I need a answer from a person in charge .

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Blackbird, Mar 8, 2015.

  1. Blackbird

    Better suggestion . Once someone is reported multi times a admin watches for reported players to log in and follows them around to on a alt and perma bans said player when they start blatant Team Killing .

    Its not hundreds of players doing it . Its a few players killing hundreds .
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  2. Towie

    The other night I was TKd by someone with a KNIFE while I was at a terminal in spawn. A bloomin KNIFE !!

    Sure there are accidents but c'mon. I was so annoyed I checked out his killboard and found that he had taken out a few of us with the knife - but his overall stats weren't so bad, so he must choose when to deliberately TK. Is there anything to gain from that ?

    And therein lies the problem. Statistically he's not going to show up as a blatant TKer - but the circumstances are very suspicious to say the least. I probably have a worse TK rate than he does (currently 7% - oops)
  3. Zoobe

    It would be useful to have some sort of punishment, to act as a deterrent. The other day in a bio lab fight, one of the enemy team switched sides from Vanu to TR and started TKing the defenders. This kind of play should not go without some loss.
  4. Donaldson Jones

    First change weapons locks to straight up TK's and screw incidental damage, then fix the Magrider so it doesn't kill friendlies so easily. Lastly make explosives tk's 2 deaths = 1 tk.

    Warning 1(3 tks with in 2 minutes), warning 2 (1 tk with in 10 minutes of warning 1, 2 tks within 60 minutes or destroying one friendly sunderer), warning 3 (any additional tk within 3 hours). After Warning 3 or if you destroy another friendly sunderer with 5 hours of the first. - Weapons Lock ( 4 hours) or 8 hours logged off . Two weapons locks within 24 hours should get a hardware ban for two days.
    NOTE** If you heed any warning the system completely resets no gradual reduction.**

    Look it's harsh but my suggestion removes incidental damage and moves the thing to straight tks or friendly sunderer destruction. A 2 day ban is long enough to get the message across without being so long that someone makes an effort to bypass the hardware ban.
  5. Blackbird

    Better suggestion . Once player has been reported multi times a Admin waits for player to long on . Watches player on a alt . Perma Bans players when he blatantly Team Kills .

    Its not Hundreds of players Team Killing a few . Its a few Players Team Killing hundreds .
  6. 0fly0

    Maybe he just have his knife key next to a movement key or interaction key, mine is next to my movement key so when i respawn sometine i use the knife.

    The worst is the kind of players like i see an hour ago, i was starting really great against tr with my ghost (really good sniping mode on ^^) and when i go ressuply an HA br 1 rocket me in the face with nothing to shoot aroud, i look his stats and the guy was killing only vanu player... he log off after that and it was a little run, the same thing happen to me a few day ago on a 89 killstreak damn that's frustrating.
  7. FBVanu

    I can not imagine a deliberate teamkiller spending a bunch of nanites to pull an MBT just to run over one or two friendlies.

    Maybe SOE/DBG can try to make friendlies bounce off of friendly vehicles, instead of being run over..

    friendly vehicle on friendly vehicle should not be counted as "you've been firing on friendlies...bla bla bla.."
    No, I did not fire on any friendlies.. a friendly flash didn't see my MBT, came flying over a small hill, hit my side, and I get a warning for potential weapons lock ?? Hey now.

    I believe there is a difference between weapon TKs and vehicle TKs that should be addressed.
  8. Blackbird

    This post is about BLATANT TEAM KILLERS . Not the minor heat of battle Team Kill or someone got ran over .
  9. Taemien

    I think the current system is about good enough. In 2 and a half years, I've been weapon locked twice. Once because I was a noob with a HE tank round back when they had a 5m splash.. and the second time was because someone was trying to C4 my squad's galaxy in the warpgate when we weren't invulnerable in there.

    And I'm not the most accurate shot out there to be honest... lol.

    Now I can't comment on the reporting system for those TKers that just don't care. I've only encountered those people like twice.. so yeah I'd agree the OP's experience is the exception. Everyone I've spoken to that's been TK'd can attribute them to reckless, careless, or even newbish play, annoying, but nothing that needs punitive measures.
  10. TheMish

    You don't seem to understand something.

    War is CHAOS.

    When you have hundreds of people fighting and moving around, with no coordination like in a real life military, you are going to be shot, or shoot a teammate, often. And will often be killed, or kill a teammate.

    Do you know how many times, I've had downy, stupid, comatose idiots run in front of my lasher orbs, as I'm suppressing fire, well before they even came in. Then when I hit them, or kill them. They blame me.

    They're really gonna tell me they can't see those orbs?

    The only problem, is angry wannabe pro br 100's, who constantly tk players because they were accidentally shot, or killed.

    Those people, shouldn't even be allowed to walk in public, God knows how insane they are in reality.
  11. Blackbird

    You cant seem to read .
    This post is about BLATANT TEAM KILLERS . Has been from the start . If you are running 25% TK rate because of a Lasher you are doing something wrong .
  12. HappyStuffin

    Your sympathy is not needed here. Don't be sorry. You effectively legitimize team killers when you apologize for their behavior. What we want to know is..

    What is DBG going to do about it?
  13. RadarX

    There are no plans to make adjustments to the griefing system at this time. We'll continue to look into ways and listen to feedback on how to promote positive player cooperation but there is nothing in discussion right now.
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  14. johnway

    I guess we'll just have to take things into our own hands and issue a blacklist of deliberate team killers and encourage others to shoot them.

    That said, the amount of friendly fire i cause with my trigger happy gun fire, i've taken out a fair few friendlies and go on that list. But damn it, if i find someone i intentionally get killed by, i'm shooting him dead. Ie i'm standing in the spawn room and someone shoots me dead for no reason, i'm tempted to find them and shoot the dick.

    In one recent example i was an infiltrator looking at my map when suddenly i find someone shooting at me with a commissioner. I'm under attack, i turn and i find its a Ha shooting me. No problem, a stray shot no worries, it will register as a friendly fire and he'll stop. He shoots me several times, its at this point i wonder whether he will stop or not. he doesn't. I don't know if he was afraid i was going to shoot him dead (because frankly it was in my right to shoot him dead) or whether he was going to stop.

    He shoots me dead.

    i was tempted to send a message and ask him why or begin a slagging match. But i didn't, i won't. Instead if i see him, i might shoot him dead. I try to find a reason as to why and i can't on http://planetside.tk/ and the name is easily recognizable that if i bump into him i'll think long and hard about it.
  15. HappyStuffin

    Someone mentioned this in another thread and I think it's a good idea.

    Why not implement a "forgive" system? It will not fundamentally change the griefing system, but it will, however, punish intentional griefers while allowing for accidental griefing - if we choose.
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  16. Donterase

    i really like this idea
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  17. Foxirus

    Because that forgive system is heavily flawed. Here is a scenario:

    I'm a disgruntled player who was just killed by the enemy, I'm the best player I know so they must have used hacks. In an attempt to curb my endless rage, I spot some tankmines I plan to kill, But you just blew up the tankmine I was clearly going to handle. Thats too bad, Now I am going to do everything within my power (Standing in front of you as you fire, Driving my flash in front of any vehicle) to get you to kill me so that I can get the forgive system to activate and get you punished. You should have insured with allstate. You wouldn't have had to suffer at the hands of mayhem, Like me.

    Jokes aside, You are effectively giving TK's another tool to use against you.
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  18. Nitrobudyn

    Data mining - find a group of obvious, dedicated teamkillers, measure things like accuracy, used weapons, number of alts, number of banned accounts from certain IP address, average grief points per sesion, etc. Make pattern out of it. When in doubt, use human verification.
    This is also a way to find players who are just fed up with how are they doing on the battle field and TK out of helplessness - You may give them additional advices how to improve in game.

    I don't say this solution is easy to make, but data mining can help You in other things as well, like the fraction balance, for example.
  19. MrJengles

    You could do exactly the same with the current system.

    What we have makes no attempt at differentiating accidents from deliberate TKs so it just assumes a base level of culpability. A forgive system reduces the number of grief points for blatant accidents, meaning those players don't get weapons locked as often. That makes it more accurate than what we have, not perfect.

    Besides, you could make it even more accurate by limiting your punish to forgive ratio, say 1:1. This forces players to not have the mindset of 100% punish because it would be impossible and auto-forgive. If the player refuses to differentiate people, the system treats them as likely innocent (forgive still accrues a very low amount of grief points).

    Oh, and just to point out that colliding vehicles causes you both grief points. That means they could punish you too.
  20. MrJengles

    Have you guys ever considered a forgive/punish system?

    The reason grief can be simultaneously too lenient for sprees and too harsh for accidents is that it treats both exactly the same. This is entirely unnecessary as there are plenty of times players would willingly admit it was their mistake for getting themselves TKed and choose NOT to punish the TKer.

    As for promoting positive player cooperation, that's easy. You do it the same way you attempt to encourage even populations:
    -Minor XP bonuses for low TK rates
    -Possibly minor resource bonuses for low TK rates

    Plus things like advertising your TK rate in player stats, simlar to http://planetside.tk/