you magically when bullets hit you).
  11. Iridar51

    Would be very nice.
  12. MikeyGeeMan

    Ooh raid damage meter....
  13. Utrooperx

    I certainly like this idea...I find FAR too many "From-100%-health-and-shields-to-instant-death" occurring...just last night, I see a opponent up on a hill, standing up outlined against the sky shooting at a ally...I crouch behind cover, inch over till I can see him...burst fire with MSW...hit marker...hit marker...I'm insta-dead...WTF...check Recursion...no headshot noted...no "thud-thud-thud" of impacts...I just fell down...for literally no discernible reason.

    This does not excite me to continue to play.
  14. FateJH

    Let's say that this feed were implemented. You encounter such a situation where you went from moving to dead in no time and, in checking the feed, discover it was was legitimate. Let's say that this feed also reports the alternate client time when the packets were first sent, letting you see your killer fired his weapon within realistic timing too.
    The fact is that you were still obliterated in no time as far as you were concerned and there was no way to know it was coming or know how to avoid it. Does this extra information really make the situation any better?
  15. DashRendar

    DashRendar inflicted 314 damage to an enemy Liberator using the Vortek Rotary
    DashRendar inflicted 314 damage to an enemy Liberator using the Vortek Rotary
    DashRendar inflicted 314 damage to an enemy Liberator using the Vortek Rotary
    DashRendar inflicted 314 damage to an enemy Liberator using the Vortek Rotary
    DashRendar inflicted 314 damage to an enemy Liberator using the Vortek Rotary
    DashRendar inflicted 314 damage to an enemy Liberator using the Vortek Rotary
    DashRendar inflicted 314 damage to an enemy Liberator using the Vortek Rotary
    DashRendar inflicted 314 damage to an enemy Liberator using the Vortek Rotary
    DashRendar inflicted 313 damage to an enemy Liberator using the Vortek Rotary
    DashRendar inflicted 313 damage to an enemy Liberator using the Vortek Rotary
    DashRendar inflicted 313 damage to an enemy Liberator using the Vortek Rotary
    DashRendar inflicted 313 damage to an enemy Liberator using the Vortek Rotary
    DashRendar inflicted 313 damage to an enemy Liberator using the Vortek Rotary
    ctrl + v
    DashRendar inflicted 316 damage to an enemy Liberator using the Vortek Rotary
    DashRendar inflicted 316 damage to an enemy Liberator using the Vortek Rotary
    DashRendar inflicted 316 damage to an enemy Liberator using the Vortek Rotary
    DashRendar inflicted 317 damage to an enemy Liberator using the Vortek Rotary
    DashRendar inflicted 317 damage to an enemy Liberator using the Vortek Rotary
    DashRendar inflicted 317 damage to an enemy Liberator using the Vortek Rotary
    DashRendar inflicted 317 damage to an enemy Liberator using the Vortek Rotary
    DashRendar inflicted 317 damage to an enemy Liberator using the Vortek Rotary
    DashRendar inflicted 316 damage to an enemy Liberator using the Vortek Rotary
    DashRendar inflicted 316 damage to an enemy Liberator using the Vortek Rotary

    Leave damage feeds to RPGs please.
  16. Utrooperx

    At least I would be able to understand what happened and visually verify the events...unless the feed showed my opponent fired all damaging/fatal rounds at the same precise instant...which would indicate something was very fishy.

    I simply find it extremely strange that I can engage opponent #1...and receive visual and audio clues of incoming damage...while when I engage opponent #2, I do not...I fall down for what, to me, is no discernible reason...if it is a "programming issue" that bundles all the incoming damage into one packet which results in non-headshot seemingly "insta-deaths"...then I would take exception at that specific issue...but at least I could look at what happened. As you can imagine, deaths without understanding why is frustrating...if its a matter of "Darn, the game's programming allows all incoming non-OHK damage to be received at one precise moment in one precise UDP packet...which I can do nothing about, nor prevent in any way...", then the choice is on me whether I should continue to play such a game which would allow such frustrating circumstances.

    Or, I can alternatively advocate for a change in that programming...but I need to know if that is, indeed, what is happening. Time-stamping would indicate this.

    When I fall down to what, for me, is no discernible reason...I automatically find myself saying "How...?" If by simply looking I can see (as was noted elsewhere in this thread) the "How" being spelled out in a similar fashion, I would find it useful...

    >11:28:012 NS_Player_1 did 164 damage to your shields
    >11:28:013 NS_Player_1 did 164 damage to your shields
    >11:28:014 NS_Player_1 did 164 damage to your shields
    >11:28:015 NS_Player_1 did 8 damage to your shields
    >11:28:015 NS_Player_1 did 156 damage to you
    >11:28:016 NS_Player_1 did (328) critical damage to you
    >11:28:017 NS_Player_1 did 16 damage to you
    >11:28:018 You are dead

    If it indicated simply:

    >11:28:017 NS_Player_1 did 1000 damage to YOU
    >11:28:018 YOU are dead

    I would find that frustrating...because that is what I am subjectively experiencing...death in .001 seconds.
    • Up x 1
  17. MrJengles

    Well said!

    Removing uncertainty and providing that level of transparency is one of the major benefits. It won't fix certain issues but it will help players figure out what they encountered and eases frustration.
  18. Mianera

    If such a system was implemented it would be buggy as hell and some players would take it to such an extend that everytime the numbers in their head didn't match up, reports for cheaters would be made.