Galaxzy bombers

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by TheKharjo, Mar 16, 2015.

  1. TheKharjo

    Well just like the title says , it would be nice for galaxy's to be more than oversize gunships capable of transporting troops.
    Should add a bombing upgrade to them so that the gunner (or even pilot) can drop high explosive bombs on the battlefield (carpet bombs would be really fun, but any big splash damage bombs would be nice too) , and they should be able to carry a few, like 6 for instance.
    Anyway this is my suggestion, cant wait to hear your opinions (an opinion that comes from a shi**y pilot LOL) .
  2. FateJH

    Planetside 2 Galaxies are already a mash of the Planetside Classic standard Galaxy and their variant the Galaxy Gunship. Slap Bulldogs on the wings.

    Liberators were the carpet bombers in Planetside Classic and retain that role in Planetside 2 with the Dalton, Zepher, and the Duster. I don't know how to account for the Shredder.
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  3. TechMechMeds

    This would be cool but it would probably need some kind of drawback, like maybe the wing turrets cannot be fitted as bombs are put in it's place. The bombs could be very large yield and you'd have to resupply after every drop.
  4. ronjahn

    Galaxy weapons were Nerfed a few months back because they were to effectively filling the Liberators bombing role. I couldn't imagine them reversing that change or even buffing them further. Cooler Lib bomber choices would be nice, but the gal is to tanky to allow to roam around dropping 500lb bombs on things with impunity.
  5. Xiad

    A well-upgraded Galaxy is already a skyfortress. I've had great fun with mine, having nearly as much anti-infantry power as a Liberator, incredible resilience to sustained fire and surprisingly powerful anti-air capacity as well to boot. The Galaxy definitely doesn't need to stray further from it's intended role as mass aerial transport. Trust me.
  6. vincent-

    This has been talked about a lot all ready. The concept was no guns no troop transport. It would carpet bomb a large area in it's travel angle. The explosive power would be great for the draw back to be fair it would have to re-arm at it's warpgate the other would be travel. battles further away from the warpgate would mean more risk from attack gunships/fighters.
  7. Pikachu

    Wing mounted halberds please.
  8. TechMechMeds

    The way i see it is that things are just op or up in certain situations. X situation shouldn't dictate whether or not we can have new and nice things as they are not absolute.

    At the end of the day we all die a loads anyway so who really cares how much of a beast it is?. If it was 'op' then people will just pull more aa to counter it. It's not like the gal bomber would fly around completely unhindered and just magically dominate. I'm pretty certain people will want to take it out asap and if it drops it's bombs then people are going to be on the lookout for that one trick pony.

    Rather than focussing on it being op because X, let's start focussing on ways to have nice things through drawbacks so that they can't be 'op', let's start using problem solving skills rather being dumb and focussing on problems as if they are absolute, especially if they haven't even materialised yet.

    At the rate of this op/up thing going on, we may as well call it a day and not have anything new. Not everyone is going to be happy. I don't feel too good when a tank mine blows my tank up before i have control of it, i also don't feel too good when an infi sneaks up and 2 shots me while im repairing something.

    Sht happens, lets have nice things.
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  9. TheKharjo

    Well..... i couln't have put it better myself man.
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