Blance VS

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by crypticcres, Mar 5, 2015.

  1. Chewy102

    There is no countering a full platoon spawning in from nothing. Not without already having more than that in prime placements for the entire base cap wasting so much of everyones time it isn't funny and having everyone time their fire as to not make gaps. The amount of resources needed to counter that will loose alerts while the resources to do it is hardly anything.

    It also isn't TR or NC being to disorganized to not play the redeployside meta. TR and NC re- ******* -fuse to play it out of it being a **** meta, bad gameplay, and no fun. We will do it but under protest. Enough to use less efficient ways as in air swarms/gal drops. VS abuse the hell out of redeploying like you said. Many times again and again you can/will see TR/NC pull logistic vehicles and use them. Gal drops, Sunderer convoys, you name it, TR/NC is more likely to fall back and bring tools to a fight. If that works or not depends on the fight but it always leads to good fights in my opinion. VS on Emerald, in my eyes, tend to just have a full platoon or more warp around the map endlessly. They crush any smaller fights they can and move on ASAP. Just look at a map and you will see 48+ zones pop from one hex to another without any travel.

    What in your opinion takes more organization or leadership to do? Warp from base to base or use logistics.

    Then we have all the other things that go into why VS is doing well in fights like render range AV damage, the BJ being near god tier, and their (although not that bad) ability to deal massive amounts of AOE damage making so many areas death traps.
  2. Hatesphere

    "i dont like it so i wont do it" is not an excuse and does not mean VS is OP. Also there are Tr and NS outfits that do the same thing but to a lesser extent. AOD on TR for example is pretty much a redeploy side outfit.

    the BJ is far from op, its good at farming idiots that wont join a squad, thats about it, run into any serious resistance and you are better off with an orion. as soon as more then one person is aware of you the BJ loses all of its advantage. you need to control the fight to make full use of it.

    despite what people think redeploy is part of the game at the moment. to ignore it and proclaim oneself superior does nothing but show you are unwilling to play the game as it is, no that one faction is OP. if you have the more organized force you can still spawn the same way but on a sunder or two.
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  3. Chewy102

    Any fight that the Orion can do the BJ can do. But the Orion can't do all the fights the BJ can.

    The forward grip and laser sight doesn't do all that much anyway. The Orion doesn't need those things to start with as that weapon already has the smallest COF of any LMG but the one. Other LMGs use attachments to get to Orion levels. The fact that VS treat those attachments on a weapon that is already one, if not the most, accurate LMG in the game so highly really show they can't handle a weapon worth a damn.

    Then it comes to ammo counts. Orion has 50, BJ has 45~. If you need to empty either mag then you wasn't going to win that fight anyway. Just living that long in view of an enemy is a wonder at times. Plus we have the little fact of the Orion having a forced downtime of having no way to get more than 50 rounds before a reload. You can reload before all 50 are used but you WILL have a reload and a moment of time you can't do anything with that weapon. The BJ cools down every moment you are not using it. Be that while using rockets, a pistol, walking across a room, popping a medkit, or anything. That means it will never see that forced downtime and will ALWAYS be able to return fire, unless you overheat it, with anywhere from where you left off to a full mag.

    You don't need to control the fight to get the best use of the BJ. You only need to play the game and it will do the work for you. You will still have to survive a fight and neither the laser sight or forward grip will do jack all with that in the long run. The laser sight can do something but that isn't going to be a magic fight winning thing.

    Having zero forced downtime thanks to the heat system does FAR more than any attachment could ever do. Just look at any stats site and you will see the BJ on top by FAR of ANY other LMG. players defending it is getting to look the same as when players defended the old OP ZOE and Magriders. Saying that those systems sucked and everyone else just needed to "get gud" when all the stats shown they was killing EVERYTHING.

    Either people are 1- trying to keep OP toys, 2- don't know what they hell they are talking about, or 3- don't understand that they can't be a winner in every single thing at all times like this is some single player game.
  4. 00000000000000000000

    So uh, You?
  5. nehylen

    While i'm not denying that not having to reload is very powerful and quite possibly OP on a LMG (because they're balanced around longer reloads), you seem to be very misinformed otherwise.

    Just look up the numbers. Orion is the most inaccurate LMG in ads, and can only have "good" hipfire with a laser sight: Orion LS move+stand hipfire: 2.345; Anchor/MSW-R: 2.25; for reference, generic stock AR: 2.5 .
  6. Jovisfulmina

    Orion one of the most accurate lmg in the game ? Sometimes I wish I were dead rather than reading ******** like that on a daily basis.
    But hey, Chewy102 is a BR76 NC so he knows what he is talking about. Haaa hahahaha, I can't even say it while keeping a straight face ! :D
  7. Pikachu

    Vanu is OP. :mad:
  8. Goldmonk

  9. Pikachu

    Sunderer sniper lancer.
  10. Goldmonk

    Okay, since that was a rocket, that is extremely OP. But since I can follow the tracer, his *** is mine.
  11. Jovisfulmina

    That screenshot is truly beautiful. I've never been on the receiving end, so I was wondering what it looked like. And it looks awesome :cool:
    I agree that it's a great AV weapon, and most important it's the most "Vanu-like" weapon. That's why no nerf is required, that's how asymetrical balance should work. Getting hit with a Phoenix by a guy behind cover is annoying too but I wouldn't nerf it
  12. Goldmonk

    What do the TR get?
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  13. BIllyGG

    I was just doing an alert on Miller where VS had a 56% and was dominating both NC and TR because they refused to fight the VS.

    sounds like you have the exact same problem. it was like "Emerald Ver. 2"
  14. Jovisfulmina

    1 year ago the Striker was very popular, it could lock-on ESF's and hit them for 75% of their hp, it stroke fear into enemies hearing the beep-beep lock-on noise. Since I've come back not so long ago I heared its been nerfed severly but I don't know yet how.
    It's not specific to a server, when two faction are weaker they fight eacher to get easier kills rather than being overwhelmed by the dominant zerg. But overall, NC currently have the biggest population on Miller.
  15. Goldmonk

    It got nerfed big time. It's to the point where I'm pulling the SKEP and the Grounder, just ignoring the Striker altogether.
  16. CriticalThinker

    i would rather fight the tr than the vanu because at least with tr their weapon mechanics are reasonable. vanu weapons are just so super controllable and have such fast fire rates... doesnt matter if the guns do less damage, if youre landing all your shots, you win.

    not to mention the top players/outfits on my server are all vanu so you know half of them cheat.
  17. Scatterblak

    It's hardly the VS' fault that we tend to fight together during alerts. Check out your tab key - when you see an alert coming in, get your faction together and go fight for it. In any case, ask for a buff if you guys need one -- asking to nerf our faction just because things aren't working out for you is just whining.
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  18. customer548

    " Haxxorz...haxxorz everywhere...Me being farmed...can't play !!! Nerf Vanus now OMG NOW !!!! " -:eek:
  19. Sunflash

    Someone said it earlier but I'll mention it again anyway.

    The VS on Emerald just casually teams up far far easier than the TR and NC.

    Honestly the ease with which the random teamups happen is astounding. Not really seen anything on this level anywhere near it.
    I don't know, maybe it means we're all a bunch of sheep that are very happy to take orders and not think; but if someone says "Hey guys we have too many here we need to have some of us go over there" in region then it almost always happens.

    I don't know why, I don't know how, but that's pretty much it.

    (And before you complain, yes I have a TR on Emerald as well. Not near as much fun for some reason though...)
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  20. CriticalThinker
