[Video] MAX-imum Revenge

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by TCryan44, Mar 6, 2015.

  1. TCryan44

    Exhausted, weary, and feeling hopeless, the MAX fled the scene of the battle.

    Little did he know of the opportunity to come shortly in his future!

    Thank you for watching:)
    • Up x 1
  2. andy_m

    Nice work. MAX and Harasser combo can be relentless...
  3. Liewec123

    awesome vid, one quick recommendation when using a 3 person harraser/MAX combo:
    make one of the people a medic with maxed out Triage it will keep the max alive and also give the medic extra xp :)
    but great video noone the less :D
  4. TCryan44

    Thank you very much! :D
  5. TCryan44

    Thank you, agreed!
  6. NinjaTurtle

    Nice video, music was good choice. Game play was good, although I do think you were a bit mean to the VS pilot at the end, he only wanted a ride
  7. TCryan44

    Haha thank you, and maybe, just maybe you're right about the end :p
  8. qquqq

    looks like regular op tr max and op vulcan harasser video to me,
  9. Clay

    The video itself is good, but a pounder max in a harasser killing low br lightnings with some dramatic music? meh.

    Its not like youre doing anything special here. I do the same with my Light Assault and more swag :p
  10. DrPapaPenguin

    Ah, if only it was possible to Lockdown on the roof of the harasser and surf it in glorious style...
  11. TCryan44

    Ok thanks for the pointless comment, with a hint of self glorification.
  12. Clay

    Youre welcome!