the lattice is not fun

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by elkikko92, Mar 28, 2015.

  1. elkikko92

    the lattice is not fun, the solution is macro lattice
  2. H0urg1ass

    Ghost capping is not fun.

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  3. elkikko92

  4. BlueSkies

    How do you know?
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  5. AmitGr

    The solution is dynamic latice.
    When continent is empty - very specific lanes
    When continent is full - much more connections

    probability of it ever being implemented: 0
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  6. elkikko92

    A loro of code behind. Will they implement it?
  7. Taemien

    Your best bet is to go for greener pastures.

    Planetside 2 is nearly 3 years old. The heavy development is done. The only thing left is cosmetics and an occasional new weapon here or there. What we have is pretty much what we got.

    If you're not having fun, find a game that is. If it actually is still fun, keep playing as normal till it isn't.
  8. Ronin Oni

    The idea was that the game could continue refinement.

    Indeed resource overhaul is STILL only in Phase 1.

    And Mission system

    and... ?

    I'd like to see all smaller bases removed from Lattice and turned into spawn outposts instead as well
  9. elkikko92

    The first roadmap had very long list of new feature incoming in that year.
    The only big improvment was make wall around outpost and make lattice, but I think the lattice is not the real solution to improve the gameplay.
    What I suggest is macro lattice, between only big facility and big outpost.

    With hex system there was more strategy than now, and hex had a lot of problems. Lattice fix but remove all strategy of the game.
    -deploy a sunderer, and capture the base infantryside with 3 or 1 control points or also scu. Where is the LARGE BATTLE ON BIG SCALE? I don't like the battle is only between a single lattice.

    Revamp the lattice and I will become happy!
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  10. Taemien

    Key word there is COULD.

    I'm being realistic. With the dev team cut in half, continued development is unlikely. Not anything as major as Phase 2 of missions or resources. Much less an entire four continent progression revamp.

    Believe me, there are many things I want, just like you all do. I do want to see a lattice revamp as well as finished mission and resource phases. But I don't believe I'll see it.

    If they surprise us though, I won't complain. And I'll change my thoughts on the matter. Until either that happens or the servers eventually shut down.. I'll just play the game as is.
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  11. SuperMedicated

    I love the game as it is now, it could be much better indeed but i would rather have more bugfixes and less "content" for a while. Remember when we got 64 bit? It pretty much did not work out of the box, and the memory leaks are still around. don't want something like that happening again.
  12. AssaultPig

    counterpoint: lattice is fun!
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  13. Kristan

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  14. Ronin Oni

    We're not talking about a codebase change ffs...

    overhauling an in game system is sure to have bugs, but not like that.

    The big problem right now is simple lack of coder time.

    Code changes will be slow and gradual with the reduced team =\
  15. elkikko92

    I SUGGEST LATTICE ONLY BETWEEN BIG OUTPOST AND FACILITIES. Why have a battle in a little outposts? No sense.
    The little outposts should have a respawn role outside the lattice.

    So with macro lattice we have spread battle population.
    Inglobe the satellite outpost with the faclity.
  16. chevyowner

    The horse is not dead if it can ask for the beatings to stop.
  17. MikeyGeeMan

    Oh my a change of community heart. As when lattice was implemented all the ps1 players lauded its success.

    But years later...after those players have left the new ones want it gone.

    Reminds me of social security. :)
  18. Pikachu

    Remove satellite outposts from the facility. :)
  19. zaspacer

    Ghost Capping was never an issue during Continent Control Alerts during High Population times. Why not try some Continent Control Alerts that don't use Lattice?
  20. Obstruction

    first of all, do you guys mean:

    "ghostcapping - a bunch of guys sitting at an empty base until the time expires"


    "ghostcapping - someone flips several uncontested points that all say 1-12 on the map when there's no one (or 1 infil) there"

    i ask, because both were problems with Hex that still mostly persist today at the times of lowest population. and then i'd remind you that a lot of what caused the first kind back then was that the territory resource "metagame" caused a losing faction to keep losing all the way to warpgate with no way to combat what was then extremely powerful anti-infantry spam.

    a lot has changed and you can't simply say that the same problems are there for the same reasons, except when that reason is players doing the laziest possible thing they can do to earn certs.

    furthermore, allow me to submit for discussion that it is not lattice that's wholly responsible for the positive changes in the game, but rather continent locking, alerts, and the removal of the territory-resource system. lattice just creates bottlenecks that allow for intentional stalemating and the same 3 battles on every continent.
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