Liberator is gamebreakingly op

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by ColonelJayce, Mar 20, 2015.

  1. Jawarisin

    Sure you billionaire ;)
  2. patoman

    The lighning with the AA gun could be buffed seeing that it is overly specialized yet not too good at what it does.

    Main battle tank with walker seems to be the best answer, if you don't have a second gunner you can switch to it.

    Or if you have a mobile spawn point have a walker on it, mabey even two.

    Libs can be powerful, but if they are overly op why don't I see more?
  3. Scr1nRusher

    Because OP is trying to start a chain reaction to (once again) falsely get vehicles over nerfed against infantry, but leave out of render distance infantry AV completely untouched.
  4. Obstruction

    this goes back to my supposedly "poor argument from a main lib pilot" that the stock lib is the worst stock vehicle in the game. you see a lot of stock MBTs/lightnings, sunderers, and ESFs because you can get basic functionality out of them even with no upgrades or very few upgrades. of course you don't get the best from them, and you can't do advanced tactics or compete directly 1v1 against upgraded vehicles, but you can follow a zerg and get some kills before you die.

    this really isn't the case with the stock lib. people try it, and quickly find out that it lacks the mobility and basic defense/utility functions to stay alive. while it is possible for a skilled team to take a stock lib and cherry pick enough kills per run to begin upgrading, players with less experience will find their attempts frustrated and simply waste over half their nanites. they usually don't pull another one for a long, long time. this means that in general, the lib comes in 3 varieties:
    • day 1 newbs who don't know not to pull
    • midgrade teams/pickups who follow friendly zergs to camp the infantry spawn and farm repairs
    • hardened veterans that roam the map, dueling other skygods and predating upon the weak
    distribution of these types is basically a bell curve. you'll see a lot more of the middle type than the outliers in any given play session. the nanite cost and the poor new player experience (#rekt) is really what limits the overall number of libs in play.

    anyway, it's fine for people to think that the stock flash is worse, if they want to. it's really a dumb argument to get into either way. but if anyone thinks the stock lib is "powerful" or "OP" i'd love to see some uncut videos of stock lib play to back it up.
  5. IcEzEbRa

    I really only see a couple handful of Lib crews/pilots on connery that are effective. I fly esf a lot, but I can't fly a lib and pull off the things that these guys do. A good pilot, and full crew, still is a fearsome thing ingame, and should be...but there aren't many of them, and they've been nerf'd repeatedly. It's not the platform that's op, it's skill+coordination+communication+mobility+power that's op. And it's hard to put that all together, I can't do it, even though probably I try and die in the Lib you do shoot down.

    Personally, I just think it's more sporting and fun to shoot tank main cannon at aircraft....but my gf loves skyguard, and somehow usually finds a bad position for
  6. used car salesman

    what REALLY needs to be done is get rid of the upgrade for resistance against heavy tank rounds and make lib 2 shots for ap vangaurd/magrider. its really hard already to get 2 shots on a lib, currently lib pilots aren't taking anywhere near enough risk when going to tanks, since dedicated AA just scratches their paint.

    getting hit by ap tanks should be devastating to libs. buffing skyguard/other AA causes the problem of far overpowered AA when stacked, like others said the resolution is to make a type of AA that takes skill and doesn't stack well: ap tanks.
  7. Jawarisin

    Herm you clearly don't know... 2 AP shells WILL **** a lib (unless prowler, but that's normal)

    You clearly are new to the game considering your other thread. So just to let you know: 2 ap shells will take a lib burning (red). In that state, the liberator looses nearly all its speed, and has nearly non-existant vertical thrusters (even with the frame) and WILL only descend. It's health is also ticking down, and it's extremely fragile.

    2 AP shells = death in 99% cases.
  8. used car salesman

    yes 2 ap vanguard will set it on fire, but there is fire suppression. the main problem is composite armor since i cant set most libs on fire with 2 shots. magrider takes 3 ap shots, maybe with maxed composite armor thats 4 (dunno its 3 or 4 can someone please check), and the velocity is slow as hell, trying shooting ESFs with magrider then with vanguard see the massive difference. the only real chance of destroying lib with tank is a deployed ap prowler 4 shotting a non composite hovering lib before they can react, but aiming that takes a lot of skill. im not for buffing flak since it stacks too well and takes littler skill but ap tank rounds really need a buff

    and no im not new to the game.

    furthermore i think the zepher does way too much dmg against armor, needs to be halved at least. its meant for infantry. a low hovering lib with zepher is almost as dangerous as dalton.
  9. Dreadnaut

    I have a fully certed Liberator on all 3 factions on the Emerald server. Send me a message to coordinate a time for you to fly one. You should bring a friend to gun for you.

    After you've taken control of that Liberator, I'm going to give you 30 minutes to go show us all how OP it is.

    How long do you think you'll last in that Liberator before you get wrecked? Do we want to make a wager?

    I'll fly an ESF and record it so everyone can see how OP it is. Except that the video will just show how badly you get crushed, and prove the point even further that Liberators REQUIRE skilled pilot or crew to be successful unless no one one the ground even cares to make you go away.
  10. Dreadnaut

    Alarox, stock libs are absolutely horrific. Much worse than a stock anything else in the entire game.
  11. Ianneman





    HOLY ****!!!!
  12. Alarox

    What about a stock Harasser? Stock Valkyire? Stock Flash? You honestly think stock Libs are worse than these?

    I would argue that even stock Vanguards are worse. HEAT + Basilisk with no Shield or NAR... With the Lib you at least get a Shredder.

    It's no secret that most vehicles are terrible stock, but because you have a Shredder you can at least do something with a stock Lib. It's the only one of the vehicles mentioned here that starts out with a powerful weapon. It doesn't have a Tankbuster or frame (which I agree is important) but you can at least still find vulnerable targets and hover over them with the Shredder for easy kills.
  13. Schwarzpferd

    I am going to say this as politly as I can. I have been loving the AA role and a good skyguard can solo kill a two man lib. I have had many fights against libs with many victories, and at no time have I ever said, "lib is op" So allow me and my two plus years experience as a aa gunner to set the record straight.

    1) Your claim that you can be three shot implies that there is no way you can survive that third shot. Top armor with fire extinguisher used after taking first hit makes it possible to still be alive after third hit. Indeed this has been the reason some libs in one v ones against me have died, needing that fourth shot matters.

    2) Libs do not have the ability to turn and manuver well in low altitudes, so a lib that chases enemy aa into cover is usually a dead on. A lib on esimir tried to manuver to hit my skyguard, I go in trees and he wacks it and blows up, giving me the kill. Use cover, if you are standing out in the open I feel bad for you son. Ps2 has many problems but a lib killing people not in cover ain't one.

    3) Your average dalton gunner can't aim well against moving targets, thus giving your flak time to force a retreat. Many times libs are conservative, if they know they are up against a skilled Skyguard or walker gunner they will pull back.

    You claim that you have spawned a skyguard for the 50th time and still cant kill libs? Really? I was in a fight me against tr lib and two mossies in a sqaud. Lib was in flames before I went 3 v 1 and lib is still in flames. Another time a lib tried to come behind me with tank burster, I slammed on reverse and he over-compensated and smacked right into the ground. Another time me and my buddy went around in your stealth aa harrasser and started shooting a lib and he paniced, slammed into a rock and went boom. Have you even tried running fully-certed stealth on all your aa builds? Combine stealth with cover of trees or solar pannels on indar etc...and you make a libs job very hard.

    I could go on and on, but if you are having such a hard time killing a lib with a skyguard you are doing something seriously wrong.

    I will however not continue to give this pointless claim of yours any merit, and no one else should either. As a hardcore AA player I have never felt that Lib was op. However, one final note...if a two-man lib does kill your skyguard how is that unfair? Lib requires teamwork from pilot and gunner. It seems to me you are essentially complaining that every time you go up, by yourself, against two or more people you lose....whatever. Feel free to leave enemy aircraft to those of us that know that AA is more than just looking at an enemy aircraft and firing flak in its direction.
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  14. Schwak

    The hole premise of this thread is why I stopped posting on Forumside. Is this like babies first skyguard meets Liberator tankbuster?
    • Up x 1
  15. NikolaiLev

    Because that's how it's always been and therefore it shouldn't change because if they change it then I won't get my phat libby cert farm.

    But yes. Liberators aren't fun to deal with. A single dumbifre launcher ought to send it reeling to the ground but you need an entire squad of HAs firing at it to make it even think of caring.

    And with a Dalton it can just stay out of range and snipe tanks and infantry. It's not a balanced vehicle. But it takes tons of certs to kit out properly, so you don't see many of them played properly.

    Balancing for cert investment is bad.
  16. Jawarisin

    Hello new guy to forum! Let me correct you ^^ (welcome to forum by the way!) Your stats please? That claim is quite pretentious unless you've got something to back it up.

    2 dumbfires will send it to the ground (in flames if the default dumbfire or dead if decimators). You're exagerating though.

    Actually, air has the longest render distance (800-1000m), while you won't see vehicles unless you're within roughly 500m, and even closer for infantry. So no, it's actually the opposite, ground can be out of render and shoot the defenceless air, not the opposite (you got the wrong facts there mate).

    It's not balanced with certs, its a hard to use vehicle, and it's perfectly balanced, if not under-powered without having a very good gunner. In fact, unless you got a great gunner, libs are pretty much cert piniata #2 (valks are still #1).

    So once again, welcome to the forum, where people will find out any inconsistency or lies you say :)
  17. Blaze1068

    Fairly easy to kill libs with the Prowler because of its 2 cannons. You want the lib to be about 2 centimeters (length) on your screen before engaging.
  18. Blaze1068

    Oh and the basilisk will be for engaging at longer ranges.
  19. Jake the Dog

    Not necassarily, prowlers velocity unless you're deployed is almost as bad as the magriders...
  20. Dj Gus

    OP, you should have been here for the liberator update, about a year ago...