I used to love the Ursa

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Bonom Denej, Mar 9, 2015.

  1. Bonom Denej

    So... I don't play much, only 2 to 4 hours per week, so getting Auraxium on weapons is one hard thing for me to achieve. But with the Directive and the new LMG banner, I gave myself a little goal to get that expert level with 4 LMG with at least 160 kills.

    So, my Orion was done (Aurax'd 20 BR ago). By that time, I already had over 200 kills with the NS-15M(1) so I decided to switch to a third weapon. The Flare was low cost, apparently offered a different playstyle so I tried it. Getting those 160 kills were lovely. Since I loved the Flare so much, and with some friends advice, I decided for the fourth LMG to unlock the Ursa since it was apparently fighting in the same category as the Flare.

    When first using it I was like damn, this thing is good. But after a while... I realized I didn't really like it that much and getting those final few kills (yesterday actually) was kinda painful. I'm now back to Aurax du NS-15M and I even think I'll use the Flare again more often.

    Why was the Ursa so underwhelming? Isn't it supposed to be a long range weapon? Even with a compensator I find the recoil to be super high and when I aim at people above the 50m mark with it, I often end up dead before I can get the shield of the other dude down... I used the Flare in a completely different manner with extended mag for actually more close to mid range focus and it really worked for me but I tried it with the Ursa and didn't seem to get the same results...

    Anyway, now back with the NS-15M and damn, even if it's low damage, at least I can aim with it. I will probably never go back to the Ursa again. So... Similar experience with weapons?
  2. Veph

    Ursa/Polaris - avoidddd! Some people like the Polaris for the 100 shot mag, but really, it sucks. Not as bad as the Ursa, but I'd rather try killing people barehanded than with those things giving me the false impression of being able to defend myself.

    Tried the Flare in burst mode yet? Pure headshot machine on all ranges. I like the NS-15 too, almost 0 recoil, TR-ish feel to it and gives me a break to all the tiring pewpew noise. Just the low RPM give me a bit of headache.
    In the end, if you want to dominate at range (and dare I say I'm kinda undefeated at 40m+? (Infils aside)) SVA/Flare(burst), and make the snipers ragequit. Forget the Ursa.

    I regret using the Polaris as my 5th LMG as I should have gone with SVA, Flare, Orion, NS-15 and Pulsar LSW. Ursa was never an option =P
  3. Bonom Denej

    Never touched the Polaris myself as many people told me it was garbage. But I really had faith in the Ursa and I had a good feel when beginning to use it. And yeah, I almost played the Flare exclusively in burst when aiming at longer range, it's nice to have when you can't control your burst yourself. I tried that with the Ursa but somehow the kick felt stronger.
    Not interested in a fifth LMG so fare since I'd need to Aurax the first 4 before, but I know the SVA-88 would be the last for sure.
  4. Clay

    Which attachments are you using? I am a weird player, because I like the polaris a lot :D
    Ursa is okay-ish. It needs a different playstyle than orion. From your stats i took that your accuracy is not that good, Ursa and Polaris are both good weapons to work on that because the RPM doesnt allow you to waste a lot of shots. If you cant hit you are dead ^^

    Something general to the : This Weapon is garbage, this weapon is godlike opinions

    From my over 2 years Planetside experience: nope. Your weapon choice makes a difference <10%. If you are good with orion you can be good with polaris too. It is not like one thing is a car and one a motorcycle. Both are lmgs that you need to aim at the head and control the recoil.

    There is a difference between lmg, shotgun, smg and carbine. But in the categorys itself it rarely matters (at least to me) My performance will not rapidly change up or down depending on the weapon I use. I just need to get used to it a couple hours and I can kill with it just fine. I think most people overestimate the importance of the gun choice by a HUGE margin. You can give a bad player any gun you want, he will still be bad. You can give a good player any gun, he will still be good. Improve with training, learning and beeing smart, not because your gun is "better". It just isnt.
  5. Bonom Denej

    2x, compensator and forward grip. Classic long range setup. I use the same for the NS-15M.

    Yeah, my aim definitely improved with the Ursa. My stats on the NS-15M, which I used right after Auraxing the Orion, are pretty ****** because I just had a lot of trouble using the weapon at first somehow. But now, I see my accuracy going up every time I play with the Recursion Tracker. Slow and steady, sloooow and steaaady.

    Yeah because you play a lot, good for you. I can only play 2 to 4 hours per week so each time I have a new weapon that operate in a different range, it's hard to ajust. Going from the Orion to the Ursa is one hell of a step for me. It's cool if you're good enough and have enough hours into this game to be able to adjust quickly to weapons, but I think you underestimate by a HUGE margin the fact that not everybody is capable of doing so.

    You can actually replace "better" by "easier". Some weapon are harder to handle than the others. The Ursa definitely has a higher skill cap than the Orion for instance.