[Suggestion] Mega Futuristic City Battleground

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by HypestHype, Mar 7, 2015.

  1. HypestHype

    Would've laid this down on the wishlist at roadmap but can't so....

    -What good sir?

    A CONTINENT THATS A HUGE FUTURISTIC WAR DEVASTATED CITY! High skyscrapers for esf's to maneuver through, in, around, under.....
    -oh lawd!
    .... dozen boulevards throughout the city for tank battles, dozens and dozens and dozens of smaller roads and alleys for epic infantry battles that can take the fight inside buildings and outside on the roads....
    - OH LAWD!!
    -*faints and jizzes him/herself*

    P.S. just a harsh thought this idea is :D
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  2. MarkAntony

    Suggested before and unfortunately shot down for performance reasons.

    But I would love to see it, too. Some day, maybe.
  3. Pikachu

    Has been suggested 9999 times already. Has be said not possible because of performance. Too much stuff. Anyway we'll see what they can make out of the city battle island.
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  4. qquqq

    thats it there is no going back we need a terminator continent,,,, they can even use the new AI in the game to program flying machines and T-800s and those big tanks, they could say that VS found some strange thing under ground and it woke up the super computer, they even use plasma weapons :D exactly why the TR was trying to stop them in the first place.

    the continent would be based off of destroyed citys, and the Processing plants would be the 4th faction.
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  5. Karrick

    We could call it Lag City ;)
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  6. GHostmarine101

    I always liked the idea of having a spaceship continent type thing. Where the three factions are fighting to gain control, the ship would have had to have been huge inorder to accompany the amount of people on auraxis. Capturing places like the vehicle bays would be like how a tech plant gives you access to MBTs, having bases called infantry baracks, upper deck, medical bay and even the Command bridge (or whatever you call the control centre) which would be the main focus for each faction to capture. I know vehicle combat would be limited but think of having space battles around the giant spaceship in ESFs and common pool aircrafts, the way you could access bases is by using docking bays which could have the faction specific vehicle shields to block out enemies but could be taken down by destroying a generator. I imagine it as having bases above and below each other like decks/levels on a spaceship, accessible by large ramps or stairs. It's just something I think would be cool and everytime I think about it my head lights up with so many ideas. Sorry for the long read if you even bothered to but spaceship continent... Think about it
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  7. z1967

    It will be just like Stalingrad. 9/10 people will spawn with a gun. Those who are lucky enough to get a gun will only have one magazine of ammo. Also if you turn back you will be shot for glorious motherland.

    In all seriousness, a city battle island is in the works and looks pretty cool. ESFs will have a ball there, and tanks may finally get some use out of the Kobalt for once. Urban combat sounds fun on paper, so we will see what how it ends up on the PTS. Maybe Flash bangs will be useful shiys and giggles:rolleyes:.
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  8. TheMish

    You know, when I saw the title.

    I thought you wanted the background of the continents expanded, so you can see cities in the distance.

    That'd be sexy too right?

    C'mon pls, also cities to fight in.
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  9. Shadowomega

    I posted a less detailed version of this back in 2003/4 back in PS1, then updated it slightly back in 2013. But anyway yea this has been requested alot.

    The First Colony

    Shortly after the arrival on Auraxis the fleet started sent down explore team for a viable primary sight for disembarking civilians while the fleet drops prefab facilities on other continents. The explorers found a perfect spot, it had fertile land that could be tilled for crops and mountains that scans indicated had a good deposits of minerals for constructing more prefab facilities and the primary colony. What the colonist found was what some described as possible Eden, or Shangual. Nestled in a valley between two mountain chains the colonist began constructing a new home. Terrain High Command picked out a spot in the north western side of the valley along side the head of the river. The New Conglomerate set up to the south by the mouth of the river in the ferial farm lands. The Science team set up a Xenotech research center in the North East side next to where an energy signature, similar to the moon belt artifact, was discovered.

    Over the next ten years the colony had grown slowly due to using conventional construction means but thanks to a member of the Science team nanites were discovered. Nanites could be used to configure matter into just about anything given the proper amount of resources, to assemble the object. However, that wasn't the only thing nanites could be used for; in conjunction with the energy field of the planet the nanites could maintain most of these objects. Soon after any most new buildings used nanite technology in their construction and some older important structures like bridges, and hospitals were rebuilt or infused with nanites. With this boon Nanite Systems quickly became the first independent Industrial Giant on the planet. They quickly built a primary Office with R&D facilities in the middle of the island in the middle of the valley with several smaller facilities around the now rapidly growing city scape.

    At the Dawn of the Great War Each group began to withdraw to undisclosed locations though the warp gates that appeared near of the factions headquarters. Soon after the withdraw of most of the factions the gates shut down cut off all of those left behind. Soon after those left behind started blame each other and a war started where each faction agreed to keep the war from. When it was all over all those left behind were dead and the first colony was in ruined.

    Over an untold amount of years the gates to the colony reactivated and the factions came though only to find this once great city which was not to be harmed was destroyed. The only buildings to remain were those that used nanite construction while the rest were ruble on the ground. It was soon discovered that with out the warp gates active on the continent the rebirthing tubes were inoperable so the people of the city were unable to rematrix back to one of the tubes. Now each faction fights to be the one to reclaim and rebuild the city and claim Auraxis is rightfully theirs.
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  10. HypestHype

    i guessed it was suggested many times before but WE MUST KEEP THE IDEA LIVING IN HOPE ONE DAY IT WILL LIVE! And a guy can dream cant he eh? :D

    Also i agree that a background visualisation of a city or something would be cool... And the space ship thingie would be awesome too! But i think it would be mostly infantry + flashes and maybe harrasers.... Also the little continent city thingy could be less lagy and performance hard :D