What's your gauge for reporting hackers?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Slamz, Mar 23, 2015.

  1. Nailhimself

    I only report when I´m 100% sure there´s something wrong. I actually reported only 2-3 times and that was during the invicibility bug.

    Hackusations have a long history in FPS games and I have experience with that. I was league moderator of Call of Duty 2 (the WW2 thing) about 10 years ago in the ESL (european e-sports league). So I actually had to deal with every report that was made after an official match.
    I don´t want to mention how many matches had false accusations. I actually left as a league moderator because it was just mental to get insulted everytime you tell the accusant that there was not a single evidence for a cheat... I was talking to moderators of other games and it was exactly the same.
  2. 0fly0

    i play sniper on cobalt and i only see one sniper br 15 hacking, report him and never see him again, sometime like you say it's just lucky shot or a reroll, 2 week ago i have report a br 25 too, full headshot me like 7 time with gauss saw at 100m+ always in full automatic it was kind hard to imagine with so much recoil at that distance, also never see him again.
    Like people say you can report if the guy don't hack he is not going to get ban anyways.
    The problem is always the same planetside don't have anti hack system, i just wonder how many player use more discreet thing like speed.
  3. sustainedfire

    As an Emerald TR player, I report every Vanu and NC that kill me in game.

    Kidding aside, there are a few that have absolutely suspicious movement and aiming ability.

    There are a number of vanu on emerald that play esf often, and they frequently warp or lose lock ons without running flares. Sometimes striker missles will go right through them at extremely close range.

    It's very suspect when I'm scanning the battle field and q spotting targets, and one particular esf just will not q spot regardless of how pinpoint the cursor and no matter how many times q is pressed.

    I sometimes report them, but mostly just forget about it, note their names and simply picture them as overweight a holes with no dignity.
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  4. Klypto

    Given that what you see is not what you get, when you see someone turn around it is not actually when they turned around.

    People complain about it "you weren't even looking at me and you killed me" all the time and I just show them the 1 minute shadowplay videos, even had one yesterday. This guy was adamant that I was looking 90 degrees in another direction and then suddenly killed him with headshots. On my end it was kinda boring and sloppy:

    From my perspective it's not even amazing or noteworthy, sometimes I don't even understand what they are talking about, but just delays in server-client communication in a client side game that make things as they do not appear.
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  5. Kazrak

    There are some things that were probably caused by server issues but other things that are hard to explain/understand like:

    Some months ago i was flying around with my outfit to trololol some NC with A2A lock ons
    We found a Reaver and fired 5(!) FIVE missiles at him in about 10 sec...and he was still not even smoking
    and yes all of them hit him because we were about 500m above ground with no obstacles in sight and he had firesuppression

    so i don't know how this is possible to survive nearly the double amount of damage that should send you to hell by any means of game dynamics
  6. FBVanu

    Isn't accuracy part of a hack? You can't reliably hit others all the time, if most of your shots are missing.. can you?

    I'm getting reported sometimes for knowing where cloaked infiltrators are.. 'cause I run proxy radar and apparently many players have no idea what that is or how it works. I get hate tells first, "no way you knew where i was..." bla bla...clearly a L2P issue for them.

    But when I get head shots, or a row of head shots with my Prowler AP.. I'm always wondering if the others think I'm hacking, but then my overall accuracy is very low.. wouldn't that be an obvious give-away of non-hacking (is there such a word?)

    I've seen floating players.. look like they are walking on invisible stairs in the sky... but always thought that was just lag or bad connections.. .
  7. Foxirus

    The only time I file a suspicious report is if its someone who has killed me from 200m out with nothing but headshots, And the weapon they used to do it was a weapon that should not have even been possible to do so with. In which case I will check the leader boards. Often times I find Low BRs who have no directive points having K/D ratios higher than 5. When I skim through their kill logs, Majority of what is there IS headshots. For these people I will file a report.

    Most of the time a low BR with no Directive Rating means its a new account. A low BR with a higher directive rating means its an alt.
  8. DrPapaPenguin

    I never had that happen before tbh :D
  9. Taemien

    Its actually pretty easy to tell.

    But for many they can't. This is due to the lack of personal responsibility. You see good players when faced against something they can't beat don't immediate cry cheat/hacks. Good players don't immediately run to the forums and cry hacks and clamor for nerfs. Good players go to a wiki or some other site for information if they need to. Good players then formulate a strategy to beat that which gave them trouble.

    Because of this, good players are more able to identify what is actually going on in the game. They're able to tell if someone's using a ESP, or aimbot, ect. And usually good players will be running with like minded players and get a second opinion. Just to make sure they aren't losing their minds.

    But most of the hackuasations are because players aren't good players. They're cert farming zerglings. And anything that disrupts their farm is a detriment to the farm. And one of two things will happen:

    1. If its something they don't use themselves, they run and cry to the forums for nerf.

    2. If its something they do use themselves, they think they are billy jo badasses with it and think that they can't be beat, and cry hacks when someone does beat them.

    To this day, I've only reported maybe three players for hacking. And all three were obvious wall hacking. Even if they weren't hacking and got stuck there, they were exploiting their 'mis'fortune.
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  10. Sinderion


    Before I leave the spawnroom I usually /yell in chat that I'll report everyone who is going to kill me. Just to be sure. The nice thing about this method is that the success rate of reporting an actual cheater is 100% + since everyone's running away from me I can conveniently shoot them in the back which is how I keep my KDR up.
  12. Dis

    If they're better than me. My mommy and daddy taught me from a very young age that I am special, so anybody who's better than me at anything is cheating somehow.
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  13. NinjaKirby

    I have one solid example with screenshot/video footage, and actual Player self-confession via Tell that he repeatedly cheats to pad his stats.

    I just checked his profile today, since this thread reminded me of the incident. He's played today and yesterday, and it pisses me off that he's still allowed to play and ruin good fights.


    A sincere **** you to Daybreak Entertainment Multiverse Online, whatever you call yourselves now, you are helping kill your own game because you have STILL not banned this player (and other players like him, no doubt). He is still playing after 14 days since this screen shot was taken, where he blatantly cheats (shooting from within an object with an AV Mana turrent for about an hour, ******* up the Quartz Ridge battle between us NC and VS).

    And yes, I typo'd "hope" in the screenshot, I was that frustrated at the *******.

    I also apologised to the enemy VS infiltrator in this screenshot because we were both trying to kill this faglord TR hacker who was in the process of wrecking the battle us and VS were having.

    Btw, yes, I'm ********. I had to leave that fight because he was farming everyone's vehicles, including mine. Censored his name, because "naming and shaming" isn't allowed... well fak u SoE.
  14. Calisai

    My gauge is pretty high, but then again... I played in PS1 and saw repeatedly what high ping, latency, lag, and ****** lag prediction would actually do. I also record, so if something looks suspicious, I can review it later. Most times things that people call "hacking" I can easily attribute to any of the normal bull$#it lag, glitches, ping issues, bugs that are present in this game.

    When you have all of those in the same game, what does it matter if its a glitch or an actual hack... the effect is the same. I just suck it up and move on. I'll report the obvious ones, the abusive ones, and the annoying ones. My ego isn't so fragile to result in me reporting anyone that might have an "unfair" advantage over me... If its annoying enough, I'll just move to a different fight...

    People like you are part of the problem. You are flooding the report system with false reports of things that can easily be attributed to lag, excessive ping, a lucky streak, etc. That means that what limited csr support we have is swamped following up on this $h#t and also means the true hackers are able to play longer. I actually assume you are a little more discriminating in what you report than you sound like, but if you do truly report anything mildly suspicious... congratz... you're helping the hackers out.
  15. Dualice

    I reported someone today for the first time since... ever, I think. I was on a contested control point but couldn't see anyone. An NC light assault would periodically materialize in front of me. Every time I shot at him he would disappear again just before my bullets reached him, moving to somewhere else still within the control point. He managed to appear behind me and kill me twice in this fashion.

    I PM'd him and asked if he was intentionally teleporting around. No response. It was an English/US name so safe to assume he spoke English. I asked some fellow TR to come check it out, and confirmed they saw him teleporting around too. Someone eventually shot & killed him, but it was very fishy indeed.

    Unless it's obvious things like this I generally refrain from reporting. There will always be a better infantry player than you, so when getting invariably owned by someone with the Winrion or Battlegoose I just put it down to superior aiming skills, and an overhshield of course.
  16. AssaultPig

    function of the report system is to bring suspicious activity to devs' attention

    most obvious, blatant hackers are banned relatively quickly anyway. The tools exist for your classic 'flying around heatshotting everybody' trolls to do their thing, but you rarely see them. Players do not really have the ability to reliably identify more subtle hackers on the basis of gameplay or stats; all we can do is report suspicious activity, and hope that in the aggregate enough others report the same individual to warrant a closer look.
  17. Drag0

    How about a player that has a 4+/1 K/D and most of the player's deaths were from suicides and without the suicides they would be well over 10+/1 K/D as infantry.

    Obviously this player cares about their stats -- if legit why would they do more suicides than being killed by enemies?

    I think most of us have played this game too much -- I am over like 40 days! It is like when I had a car with a broken speedometer -- I've driven my entire adult life, I can tell how fast I'm going within a couple mph. Just like in PS2 -- I can tell right away when something doesn't look right about how someone is playing because I have played this game for over a month straight lol!
  18. uhlan

    DBG is still in transition mode from SOE and it's likely there isn't a huge amount of investment into the games right now, especially a two year old problem child like PS2.

    I'm sure there is maintenance being done, as we've seen a patch or two, but nothing substantial or meaningful. The boat is sinking and the bucket they're using to bail it out has a hole in it.

    They are having a really tough time it seems handling the wave of hackers from H1Z1 and those folks are bringing those hacks to PS2 once they're kicked. What THAT says about the state of moderating PS2 is disturbing.

    There are no in-game moderators and the hacker disruption in PS2 is beyond DBG's capacity it seems.

    Add all of this to the bad server performance, horrible hit detection that's been with us since the beginning and you have the perfect storm of crap.

    I still log on occasionally, but most of my game time is after 2200 eastern. After that time my hit reg drops to ridiculous levels and it's not worth playing.

    I've played since beta, but it's getting to the point where it's just not worth the frustration anymore.
  19. Meeka

    I have a LOT of game play hours (somewhere in the 3000 range), and probably only reported maybe 10-20 people for cheating, and those were blatant cheaters.

    These days, when I play, I'm always streaming the game live... and I can see my stream, so if I get questionably killed... about 15 seconds later, I have a live replay in my second monitor I can watch and see how I died.
  20. CrimsonSentinel

    I should probably start writing down names... because I definitely hit an enemy (non-heavies) and they have no damage to their shields. Occasionally I will get one shotted by someone using a normal rifle, like quick pop around the corner and dead. I know the difference because it'll take 2-3 seconds for me to die normally if I charge someone shooting at me, where as theses hackers would just obliterate me on sight...