c'mon this is pushing the limit

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by runtt, Mar 16, 2015.

  1. runtt

  2. BurntDevil

    That guy is legitimately stupid. Hes pretty good at abusing what he does, but hes had 35 days worth of playtime to get to that point. I dont think he could log that many hours and not be detected. Again, hes stupid. He's very easy to trick, try not engaging him straight on and you can typically kill him.
  3. TerminalT6

    I've come across him multiple times, and if he is hacking, it's subtle.
    But I really doubt it.
    Believe it or not, some players, and all of the players in AC, are exceptionally good at this game. They know which weapons to use, how to use them, how to use their numbers, and how to use their gear (mice/graphics). They dig into the marrow of this game, and they're more effective for it.

    If you fight them, you will die quickly. They will shoot you in the face. It does 2x damage, or so they say. That's how they built their stats, on the bodies of casual players who just wanted to have fun without developing a wealth of knowledge regarding video game technicalities.

    Anyway, special story about JustHereForOrion. I do not think a hacker would pull a MAX just to get rid of a pesky infiltrator. I sniped him once or twice, and he hunted me down in his high-heeled crab suit. He probably doesn't remember, but I sure do. Hayd Skydock. I remember. ~spooky spooks~

    Okay, watch all of AC be hackers and I look like an idiot. Clever Canadians.
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  4. Cz4rMike

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  5. Jawarisin

    Not a hacker haha, actually killed him earlier, and he killed me too. At no point did it even look like hacks. He's just really good, and seriously, look at his kills with orion.... 74000... Don't you think he's figured out how to aim the thing by now?
  6. Demigan

    I actually think the guy is better at picking his fights combined with being pretty good than that he's godlike. Sticking to Zergs, defending Biolabs (just look at his defence vs attack score!) and making sure that whatever happens, they are at the advantage. Perhaps Terminal is also right in that they have the right graphics settings etc to get advantages such as not having trouble with smoke grenades.
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  7. FateJH

    At least his name is fitting.
  8. Leftconsin

    Solid play, rarely missing if ever, and using the best LMG on the hardest to kill class. There are plenty of people who can do this. Are they all cheating? Maybe, but I don't think so.
  9. Ruxxis

    Stats look legit to me.
    He fights only when advantaged.
    Redeploys when disadvantaged.
    Don't invite him to your squad.
    He won't risk/sacrifice his life to capture enemy base and he will take your kills while farming/defending.
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  10. Meeka

    No, I don't believe he's a hacker... He's just a very elusive and effective player... like most of the AC guys. If you've ever fought AC they're ridiculously good. They don't run blindly into battle, they pick their fights carefully, and cover each other really well and don't face smash... that's the key to their success and high KDR... they work really well as a team and watch each other's backs, so they don't die as much.

    Getting a 11 KDR isn't difficult when you have solid players around you and you pick your fights carefully; instead of doing what most people do, running blindly into a building with weapons blazing.
  11. Leftconsin

    Base ownership is so fleeting and meaningless that I'm surprised anyone cares about it. Captures don't get you anything and everything gets reset when the continent locks in a few hours anyway.

    Take this post for example:
    You're right. When I actually play carefully I can do those things. http://i.imgur.com/GJ8hbxT.png
    My KDR with the Cougar is 8, Lynx 3.5, Razor 3.7. Because I have not been charging blindly with those guns.
    And Im not even good at this game and I can do that. So yeah, someone who isn't no aim trash should get 10+ KDR.
  12. uhlan

    It's not hard to get stats close to this if you pick your fights and operate within a group of like-minded folks.

    Add a deep knowledge of the game mechanics, have solid gaming gear/connectivity and you become a farming machine.

    Individuals with this kind of knowledge, especially squads of these folks, will clean house against most opposition.

    Many of the "elite" outfits we see will drop into a base that suits farming, at certain times of the day, then leave once the defense or offence gets too stiff and they can't control the enemy zerg through choke-points.

    Not all good outfits do this, but there are a few that do this kind of thing exclusively.
  13. HadesR

    HA crutching Bunny hopping medi kit Junkie ? ...

    Fairly common .. Move along nothing to see
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  14. Alarox

    He's not hacking, he's just ridiculously good.
  15. Iridar51

    He's a:
    • medkit popping = impossible to kill even if you get the drop on him
    • VS = invisible default camo
    • HA = shield crutch
    • With Orion = best CQC LMG
    He's Top 50 in the number of medkits popped among the whole VS population.
    That's four factors in his equipment alone that drastically increase his combat potential and survival chances. Couple that with lots of experience and probably generally high skill.
    All of it should explain how it's possible to have a K/D so high.
    That said, I wouldn't be surprised if he's using subtle "hacks" like recoil compensation macro, which Orion would benefit greatly from due to high vertical recoil pattern.
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  16. HadesR

    Not sure if possible here but since it is in games such as BF it wouldn't surprise me .. But can also remove spread ( CoF ) with macro's ... .. Could be scripts depending how you would classify them based on the item that uses them..

    Sure everyone knows what that item is but don't want to advertise it .
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  17. Iridar51

    Erm, no, can't remove CoF with mouse macros.
  18. FABIIK

    Is 30% accuracy with Orion that good ?
  19. gartho33

    3+ seconds between kills... human average accuracy... only uses a single weapon....

    yup... must be a hacker.... no way someone could achieve military efficiency on a video game...
  20. sustainedfire

    His play is always suspicous. Emerald houses a number of people that run scripts, and probably "hacks" as well.

    Im tired of seeing player characters start to do the up down crouch stand left right lag exploit boogie whenever they get shot.