LACK OF AWARENESS - Biggest reason for teamkills

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by ReNz0r, Mar 25, 2015.

  1. ReNz0r

    Welcome to a little rant that turned out to be a small tutorial about the vaule of awareness and not being a ***** to others. Hope you enjoy!

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  2. DrPapaPenguin

  3. Serviceman

    Nice video i totally agree with you. Sometimes i forgot about team and like hero in move - only shoot and run forward.:(
  4. Danath

    "Don't stand in front of the door." ->This, so much. Enemy uses concussion/flash? Everyone's ******. You DON'T stay in the door? Nobody cares about the nades, were already aiming at the door, just shoot

    Oh, and please, stop getting in front of friendly HAs with their RL equipped. Let them shoot, then you have a window of several seconds while they reload.
  5. \m/SLAYER\m/

    NC in a nutshell, but how you succeed TK with NS weapon?!:eek: thats why your outfit most famous TKillers on Cobalt.
    100% happens during alerts, even if you flying, someone will crash into you :eek:
    no alerts - much better:D
    and dont forget net lag
  6. 0fly0

    Nice classic day in the NC. :rolleyes:
  7. Onhil

    I'm glad I have come to the point that I realise that I'm about to walk in front of someone line of sight and I quickly run behind and around them instead.

    As for people walking in front of me I have a split second to think should I mowe him down and hope I can kill the guy I was firing in the first place or wait for him to get killed by the guy I'm firing at and have a smaller chance of success since the other person can just contine firing whilst I would have to start firing. It is a dilemma that have gotten me to mute proxy so I don't have to listen to the rage of the idiot who walked in front of my line of fire. Plus people shouting nonsense.

    Then you have the time when you start shooting at enemies and suddenly a friendly suddenly gets revived right in front of you and then he dies instantly. They should be able to see if someone is aiming in the general direction of where their dead body is as ling as they have not gone into the map screen.

    And then you have the time when you shot a rocket at an enemy max and some idiot walk right in front of the launcher and instantly die. I have actually had a moment when I was shooting a dumbfire at an enemy esf just for a friendly esf to eat the rocket.
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  8. NCPredatorus

    I experienced a similar situation each time.
    I press the key "sorry" the first time, the second, but I stop at the third time.

    So boring...
  9. TheDarSin

    Yep. I've also had people do it on purpose when I'm snipping.
  10. ReNz0r

    its darn painful and i dont think there is a way to influence everybody but hey you gotta try right?
  11. Mythologicus

    For some of those early teamkills, I have to wonder what the hell teammates were thinking charging directly into a tower that is UNDOUBTEDLY filled with enemies sitting around waiting for someone to...well, walk in.

    Doors. Oh my god the doors. Anyone who knows me knows I ******* hate PS2's building designs, and the issue is made even worse by people who think it's a great idea to defend a doorway by standing in it. The term 'bottleneck' actually means something. It means it's a very tight space but hey, there's some more space further back. It means if anyone wants to go out or come in they have to go through that narrow space, so they can only come in/go out maybe in pairs, which means they will get immediately mowed down by superior numbers who have arranged themselves in the wider area to take advantage of that bottleneck.

    It gets worse when you have some superior cover overlooking a doorway, and your teammates go and jam themselves in that doorway. They're going to get absolutely slaughtered because of the bottleneck, and in the inescapable event that the enemies come crashing through the only people who are going to make an impression are those who are actually smart enough to sit further back, behind some railings, boxes, stairs...whatever, where they have a lot of cover and, guess what, the enemy can only attack a few at a time because of the GODDAMNED BOTTLENECK. Best example of this: Biolab teleports, when defending.

    Lasher teamkills. What the actual ****.
  12. stalkish

    @ 4 mins you break one of your own rules, you run right through a crouched friendly who is watching the door, and then you stop directly in his line of fire to shoot at the enemy coming through the door.
    Just thought id point that out.
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  13. Kristan

    You know, I liked the part when you told about tips for not being shot in the back... while getting shot in the back by your friendlies.
  14. ronjahn

    Just mow em all down. I'll TK anyone who wants to walk into my LOS while firing. I'm not going to purposely kill you, but I'm also not gonna stop to allow you to get us both killed.

    I may also shoot you if you are blocking me and take to long to kill an enemy that I also have LOS on and may target me if you fail. It may be rude, but I'm not gonna sit there wondering if the enemy is gonna die; I'm just gonna kill him and if you end up being incidentally killed, whoops!
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  15. ReNz0r

    I mean we all make the mistakes and i did chose the vid on purpose to show we all make em but some people just dont care
  16. The Rogue Wolf

    The #1 cause of teamkilling is the conceit most players have that "everyone else should know where I am at all times because I'm just that good".
  17. Malleablelist

    All I have to say to this is that on Connery, 1 out of 8 of my deaths usually involve a teammate in some way shape or form

    This thread needs to be bumped
  18. RonRoy

    With the way the game works, either disengage (seek cover) or TK the guy who walked in front of you. If Clueless Joe gets killed by the enemy then his body drops on the enemy's screen while on your screen Clueless Joe is still standing and blocking all your shots. You can see where the advantage is here. So if you are not going to disengage then be 100% sure to get the TK and the few hundred ms advantage.
  19. hurricanedylan

    I agree with you.
  20. ReNz0r

    thanks for the support