Things that needs sorting out .

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Dreez, Mar 15, 2015.

  1. Dreez

    1). Magriders ability to climb near vertical mountainside needs to be sorted out, NO tank should be
    able to skid up a 90º angle, boosting or not. I've seen it done, as many others.

    2). Skyguards needs a much stronger top armor. Currently its 10% 200Cert armor does nothing against ESF's with
    Hornets or Libs with Dalton or Bustercannon.. A Skyguard is the "ultimate" Anti-air and should only have to fear
    getting either swarmed by Air or 1v1 against a tank. A Lightning with standard gun can take out a Skyguard easily,
    but a Skyguard against a Liberator or ESF will melt in a second..

    Give Skyguard a much more powerful TOP armor, so it can do what it's suppose to do.

    Air kills tanks > Tanks skills Skyguard > Skyguard kills Air...

    3). Flash's running into and over MAX's and killing them ... NO. A Flash running into a MAX shouldn't kill them.

    4). MAX's Ravens are the Anti-vehicle weapon, yet they got half the range of any tank which means a tank only needs
    to sit roughly 250meters from the MAX and it is out of danger. If a designated target of a MAX's current job can
    hit the MAX, then the MAX should be able to hit back - otherwise you remove the point of the AV-weapon.

    5). Debris from killed vehicles should not be killing tanks when rolling over them. I have seen tanks at 100% health
    die from a junk-sundy rolling over them. I can understand if infantry dies - but not tanks.
  2. sustainedfire

    Disagree with everything you wrote.

    Let Magriders climb. They have maneuverability. That's their niche.

    Skyguard kills ESF just fine. It does good against Liberators as well. Though a Liberator with a crew is likely to kill your 1 man tank. Seems quite fine.

    Flashes are so weak, if you were run over without splatting the driver or destroying the Flash- You just were not paying attention- that's their deserved kill.

    Ravens have ridiculous range. On Emerald, there are players that can pin point hit and kill infantry from absurd range. Cheaters? Maybe. Though it happens pretty frequently, and from extraordinary distance. Youre lucky you have long range guided MAX AV that kills. Try being a TR Max, good luck killing anything with a Fracture. And the viable TR MAX AV is extremely close range. Pounders put you right up a tanks rear to get the job done. Man up, you have good AV in your NC MAX.

    Debris is fine. Its provides entertainment, and some minor sense of realism.
  3. Sunflash

    PS: Anything with a Walker > Skyguard.
  4. Leftconsin

    1. Swagriders are the Light Assaults of tanks. Doing goofy things like trick jumping into meaningful areas is what makes games fun.

    2. We shouldn't have hard rock-paper-scissors type balance. There needs to be wiggle room for one party to outplay and beat the other, even if the other is using the counter.

    3. Maybe that MAX should have not been caught out in the open where they are SUPER vulnerable. Stay indoors where you can farm tears, Mr.MAX. The monsters that eat you are all outside.

    4. Ravens are in an OK spot right now. And it seems like you're asking for a buff, even though most complaints are asking for a big nerf to Ravens. And as the other responder said: Fractures are garbage.

    5. In the old days debris would just instagib you if it touched you. Full health tank? ESF flying above you exploded? You die and there is nothing you can do about it. It is nowhere near that bad anymore.