Help to identify if Hacker or not

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Nycnatws, Mar 24, 2015.

  1. Nycnatws

    Hi @ all,
    Yesterday evening, just before calling it a day, I thought: "Lets get some more Certs on capturing those abandoned facilities on that empty Amerish on Miller before going to bed".
    Well They weren't so abandoned as they seemed in the first place. Two Vanu light assault troopers were guarding one of them. As I play as HA and I had the drop on them, besides that I had a brilliant streak yesterday, I thought that I can handle that siuation pretty good on my own. So I fragged them. One of them were AFK and the other one didn't seem to expect visits. But they came back and killed me.

    Ok that happens. I mean, its Planetside 2, I am used to get killed. But when I tried again only get close to the capturepoint they fragged me every single time. The suspicious thing is, that they exactly knew where I was all the time. Every step they were ahead. I didn't even get the chance to fire back. I know all that stuff about latencies and clientside hit detection e.g. but that was different yesterday.
    I really cant't express it, but that CERTANLY wasn't in the normal range of skill. Even camping for more than 30 seconds waiting for them to show up on my crosshairs. I was thinking that they may use earplugs to hear my foodsteps. So I stood still for a moment. Nothing, frontal frag in less than the normal latency affected delay. Super high precision with smg's even over distances where I only trust my LMG. It was like they have a radarscreen to see my exact position.

    One of them were BR 17 with no Directives, so it was a new account. Sure could be someone who just wants a clean startup, but it just didn't seemed.... "human"

    See Yourself:


    If I am doing wrong on You "MarasliYavuz" by posting this, then please forgive me. In that case I am just bad in this game. But that never happend to me since i started...

    What should I do?
  2. used car salesman

    sounds like wall hack + aimbot to me. u can report him but it wont do much good, the admins are like gone now.
  3. Subject851

    Hacks are definitely present and with the lack of updates/optimization it keeps getting worse, also don't name people or they will take down your post, soe/daybreak has a no naming and shamming policy which is whack. They will also tell you that there isn't much hacks in the game which is bs, there just not detecting them, the hacks in this game just are not obvious, just look at how bad it is in h1z1, same engine just different genre of gamers.
  4. Bragg

    No infiltrator detection devices? Sure there was just 2 players on that base? Hidden flash bike with 100m scout radar and full vehicle stealth. Cannot be seen in the map, and outside can sit on rumble seat, and bike doesn't make any sound at all.
  5. Nailhimself

  6. 00000000000000000000

    Impossible for us to tell from a killfeed.

    Also you killed him once, I don't think that would have happened if he was aimbotting.
  7. FLHuk

    Someone open a book on what happens next.

    £10 on "Starts to make how to mlg vids" please.
  8. Subject851

    Not all aimbots are obvious, and you can adjust the accuracy on them to not make others suspicious.
  9. Nycnatws

    I killed him once yes, but it was very close (less than 5% health left). Im maybe not the best in aiming fast, but I sure can outsmart many of my 1 on 1 opponents.
  10. breeje

    it could be an hacker
    but there could be an stalker spotting for them
    sometimes i do this getting somewhere high with an big view and spot everybody that is not to close to me
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