[Suggestion] Nerf Debris

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Jake the Dog, Mar 16, 2015.

  1. Jake the Dog

    In a quest to put out a decent thread that most sane people will agree upon. That isn't giving me nosebleeds reading, I think its time to fix debris.

    As it stands, a cannon that shoots out sunderer tires would be more effective than dual titan 150AP mounted on a deployed prowler.

    While it might be funny to see a burning atv land on a tank and watch the tank explode (which admittedly it can be) when you're the MBT it is infuriating.

    Or maybe how when you kill an MBT and it does a front flip and lands on your tank and you blow up.

    Or a sunderer blows up and a tire lands on your hood and you blow up.

    Or an esf blows up above you and a piece lands on your tank and you blow up.

    Or a small jeep rolls up to you squealing in demonic laughter which you subsquently destroy then lands on your tank and you blow up.

    So yeah, fix this already this has been an issue for awhile and Im hoping the new dev team can fix what Im hoping is an easy fix.
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  2. Scr1nRusher

    We should have vehicle wreckage & destroyed vehicle models instead of debris.
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  3. Yuki10

    I've had a few fun ones:
    1) While in a Lightning - a FRIENDLY flash rams me causing tank to fly up into the air, flip and explode.
    2) Enemy sundy up on a hill - hitting it from AP Vanguard. It explodes, rolls down the hill hits my tank - instant death
    3 ) Flying in a reaver - friendly ESFs pick apart enemy Valkyrie. It explodes at a distance from me. I see debris start flying. Then they freeze mid air away from me. Next thing i see is a death screen.
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  4. SlowwRidE

    would be nice if the wreckage stay longer in the field., you know ., passing through a field fully of death corpses, wreckage and burned grass ( i don´t asking about crater). can add a lot of inmmersion and ¡ cover ! for the infantry to still in a fight., but .. btw! ., wreckage can´t destroy tanks., that´s is bad. also ESF´s colliding in the sky must be MAD [Mutual assurance destruction] ( i think is something like that).
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  5. Dethfield

    I would like to see wreckage reworked entirely.

    - All wreckage has weight to it depending on what vehicle it is. It will not suddenly bounce upwards or fly in insane directions once the vehicle is destroyed. Tanks, both MBTs and Lightnings, and sunderers will barely move at all once destroyed. Harassers and flashes can me a little more "mobile".

    - The wreckage then remains where it is for a certain length of time. It cannot be moved, cannot be destroyed (or can be if more damage is applied). This way, destroying a tank can be used to create a roadblock (that MBT that just brewed up is now a major obstacle sitting infront of that gate shield).

    - Touching the wreckage that is sitting still will never, ever, cause you to spontaneously explode ever again!
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  6. Taemien

    I like this idea. But I'm not opposed to debris becoming a harmless particle effect either for the time being.
  7. SlowwRidE

    like that could be great.

    but really ., the vehicle explode, send debris everywhere and in the next 10 seconds dissapear., this things remember than i am playing a videogame., i think is always "More real" Better. also infantry can develop better in the middle of the field if can take cover in wreckage and debris., also ., I repeat it again could be awesome if you can see all the debris and the explosions from the last battle.

    also you can make a Sunderer recycler and reciclate the enemy wreckage to take more nanites, people can go to your sunderer and recharge his nanites pools, like a support ability and win certs. at this moment i am starting to imagine people fighting for debris

    Sorry., Creative mind out of control.
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  8. SlowwRidE

    yeap.! but can´t be the most dangerous thing in the combat field.
  9. CapperDeluxe

    I do think it shouldn't be nerfed too much, I do enjoy the surprise of being crushed by some random exploded aircraft or other nearby vehicle. Even when it sucks that I died, have to admit its pretty crazy and adds to the experience, especially if its your enemy who just got smashed :)
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  10. PromptCritical Developer

    Debris launched by destroyed vehicles (e.g. tires, engines, etc) has been disabled for about a month now. The only thing that can hurt you now is the destroyed "husk" of the vehicle.
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  11. Scr1nRusher

    Interesting, I've notice this.

    Have you guys ever considered creating destroyed vehicle models/wreckage?
  12. \m/SLAYER\m/

    make it stuck at same place for ground vehicles and reduce "life-time" for aircraft for about 1-2 seconds, it's enough for ramming.
  13. St0mpy

    I think its fine where it is, I like to see the results of a skirmish the same as I like to see a dead body just to make sure its not going to randomly pop up fully healed from behind a rock.
  14. Demigan

    Can I offer some alternatives?

    Wreckage can still be moved. Road blocks would be too frequent to keep the tank game fun. They an stay and reduce the vehicle speed or act as barriers for incoming fire. I would also add a system that Wreckage needs to be moving a certain speed before it gets lethal, when it stops moving at that speed it becomes unlethal.
    Wreckage also gets health. You can blow it apart with enough explosives. This so it isn't a permanent barrier.

    Small wreckage that doesn't provide cover has a very short lifespan to prevent them from reducing server speed. So tires and small pieces dissappear quickly.
  15. FBVanu

    Here we are, again... SOE/DBG are you reading this?

    We tried it here: https://forums.station.sony.com/ps2...ix-the-debris-insanity-already-please.207688/

    Question: I have NEVER seen any Valkyrie debris. Never. Maybe it's my low settings? All I ever see is them simply disappearing into thin air, poof, they are gone, no debris, no nothing.
    Why can't all debris be just like that? Have the nanites release their last energy (explosion), then nothing.. just dust in the wind, maybe leave a cloud, like a smoke grenade, for a few seconds.. could be nice for air battles, fly through the remaining nanite cloud of your recent kill... drive through the cloud of the enemy tank I just blew up.. without hitting some strange debris that instagibs me.

    Would that not also decrease lag and hitching? That would be a good thing, wouldn't it?
  16. Hiperion

    I also want a debris nerf, is ridiscouly that a flash debris insta kill my MBT
  17. Yuki10

    Now if you could only make the "husk" make any kind of sense...Pinning a vehicle in place until husk de-pops, is OK. Husk barely scratching an MBT and insta-killing it is NOT OK.

    Also, what people here are talking about is less really about debris vs collision on movable objects (vehicles) which behave in some strange ways. I've been in a tank that was sent into the air by a flash. I've seen Sundy trying to push a flash, which stood still like it was anchored in place. I constantly see tank's turrets point into the sky due to some weird mechanics.

    Two friendly tanks pinching a third one in between will cause it to explode... was that done on purpose?

    Or how about slip-N-slide conditions when two vehicles get into a collision and start sliding uncontrollably while stuck together?

    Debris should be nothing but a visual effect. Right now they don't add to realism as they behave in completely unrealistic ways. If anything - falling debris should temporarily disable the vehicle or slow it down. Not actually make it flip into the air or explode on contact.

    As always - telling is everything is ok, no problem here. People are just imagining things that are not there.....
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  18. CNR4806

    The "husk" needs to stop launching itself 10 feet into the air and obliterating whatever it happens to land on.

    Either stop them from jumping all over the place, or massively decrease the damage received when hit by it.
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  19. Mythologicus

    I had a flaming TR Harasser drive around the corner at full speed, explode just in front of me, sail barely over the top of my Lightning, grabbing the turret in the process and physically dragging it with the wreckage.

    Needless to say, I exploded.

    Worse, the driver got kill credit.
  20. FBVanu

    NERF to the husk.:mad:

    Husk is totally OP:rolleyes:

    In all seriousness... just get rid of it altogether. Turn it into a shroud of dust, give it some funny faction colors...
    blue cloud, purple cloud and red cloud.. that temporarily blocks lock-ons, unless the shooter has heat seeking or night vision

    That would be far more entertaining, maybe even giving the game something unique in a positive way..
    rather than the unique debris/husk mechanic that fails in every aspect of logic and only provides negative feedback.

    Help me out here, I'm trying to make sense...